
Photograph via snooOG

Welcome to r/medical_advice! Advice given on this sub does not constitute professional medical advice. The circumstances do not mimic those of a review by a health professional. Advice is therefore meant for interest only, in an unofficial capacity, or to help point you in the right direction.

Assessment, diagnosis and treatment recommendations are not possible, and all suggestions as such are speculative opinions.

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Should I go to the ER?

2 days ago I got out of bed and collapsed on my way to the bathroom. There was no warning signs. My vision greyed out at the same time as I lost feeling in my entire body. Felt like I was going to faint but I don't think I lost consciousness. I remember the lack of control as I went down and hit the hard tiles with the back of my head. The pain from my head was extreme but the skin didn't split so I assumed it wasn't that bad. But I've been dizzy ever since. The 2nd day was so bad all I could do was lay in bed with my eyes closed and every time I moved I was sure I'd faint or vomit but never did. Today I was a bit less dizzy so I thought I'd go to my doctor and maybe get some scans done. But she wouldn't send me for any tests because she said I had to go straight to emergency. I talked her out of calling an ambulance. It was a really bad time for me to do that. Ever since I got home I've been stressing about whether to go to emergency. My dizziness has improved some even since I was at the doctors. Since my condition is improving, what are the chances that something really bad is happening? Like, could this still be serious? Or is this just a concussion? As for the actual collapse, my guess is I have POTS, since I have autism, adhd and a lot of the symptoms. Also I've fainted before after getting out of bed. But I thought I'd still describe what exactly happened in case I'm wrong and all this dizziness is related to the collapse and not the head injury. Anyway, I know I'm taking a risk if I don't go to hospital but I just wanted to know, would my symptoms be improving if I had something serious going on? I'm chronically ill and carer for my disabled son. Going to the hospital is such a long, stressful, traumatic and painful event. Thank you for any advice you can give me.

1 Comment
08:41 UTC


Alcohol withdrawal or different etiology

Hey everyone I just wanted to get some input on something I'm going through. I am a 25M. One I definitely have an alcohol issue and I've came to realize that. I've come here to figure out if what I'm going through (the etiology) is alcohol withdrawal or not. So here's my story, it's a long on. So please bear with me, any help would be a life saver.

I joined the military back in 2017, got a bunch of jabs(vaccinations like Everyone does) developed tachycardia, chronic(24/7 dizziness) and anxiety after.

Fast forward I went to college from 2018-2020 I kinda got used to my symptoms that no one could figure the etiology out so I just lived with it, though my anxiety improved tremendously.. was very happy and confident at that. I did all the college things joined a frat, partied and drank a lot as college kids do (3-4 days a week). Then in 2020 we were all sent home for Covid.

During Covid area (2020-2021), I stayed home during lock down for about a year and all I did was go to sleep, wake up, drink (1-15 light beers a night) and repeated that cycle for almost a year besides when going to school to be a firefighter on week nights.

I continued this drinking pattern until (a few months after) everything started opening back up in 2021 where I went to EMT school and a few other medical programs where I cut back (drank maybe 2-3 times a week)

(During these last periods listed above I would get hang overs of course but feel fine when I didn't drink nor did I crave)

(Got covid Pfizer vaccine)

Then once I started working as an EMT and got into the hospital working as a emergency technician (2022), drinking was only maybe 1-2 times a week. No with drawl symptoms or anything, but soon after I started developing stroke type symptoms, confusion, chronic fatigue, getting virus's infections frequently with no diagnosis everything looked fine (still dealing with these today but worse but I'll get to that.

Present: I'm back to where I was drinking heavily 3-4 times a week still working but my symptoms listed above are 10x worse but seem to subside slightly with drinking alcohol. My hangovers are the worst, sometimes I can barely speak, I'm aggitated to any noises, sometimes I feel like I'm completely vegetablized when hungover on the brink of "having a seizure" (no history of that though) can't form sentences or speak sometimes. I do get cravings now, if I go more than 3 days with out having some alcohol I get very anxious and the only thing that eases any of these symptoms are PRN .5 klonopin.

