Where we celebrate successes, ask questions, vent frustrations, and share tips about using menstrual discs
Where we celebrate successes, ask questions, vent frustrations, and share tips about using menstrual discs
How do I prevent these things from emptying on me? If I sneeze or cough they will empty. They will empty if I do nothing. They will empty if I laugh. I feel like I should just go back to pads by this point because I need to wear one anyways for these occasions. I am not in a position to get a smaller size, I need tips on how to make a potentially too large menstrual disc work until then.
Hi, I recently bought a hello disc and I can't get it in at all. Like it's too tight down there and whenever I get it partly in it hurts like never before. How do I keep it 100% closed during insertion and is there a way to stretch my opening so it doesnt hurt?
Ive been using a reusable flex for about 4 months with no issues and today i was making food in my kitchen and just straight up peed my pants. Ive seen a lot of people saying that their disks have made it more difficult to pee but has anyone else had this happen to them? I can’t think of anything else other than the disk that could have caused it
First time user here!! So I happen to have a tilted/Retroverted uterus. Okay this is weird, but when I use my disc, there’s a slight ache on the left side of my uterus area(?) and my uterus is more on the left side too so… I was wondering if it’s normal and maybe I’m just hyper aware as a first time user? (it’s definitely properly set, because it captured all the blood in the cup!)
At first I didn’t know that I had a low cervix and went with the hello disc cuz I could’ve measured myself wrongly but i thought I had an average cervix height
Anyways , I tried the hello disc (68mm) was so painful to insert it first time without lube it kinda bled a little. I tried it a few more times with lube but it was always uncomfortable or painful when it slipped out of place.
Then, I tried a smaller disc (60mm) it inserted rather easily but also the same issue where it wouldn’t stay put, making it very uncomfortable.
Idk what else to try cuz I don’t have a light flow, but a normal flow and I’m worried that I’d have to dump it out every few hours.
I have been using the Hello disc for almost two years without much issues, but lately (nothing has changed) I sometimes feel pressure that is slightly uncomfortable on certain days. Like it’s pressing on my bladder or something. It’s not particularly affecting my peeing or anything else, just this dull ache pressure…
Is it because of my cervix changing positions? Or should I try a smaller disc?
33F, never had kids
I'm using a shordy large, smooth insertion, I use my finger to make sure it's covering cervix and checked the sides, no leaks even I sneezed and coughed, also no auto dumping, but when I wipe after toilet there's light blood on tissue, also after 2-3 hours my liner is showing very light pale pink, I showered after insertion and wipe dry, is it normal to still have blood like that or it's not positioning correctly? Thanks
Looking for a disc thats as soft and thin as the flex reusable but has a slightly smaller rim. Its almost the right size, but can untuck slightly if I catch the right angle. I tried the small saalt cup but with the thicker silicone I can really feel it in me and it wouldnt open. I dont mean it wouldnt pop into place I mean that it gets like crushed in me almost? The reservoir(idk what else to call it haha) stays squished and wont open at all. I do struggle with difficult anatomy I have a low and tilted cervix that in certain times of my cycle gets so low it pushes tampons out. Id love any suggestions:)
I’ve been trying to get into using menstrual disc and even when I think it’s in right, it’s not and I say this because I can still feel the blood flow. I’m not leaking but I can definitely feel everything TMI sorry 😭. I cannot feel my cervix probably because I have short arms and long nails. I’ve tried angling at my tailbone and everything and it’s the same issue every time. I’m also a bigger girl so idk if that plays a part as well. I use the Saalt Small disc.
I've been using my disc for a few months now and I've noticed it's mostly clots instead of blood is that normal? Like everytime i empty its just clots with a little bit of blood. While when I used tampons/pads it was every so often. My cramps are little to none now and my period is more regular then it was before. It's just the clots are throwing me off, and I need to know if that's normal or not
I love the idea behind this device, but I have a concern. I saw some people in the comments section of a video about menstrual discs, saying that the tension of your muscles when you sneeze will ALSO cause the device to self empty. I really want to try this, but I don't want any mishaps. Is this true?
Using the saalt small this period and it’s almost perfect and definitely better than any I’ve used before. It doesn’t autodump. It has yet to randomly empty or leak or anything. It fits like a glove. However, oddly enough, in the mornings, and so far only in the mornings, it like blocks my pee ??? I can also sometimes feel it during the day. Most of the time I can’t but if I think about it or move kinda weird, I can feel it for a bit. I guess what I’m asking is, is that normal? Like for people who have found their Goldilocks discs; do you still feel it sometimes ? Should I continue looking for a fabled perfect disc ?
So in an earlier post I was debating whether to size up or not. If the disc turned upside down is that a clear sign that it might be too small? Or should I try a different shape, like oval instead of round? (Debating nixit vs diva. I went cave-diving to get the hello disc out while it was upside-down and now I'm way more confident about whether or not I need assistance getting things out of my body. Messy but doable, go me!)
I have narrowed down my choices to the Hello Disc or the Saalt Disc. People with IUDs, which do you prefer and why?
Thanks in advance.
I feel like the cost has gone up pretty drastically in the last couple of months.
Why does everyone speak so highly of it? Every time I pee and wipe, I've gotta deal with blood without fail. And even when I retuck the disc, it feels like I'm still leaking (i.e. no matter how much I wipe I'm still getting blood on the toilet paper and not just residue. I'm talking fresh here.) so I end up removing the disc and reinserting it anyway, which seems kind of redundant for a device that says you can have it in there for 8-12 hours.
Does this mean I should go up a size? I took advantage of lumma's buy one get one when I also got the hello just in case I needed something smaller, but the medium and small didn't feel secure at all when I tucked them against my pubic bone last night.
