
Photograph via snooOG

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MMC wait time for apprentice mate steersman

Submitted my application on 04/25/24 received by uscg 05/07/24. I'm still showing awaiting SEC vetting as of 09/20/24. l've already received my med certificate. Anyone else had this long of a wait time ?

04:16 UTC


Joining MSC Union Pros and Cons?

What are the pros and cons to joining MSC union? I have heard some people opt out from joining. And does your security clearance expire after you finish with MSC? I heard the union helps you negotiate to keep it active? (Idk I'm still learning).

1 Comment
02:12 UTC


What will my experience (in general) be like working as a Steward/cook/chef on a Marchant Mariner ship?

So I'm waiting in excited anticipation for my passport and twic card to come through so I can go to Maryland for training to be a mariner.

My skills are in the culinary category and I've been told that it is the easiest job on the boat. I've come here to ask if thats bullshit or not. I was told I would have more down time than the rest of the crew and that my pay can only go up to $150,000 due to that. I'm not really the type to enjoy down time at work. Working simply makes the day go by faster.

So, uh, yeah that's really my only questions but if anyone here has worked as a cook on a boat I'd also like to get a basic rundown of what it will be like.

(My recruiter was talking ridiculously fast and I didn't catch some of what he said. It was a lot of information to soak up all at once. So please forgive my ignorance.)

19:25 UTC


Hypothetical Question

Let’s say tomorrow Russia, China and their allies declare war on nato. The military would need all the help they could get right? Would it be a similar situation to WW2 where all the seamen were put into service with the navy? If not, which companies would be used to support the military?

23:41 UTC


Sorry if this is a stupid question

I'm a trucker looking to leave the industry. I have my interview set up for a TWIC on the 24th, talking to a school tomorrow morning about SCTW and applying for a passport.

I understand there's a physical also involved. Would a USDOT physical transition over? If not, it's fine. Mainly curiosity on my part.

22:12 UTC


Medical Certificate renewal timeline, how has been for you?

Hey all,

I am currently in the process of renewing my medical certificate. Anyone recently renewed their certificate? What kind of timeline did you see?

8/8 - I submitted all my documents to the MEDAIP email.

8/28 - Notified the center received my application.

9/11 - Cleared initial medical screening.

Now I have been in "READY TO BE EVALUATED" for about a week. This has concerned me, because in previous years, once it hits ready to be evaluated, I get an email the same day marking completion and then an email saying it was printed / sent out.

Anyone else currently waiting? Or recently renewed? What has your timeline looked like? How long did the ready to be evaluated step take?

Thanks for any info you can give me.

07:17 UTC


MMC process

Got this email today ! How long do you all think I have before everything is cleared ! I’m ready to work

22:53 UTC


Some guidance or advice please.

I am looking into the SIU, AMO Tech, and Texas A&M Programs. I would like to know if anyone has experience in these programs and what benefits/disadvantages. For context I am 22, with about 2.5 years left on my degree (Electrical engineering). I have a background in electrical work. Is it more worth it to try and finish my degree here in florida... what certs. /licenses/ degrees could i get from each option? Would like to get introduced as a junior engineer, don't mind taking my time going to school between contracts and/or working my way up to an officer position. What would be the fastest route? Thanks for any help.

20:18 UTC


will height / weight limit me from jobs?

I'm not weak, but I am small. I'm 5'3 and 125. I can lift pretty heavy things and have been hitting the gym in prep for getting a job. Will being smaller than average stop me from getting jobs and are there jobs I shouldn't bother applying for?


16:16 UTC


merchant mariner

I have recently stumbled upon “my maritime career” site and i am intrigued. Do you recommend the siu apprenticeship career to someone who is 20 years old and has nothing else going on? I think life on a boat would be pretty cool. the traveling is a bonus. i know merchant marine academy exists but i am far too poor to pay for a bachelor’s degree. I guess the point of this post is just me asking for honest opinion about this career. if you went through apprenticeship, what was this like? What was basic like?

05:54 UTC


Any members of SUP or MFOW (I'd love to chat with someone from each) willing to DM me to answer a few questions?

I'm 100% ready to sail with all documents and I'd prefer to sail with a west coast (San Francisco) union - I just have some questions because I don't really understand how unions work. Thanks in advance!

00:25 UTC


Oh...it's that time of the month again isn't it? 😞

15:31 UTC



Is it anything like bootcamp? Is there any downtime? How much money can I expect to leave with? Is there a lot of testing? Is there anything I can study on myself before going there basic ship knowledge?

14:40 UTC


Merchant seaman

Hey everyone! I'm looking to becoming an merchant seaman soon. I'm in the process of getting my cards. I was wondering has anyone sailed with Crowley? I've been looking into which ship to start on and I'm unsure. I see most people go to MSC and SIU. However, I'm not willing to wait to sail with SIU or do their apprenticeship program and I was told that MSC requires you to have no debt.

05:07 UTC


Great Lakes sea time

Going to apply for Great Lakes companies next season, but I know I only need national endorsements to work there. While looking at STCW sign-offs, I noticed that “Service on GL will be credited day for day up to 100%.” Does that mean my time on the lakes can be used to get my RFPNW, AS-D, etc.? I tried asking the NMC… but it seems the phones aren’t manned by people who know that kinda stuff. Any help is appreciated

04:23 UTC


If I want to become an engineering officer what kind of degree do I need

Do I need an engineering degree from one of the 7 maritime colleges or can I get an engineering degree from any university.

02:17 UTC


Shoreside Employment

Hi all -

Posting for my Reddit free husband!

