
Photograph via snooOG

Welcome to r/meth, a haven for the unconventional. This is a sanctuary for lost souls, partiers, the functional and dysfunctional, and shadow people alike. Our purpose it to provide a community that helps users by providing educational resources, harm reduction information, safe and responsible use guidance, entertainment, and acceptance for those of us who have a hard time being accepted anywhere else. Please READ THE RULES, and be respectful to fellow members when participating.

r/Meth Rules:

RULE 1 - NO SOURCING No sourcing of any psychoactive substances, legal or not, will be tolerated and will result in a permanent ban. No naming locations, vendors, marketplaces, prices, synthesis techniques, or anything which leads to sourcing whatsoever. Those are all individual rules on their own as well just to reiterate just how much sourcing is NOT ALLOWED. Anyone seen attempting to source, procure, obtain, or in any way facilitate the trade, provision, or transaction of any substances will be banned.

RULE 2 - NO STASH PICTURES We do allow small amounts of product shown (<1000 mg/1 gram) strictly for the purposes of identification/harm reduction or displaying a personal use dose. We also allow crackback pictures and cloud videos but aside from that there will no pictures or videos of product allowed. This is because many sellers and scammers will use stash pictures as a subtle way to advertise their wares for sale, which of course will then lead to sourcing which is not allowed.

RULE 3 - NO SEXUAL CONTENT OR R4R-TYPE POSTS OR COMMENTS Text posts that contain sexual content are fine, but any posts containing any imagery deemed to be sexual in nature will result in a ban. Any posts linking to or promoting sites or services that are sexual in nature will result in a ban. Nobody wants to see your genitals and posting them or anyone else's is disrespecting 150,000 other people who did not come here for that shit. Don't do it. Also do not look for or advertise any online or in-person meetups. This is not a dating site.

RULE 4 - NO MENTIONING OR INQUIRING OF LOCATIONS OR ARRANGING/SEEKING TO ARRANGE MEETUPS There is to be no mention of locations. This includes but is not limited to: neighborhoods, counties, towns, cities, states, and/or area codes. There will be no arranging or seeking to arrange any meet-ups. These commonly lead to souring which is not allowed.

RULE 5 - NO DISCUSSION OF VENDORS OR MARKETPLACES This includes both online and offline vendors and marketplaces, clearnet and darknet vendors and marketplaces, or anything related to facilitating the procurement of drugs.

RULE 6 - NO DISCUSSION OF PRICES This includes locally, on the internet, or otherwise.

RULE 7 - NO ENCOURAGING RECKLESS OR HARMFUL BEHAVIOR We're a harm reduction community. This means no giving harmful advice, no spreading misinformation, and no encouraging others to perform actions which may endanger or harm themselves or others.

RULE 8 - NO ENCOURAGEMENT OF IV USE OR EXPLICIT IMAGERY OF IV USE We don't intend to shame any individuals for their chosen ROA, but we also don't want to encourage it amongst those who are still naive to it, which may be an extreme increase in the severity of their habit or addiction. We don't allow imagery due to the high probability of poor harm reduction practices being shown. Discussion of IV use, images of wound care, and images of needles are ok, but any encouragement for others to try or any imagery explicitly displaying the act of injecting are not.

RULE 9 - NO SPREADING MISINFORMATION We understand that oftentimes there is a lack of scientific research or academic data behind a presented claim, and speculation is all that can be offered. In which case, please present your claim as such. Also please try to use sources for your information whenever possible.

RULE 10 - NO SYNTHESIS DISCUSSION Do not inquire about or provide information to others on any procedures for how to synthesize, or "cook" meth, any of it's precursors, "shake 'n' bake," or anything pertaining to the synthesis or procurement of a psychoactive substance. This includes text, imagery, links, or anything that directs people on where to learn or how to cook meth. Be aware that there are also many "trolling" recipes online that claim to produce meth but many actually produce very dangerous, lethal substances.