My question is do u think all these symptoms could be me withdrawing hard (having micro seizures) or anything like that from alcohol? Or do you think the etiology is different and alcohol is just worsening these symptoms via hangover.

(Ps I never get tremors or sweats or anything just severe anxiety and other symptoms listed above)

Below are all the fields I showed up clinically unremarkable in in testing;

Cardiology Neuro Rheumo


1 Comment
06:56 UTC


Lines under nails

Hello, I’ve have these lines under my nail for like 1 month now. It doesn’t hurt, but there is what feels like a little lump under my skin at the bottom. Thank you. F23

1 Comment
08:08 UTC


What are these dry patches on my skin??

Some of the small ones are individually on my face as well not in clusters like on my chin and neck. I’ve tried moisturiser for a few days but that isn’t seeming to help.

1 Comment
07:50 UTC


After how many days without eating do I need to worry about refeeding syndrome?

Don’t really wanna get into details. Cant access a dietician to get specific numbers about my body. Just curious for an average male how many days without eating would cause refeeding syndrome to kick in.


07:24 UTC


Cut from a mandolin

Last night I stupidly cut my finger open with a mandolin, it bled for over an hour. I'm normally very relaxed but about things, but I just wanted to check that I don't need to go to the hospital.

The pictures are from today with no bleeding. I bandaged the wound last night and have cleaned my finger with TCP several times.

Just wanted piece of mind that this will heal on its own and any tips for the healing process would be appreciated.

07:07 UTC


I’m out of Panadol but have a cracking headache… will cold and flu medication help?

And can I take it if I’ve already had asprin? I don’t have the leaflet it came with

1 Comment
07:05 UTC


Allergies?? Not Allergies??

I am female, 20s, USA. For years I’ve consistently woken up congested and sneezy, dismissed it as allergies. I’ve got dog allergies and it’s similar-ish. Some days though gets infinitely worse. No medication (oral or nasal spray) helps. My nose gets rubbed raw, and I feel dizzy and delirious. No other cold symptoms appear aside from tiredness though.

Given that I’ve been generally tired most of my life and my last autoimmune panel came back normal aside from very high eociniphils, i think i should talk to an allergist.

My partner and my family want me to go back to my gp and get more tests done though. They also want me to mention my joint pain but I figure thats just the cons of getting older. Any advice/ideas?

1 Comment
06:25 UTC


My pain is driving me literally insane

I’ve been dealing with nerve pain for 3 weeks now. Constant. Never ending. Severe nerve pain. It hurts to even type this, but typing is much easier than holding a pen to paper and journal. On top of that, vertigo, migraines, muscle spasms, fatigue, weakness, and random come and go numbness. I saw a neurologist last week (miraculously, everyone else said next year). And they ordered an mri of my brain and cervical spine. I CANT GET IN FOR 2 MORE WEEKS. On Tuesday I called the office because I lost feeling on my right side (I had previously gone to the hospital for facial+body numbness as well as my other symptoms and was turned away and told to find a neurologist, so I wasn’t running to the hospital without talking to my doctor). They said “oh yes, yes we will call you RIGHT back.” I called back after a while and was sent to voicemail. Tried again a while after that, same thing. Then they closed. Yesterday I get a call that “we won’t do anything until your mri comes back.” I go ahead and start asking “but what about my pain? It’s only worsening.” “Same answer”. “Awesome” and I slammed the end call button. I proceeded to scream. Cry. Hit and throw things. I was in a desperate rage. I spent the following hours sobbing till I threw up because I was so frustrated and in pain. Later I left a voicemail crying and begging for them to find somewhere with an earlier mri appointment. To which I never heard back, and still haven’t. Today, pain managed to worsen to a level I didn’t think imaginable. I went to a Cbd store and got a tincture- to which I miraculously had SOME relief. It went from being unbearable pain to bearable for the most part. I cried. I was so happy. But it only lasted 2 hours. Now mind you, I’ve tried Tylenol, ibuprofen, hot pad, ice, tens unit, stretching, walking, smoking, and besides smoking, nothing has helped in the slightest..

