Subreddit for posting metal wallpapers!
This is a sub-reddit about posting metal wallpapers. Metal as in music, not metal as in pictures of metal. I'm talking metal bands in cool poses, kick ass album artwork and so on. Preferred resolution is 1920 x 1080, although anything above 1366 x 768 is fine.
Want to post some awesome metal art, but it's not the right dimensions or size for a wallpaper? Try /r/metalporn!
Found this from an account who created metalforthemasses
I cant find it anywhere so pls share if you have it
What's the best way to widen a piece of album art to 1920x1080 (preferably in photoshop) and keep it looking clear and hd?
I've made some simple wallpapers after listening to Type III for a hundreth time. The logo was taken from Bandcamp, the background spacescapes found on the internet long time ago, so I've no sources or attributions and claim no credit for them.