RULE 11 - NO ADVERTISING No advertising is allowed unless given consent from a member of the mod team. This applies to any and all products, services, and off-platform chat rooms. No Zoom rooms, Discord servers, Twitch pages, YouTube channels, Snapchat invites, or anything else that could fall under off-platform chats. No OnlyFans, or Fansly promotions or advertising your page or the services of any sites that host your content. No linking to any sites that sell paraphernalia. Do not advertise your subreddit.

RULE 12 - NO BEGGING OR SOLICITATION There will be no tolerance for any users begging for or solicitating money, goods, or services for any reason.

RULE 13 - NO MALICIOUS TROLLING This includes harassment, goading into arguments, attempts to exacerbate or worsen a person's mental condition, or in any way creating, commenting on or responding to posts or comments with ill or malicious intent. Shit posts, satire, and harmless trolling are fine.

RULE 14 - NO HATEFUL CONTENT, HARASSMENT, OR BULLYING No harassing other members via posts, comments, or private messages. No using hateful slurs in any context. No targeting harassment towards any individuals for any reason will be tolerated.

RULE 15 - OBEY ALL REDDIQUETTE, REDDIT CONTENT POLICIES, & REDDIT USER AGREEMENT TERMS For many of us, this place is a sanctuary. Due to the stigmatization of this substance and this addiction, many people become isolated within it. Many forget that users are people too. Treat them as you would like to be treated. In addition to that, please respect what this subreddit is and what it can provide for people in the way of harm-reduction and authentic social interactions that many won't get elsewhere and help preserve the subreddit by keeping your posts within Reddit guidelines.

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I used to love music.. :/

Meth deadass killed my love for music.. not only did I peak out and can’t even get euphoria anymore.. but music just causes this weird cloudy feeling in my head, same as when I try and smoke and it doesn’t do fuck all anymore. Just causes my body to overramp but nothing feels good about it I’ll legit still sudden catch a fat mood swing and clench my fists and just wanna fucking punch some shit.. so fucking annoying bro. Deadass bouta off my shit bro no joke so fucking pissed off, shits hella depressing wtf.

10:27 UTC


LEGALIZE METH 😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃


09:19 UTC


Being a hopeless romantic on date late.

09:11 UTC


I'll Mind of Hopsin 6 first relisten since discovering what this drug was // vent.

Wish I had a homie that cared like Hop. It gives even more reason to stay on the other side. No family to go home to, no friends to fall back on, lost everything that last gave purpose to my life to this. The girl I'll never stop loving but destroyed, the home that took 5 years of traumatic events to obtain, that I have PTSD from. My two cats that saved my life. All were my silver lining, my saving grace, but I let it take control & now I'm left with nothing. Life without couldn't be more pointless, but that's a paradox within itself because slowly more & more crumbles. It's only been a year since & today I got my phone service turned off to keep feeding the habit. The essence of my being is too detached from itself. My soul is far too gone. I've gone against every moral. Now I'm slowly decaying one day at a time, only with the hope that my time is sooner rather than later so that I don't have to face the further impending consequences from suppressing all this pain. I'm so alone. Losing her after picking up together has utterly destroyed me.

1 Comment
08:52 UTC


who is rolling some bowls and could use some company

would love to add a couple to snap or somethin to virtually chill lol I'm alone

08:38 UTC


Potentiating my amp with baking sofa?

I been doing this for a while and someone told me if I drink a little baking soda or take a tums before my dose it’ll hit harder?? Is this true?

