Had a redditor get so angry that he digested most of my Reddit page, calling it and what our argument was about "lies." With nothing I said being untrue. Someone commented that somehow this invoked poes law, as it was an extreme opinion that people with mental health issues are owed services by the state (Yes theses services are actually free to most of them.) Then going on to say that if I had mental health issues as a veteran, being owed free mental health help would also be an extreme opinion. Good job reddit.
I have a lot of friends around reddit, but those that are not already meta-redditors are completely uninterested. I don't get it. I love the metasphere. These people just don't care. The only thing I find stranger is the number of redditors that hate metareddit and see us as some sort of shadowy cabal of trolls. I mean, in a sense, that's exactly what we are, but still.
fak u circlejerk/braveryjerk
Why does everyone keep meta secrets from me?
I like knowing about these things :/