My husband is a 2nd Mate (not engineering) and we’re looking to transition him shoreside, we just had our first baby and the schedule is wearing on him. He’s been sailing for almost 13 years. He’s in the process of interviewing with one of the processing plants his vessel was contracted with, but they have a block schedule. He is looking for a more traditional 9-5.

Does anyone have any insight on the kinds of roles he should be looking for? I am at a loss outside of office side port jobs and insurance/surveying. Has anyone had any luck transitioning out of the field that would be willing to share their experience?

Any help is really appreciated!!

01:27 UTC


Wanna get away from everything and I'm trying to figure out a way to work on shipping containers at sea. Where do I start for someone that's been in IT the past ten years? I'm willing to cook and clean.

Seriously. Any help is appreciated

00:50 UTC


I hope this isn't pocket checking but how much do mariner's make after they graduate from the apprenticeship ship program

I have check googled and kept on getting different answer's

14:59 UTC


AB but can’t find a place that’ll hire me

I’ve been a tankerman on inland tows for about four years. I’ve sent myself to all the required classes in my time off to earn the necessary endorsements to go blue water. I’m looking for sea going tugs to utilize my tankerman endorsements but I’m not getting callbacks. I’ve applied and called the companies to see if they’d like to set up interviews with no luck. The whole time I’ve been going to those classes everyone’s been saying places need ABs. Any advice or input would be helpful, places hiring, should I join the union… Thanks
Tankerman PIC DL RFPNW VPDSD STCW Basic AB Lifeboatman PSCRB

09:12 UTC


Marchant marine certificate

Hello everyone, i am a sailor from eastern Europe, I just came to America, I am an experienced AB seaman, I worked for a European company on a chemical tanker and crud oil tanker, I have my country's bachelor's degree in maritime navigation, and all the certificates required by the STCW 78 convention, But I don't have merchant marine certificate, Can I start working in America without a merchant marine certificate with the international certificates I have?

19:25 UTC


Original MMC

Heys guys so I emailed all my documents in on 7/09/2024 and I received my medical cert last month on the 18th however ive been stuck in security vetting for 64 days now . Should I worry or am I on track ?

00:48 UTC


Considering becoming a Merchant Marine as a woman and mother.

I’ve been struggling with which way I want to go. Towards a great paying union job or back to the regular average job. Someone I know joined not too long ago and the way they talk about being able to see the world and earn great money has sparked my interest. Here’s some positives as to why I want to join: One, I’m sick of struggling and want to make great money. Two, I want to see the world and I’m so sick of feeling stuck in a regular 9-5 the most.. I cannot stand it. I want a job with more purpose. Had I been more educated on joining the army after High School I would have.

Here’s some cons: One, I’m married and a mother and I know I’d miss my family dearly Two, the sea kind of terrifies me but I’ve always loved the water. Thanks to deadliest catch I am terrified of going over. I’ve almost drowned myself about three times in my life. 😖 Three, as a woman is it a safe space? I feel like it’s a very male dominated industry. Four, how often do people go overboard? Five, I get sea sickness but I read the symptoms are manageable by another merchant who is retired.

Also, what are the requirements to sign up and get started??

06:22 UTC


What are the types of maritime education?

I am confused between the difference Maritime Academies and Maritime Colleges. I think Maritime Academies lean to military practices while Maritime Colleges do not? Also there are other different forms of training which I am not familiar with. I don't want to do bootcamp and I am not focused on the social aspect of college. I'd like to learn with simulations and hands on work.

01:03 UTC


End goal of SIU

I should be getting my class date soon to go to piney point I think I’ll go sometime early 2025. My goals are to travel as much as I can and save as much as I can for the next 2-5 years and then look into passive income moves to where the money I’ve made from contracts I can invest it into things that require little to no labor work to do. Some type of interesting accounts, real estate, vending machines, etc. I just want to reach a point where if I’m able to save $100k what should I do with it to be able make money in my sleep. Also I plan on calling California home and if not California then I’ll just wander the earth but still with income flowing in.

00:36 UTC


How strict are they about the exact boot requirements at the SIU Apprenticeship?

I'm trying to get these: https://www.redwingshoes.com/work/mens/safety-toe/TruGuard-Lite-02552.html

I'm worried that out of the requirements, • BLACK ASTM approved Safety Toe, Waterproof Boots, 6’ height, All Upper Leather with an Oil Resistant Sole – Quantity: 1, these have a thin strip of nylon at the top, and the safety toe is non-metallic. I'm planning on getting the normal lace-up version of these, not the weird BOA system thing

Does anyone know how strict they are? Are they gonna force me to get new boots if I come in these? Should the toe be metallic or does it not matter? Will the strip of nylon cause a problem? Is this a better ask forgiveness than permission scenario?

19:10 UTC


What's with the recent surge of siu and msc posts?

Are siu and msc advertising on tiktok or something? Do these people not realize that they are some of the worst companies you could work for? Most of siu contract ships are awful and underpaid, and msc.. well you are going to ne stranded and stuck the with other new recruits who have no idea what they are doing and the mgmt don't care as long as the flow of operation continues.

18:12 UTC


Re: RFPNW and Gaining Sea Time

My main question is: What kind of ships allow me to gain sea time and what ships don't count? I know there's a weight limit, so would Tugs count or are they too small? Do ships in the great lakes count for sea time?


17:31 UTC


Working through the union without going to SIU

I was wondering how this would be and if anyone has experience working in this way, I am waiting for my VPDSD and was wondering how it was going green in the Union Hall. Please let me know

20:35 UTC


Looking for FALANT

18:18 UTC

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