07:56 UTC


PLEASE please drink water <3

Apparently I'm a hypocrite, because I'm usually out here telling people "you should just make sure you're hydrated", when I nearly KO'd the other day because I was so dehydrated. I was barely drinking less than usual, and I wasn’t smoking more than usual either, but - there were signs my body needed more water, which I ignored. DON'T ignore your body telling you to hydrate! If your mouth is sore or dry - drink water. If you're lightheaded - drink water. If you're sweating - drink drink. Set alarms if you forget easily, just don't be stupid like me. Gear rinses the hydration from you and fuck me does it suck. Stay safe! <3

07:30 UTC


Look at the full moon tonight 🌙

07:17 UTC


Old school is the only school. I miss the good old days

when your dealer (when did they become 🔌s? Not sure if I like the term) wanted to make sure you were a return customer so every time you bought something it was a little heavy. I got a new supplier about 3 months ago and I fuckin love him. This is my most recent buy, a half. My Xmas half was over 17. This is the way things used to be, always. The way things should be.

07:12 UTC


All the stuff in my pockets at the end of the day

Pocket contents

1 Comment
06:39 UTC


Temu knows us well...more words

06:10 UTC


👀Look at my pupils, can you tell?

05:46 UTC


Pockets stuff end of the day

Pocket contents day two

1 Comment
05:12 UTC


I’m finna be so spun and drunk

My smoking buddy came back around now but I’m feeling frisky

04:46 UTC


Just boofed a-pvp and meth in the same syringe. My girl dick is getting phattttt. Need a good boy to wrap his warm wet mouth around me while twisting and bruising my tits.

Why am I alone. Need breeding.

04:45 UTC


For the love of all shards holy...

Its about god damn time i was able to enjoy me some shit that dont turn all brown. Hellejulaya!! Praise Ice-us No, not the terrorists, silly. the god of shards!!

04:22 UTC


Cleaning my bowl. I have some questions on what is the best process.

Hi guys. I hope everyone's having a good night. I am a new smoker. I don't think I have the heat down properly. I think I'm holding my torch too close to the bowl. Because my bowls are always brown. I use my torch to clean my bowls. Does this affect my bowls in the long run? What's the best way to clean them?

03:08 UTC


Jib seizures? Am i the only one?

Hey, so when I first got clean i went through full on withdrawals. I was throwing up and having seizures. Is that normal?? I was smoking about a ball and a half every day for a few years.. jw cuz ive never heard of anyone throwing up and having seizures coming off jib.

02:52 UTC


So fuckin pretty, just so fuckin pretty


02:39 UTC


struggling with a relapse

I WAS 4 1/2 months clean until a few days ago. i found a pipe and a bunch of clear in my friends car. I stole it and immediately went to the bathroom and smoked. kept it and kept smoking for days and days. there goes my 4 months. i woke up today bawling crying bcus I rlly tried so fucking hard to stay away and stay clean and was doing so well. i feel like a piece of shit. half of me wants to keep going forward keep trying and stay sober. but the other half of me wants to give up completely. i feel stuck. i just wanted to rant and vent bcus idk what to do anymore.

01:56 UTC


I miss my methhead bf and now he wants to get sober

My bf has been in jail for 4 months , the entire time he’s been gone I’ve tried to stop smoking but I always pick it back up . I even tried a 30 day dual diagnosis treatment center. I’ve missed him immensely these past 4 months …but more recently he’s talking about all this Jesus shit and how we’re gonna be sober together and life is gonna different and shit . Yeah I want a sober and healthy life with him .. but im grieving the loss of our drug using relationship and how fun things were . Getting geeked up and sharing stories / secrets , amazing sex , adventures…. I’m gonna miss all that . Maybe it would be easier if he were physically here with me . Part of me feels like he only wants me to quit bc he doesn’t wanna feel left out that I’m still getting high while he can’t . However Relapse for him is not really an option because when he’s released he’ll be on a 5 yr probation and one slip up and he could get locked up a lot longer than 4-6 months . I dont wanna lose this man but I cant stop smoking!!! And if im enabling him when he gets out then ima feel like shit . Idk I miss him so much it hurts . I spend hours smoking meth and scrolling through this Reddit, just bc it makes me feel closer to him . Lmfao I know this shit sounds retarded I’m just high and sad —NOT a good feeling.

01:50 UTC

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