I'm new to discs used them for three cycles now and I absolutely love them and so glad I've discovered discs. I'm using Salt Cup. However after each cycle I'm now getting thrush, never had this before when using tampons. Does anyone else get thrush from the menstraul disc? And is there anything I can to try and prevent this as I really want to keep using discs but at this rate going to need to stop.
Just had to come on here and rave about the My Mimi small! I’ve tried the Hello and Hey Zomi discs and despite liking them they both had small cons that stopped them short of perfection for me. The Hello disc was too firm/big and caused a bit of discomfort for me but I really liked the pull tabs so I switched to the softer Hey Zomi. That disc was a lot more comfortable but the pull tab felt too flimsy. In my opinion, the My Mimi is the perfect marriage of the two. It’s smaller than the other discs so even though it’s firmer than the Hey Zomi, it’s just as comfortable. The pull tab is a lot more secure than the one on the the Hey Zomi so it beats it on that score. This has probably been my easiest cycle yet!
Recap- i chose this as my first disc because I am paranoid about not being able to reach and wanted that little extra security with that tab.
What I've found out- my pubic bone is literally right there? Almost next to my entrance?? Whaaat? I can literally just touch the rim whenever I want? What sorcery is this? Those anatomy models really made everything seem much more longer than it really is.
Which is a relief because the disc really doesn't want to slot over the pubic bone with the tab dangling down. I gotta keep that sucker nice and tucked or I end up leaking (i took a nap with it dangling and woke up to a mess. Yay for period underwear!). But that means I'm loads more confident with trying a different disc if I ever need or want to. Are there discs designed to make it easier to tuck against your public bone?
Day one is almost over, which means I'm heading into my heavier days 2 and 3. Hopefully this works out.
My period came on yesterday and I decided to try the Flex menstrual discs and I guess I’m not doing something right because I’m leaking all over the place. The first time I put it in I don’t think I put it in far enough so the second time I really pushed it up there. It felt comfortable both times but it’s definitely leaking and soon after I put it in. The second time I took it out, there was more in there but nowhere near full. I may need to try some other options. I have a super heavy period after getting off birth control a few months ago and I need something to make my periods a bit more manageable. Going to keep trying! Any advice is welcome!
I was traveling and my perfume got all over my menstrual disk. I boiled it but it still smells. If I boil and wash it a few more times is it safe to use?
I went to visit family for the holiday, and fully knew and expected my period to come, however in the rush I forgot my Hello disc 😭. When my period started exactly on time (for once) I ran to CVS to pick up some discs because I don't think I could go the 3 days that I'm still here for without the disc. But all they had was the disposable flex discs and disposable soft disc (which by my understanding are also made by flex). So they are the same size. I initially tried flex when I first tried a disc and realized it's too big for me and won't tuck properly behind my pubic bone but the hello disc, which is a tad smaller, tucks just fine. Anyway, do all pharmacies have these limited options or was it just the pharmacy here was picked dry (which admittedly it was for other things I needed too)
Very unexpectedly my infant son had to be hospitalised and I stayed with him the whole way. I am so so so thankful for discs and that I was wearing my disc when we went to the emergency room.
I could carry him sitting in all sorts of different positions (he was hooked up to a few monitors) without having to worry I'd leak.
Husband only had to bring liners for me, not a mix of day and night pads. I just had to empty my disc 2-3x a day.
Discs FTW.
Anyone else feel like they're 'graduating' when they go from a cup to a disc? Well, I do for some reason lol. I've finally got the chance to try my new hello disc and managed to insert it right only on the second try (the cup took... way longer. so it's going great so far.). Now it's a matter of getting through the next 6-8 hours and see how well it holds up. Even when I felt I was good with my Saalt cup, I still leaked a little. I'm hoping this is better.
Hi guys i just inserted and took out disc for first time when in inserted it i felt a feeling in my tail bone or in my rectum i took it out but i still have sensation in my tail bone i think so what is the problem.? i used shory disc (in the pic) .Also is the feeling in my tail bone is going to go !? I am scared
Is the disc to big or why did i feel the pressure or this feeling i think the feeling was in my but or lower back idk please help so scared i realy want to use it 😢😢
hello everyone, i’ve been a pad user for all my life (i’m 21 rn). However, I have severe sensory issues so for a few years now me wearing a pad just is so uncomfortable for me. i can’t do it. i changed to tampons like the end of last year? i’m not sure but to me it was life changing but i guess my flow is so heavy that i had to switch out the tampon (SUPER) every hour because it leaked. so i researched and came across cups and discs. i bought a disc about 4 months ago (SAALT small) and was barely able to get it in last month because i got frustrated and was like maybe i should try a cup instead. bought the flex cup and it came with two disposable discs. the flex cup opened up while inserting and that hurt so i used a disposable and was able to get it in. i felt unstoppable so i got my saalt disc back out and boom i got it in perfectly. i was able to sleep with no pad on or anything. and now im able to use it right however yesterday i was at work and it dumped out the blood on me 😭😭. it wasn’t even full and yes it was in all the way. i tried the diva disc right now and first of all that was so hard to get in and when it was in it just leaks 😭. now im wearing my saalt disc with a pad on because im scared it’ll dump again. should i size up to the regular? how can i get rid of me wearing pads. as im typing this i can feel blood leaking out so now im just frustrated as to wtf i’m doing wrong
I love the Saalt disc so much and sometimes it works so great for days and I hardly remember it’s in. On other days though, it’s like I can’t get it in tight enough or something and it won’t stop leaking. The days where it works are more often than the days where it doesn’t so I’ve stuck with it and I really want it to work. But on the days where it just keeps leaking, it’s really inconvenient and frustrating. I’m not sure what I could be doing differently or wrong on the days when it leaks a bunch?