I’m ready to give up. This feels like it’s never going to go away. My symptoms aren’t looking good, I’m worried this will be life long. With my google doctorate I am thinking it might be MS.. I’m at my breaking point. It feels like this has been forever and in reality it’s been such a short time. Idk how I’m going to manage this.

I can barely walk at times, I can barely drive on my good days, I can barely work, I.. I’m 22F. I shouldn’t be like this. What’s wrong with me?

Typically I have a high pain tolerance, but this.. this is nothing like I’ve experienced before. And it is so easy for people to tell me “just be patient.” “Wait” “trust the process”, when they aren’t feeling it themselves.

06:08 UTC


LOW Bp and HR

So recently I've been feeling really dizzy and having a lot of neurological symptoms for almost a month. One thing I've noticed of late is that my BP has been getting lower each week. It always normally sat around 110-120 in day to day life but has been sitting in the 90s during the day and dipping in the low 80s at night. I've been diagnosed with POTS syndrome 10 years ago. But I've never had my BP get this low? Does anyone know if this is a cause for concern ?? Thanks I'm a 21/f/150lbs

1 Comment
06:04 UTC


Advice for my skin

I’ve been noticing that every couple of months the skin between my middle and ring finger seems to be noticeably dry. This usually leads to the whole area becoming very flaky and bleeding. However, it goes away after a week or so. I assumed it was a moisture issue as if I wasn’t letting it get enough water. However, it’s been a continuing pattern, and I want to see if anyone knows what it is, what’s the cause, and how to effectively treat it.

1 Comment
05:58 UTC


Do I need to go back to the Doctor?

I have had this deep smoker like cough for 4-5 weeks now. The cough keeps me up all night and makes me throw up at night because I’m have some flem / drainage. My cough is mild during the day and doesn’t keep me from working. 13 days ago I broke down and when to urgent care they gave me and antibiotics and told me to take Sudafed D. Did all that and I’m still coughing and throwing up do I go back or though it out. My better half is about ready to kill me because of my coughing. What do I do?

1 Comment
05:51 UTC


I can't sleep if I don't eat a meal right before bed

If I don't eat a meal before bed, I get so hungry I can't fall asleep/stay asleep. Even if I had a large meal an hour earlier, I will wake up in the middle of the night, shaking, sweating and salivating. I can't go back to sleep until I eat.

I have non-reactive hypoglycemia with no known cause (working with Endocrinologist currently) I will check my blood sugar before bed and or if I wake up to eat, and it's always 80-95. I also use a CGM so I know my blood sugar wasn't low before I woke up. It's a completely different feeling from low blood sugar.

I've tried drinking more water/gatorade throughout the day or if I wake up, thinking maybe it's thirst, but it doesn't help.

It's annoying waking up at 3am and having to make a sandwhich just to be able to go back to sleep. I also have chronic insomnia so eating immediately before bed doesn't help (and isn't good for you regardless)

I get protien, carbs, fat, fruits and veggies everyday, I make sure I'm eating plenty throughout the day, so it's not like I'm hardly eating throughout the day. I wouldn't mind as much if I needed a cup of yogurt or an orange before bed. But I usually have to eat 300-500 calories to feel satiated enough to sleep.

05:50 UTC


Is this a sign of gangrene?

I'm scared

05:39 UTC


What just happened to me? (read desc)

I'm typing this 15mins after this just happened. I'm having trouble falling asleep rn. Just laying in bed, eyes closed, thinking of random stuff. I sleep laying down, with my face up and my arms up over my head. Randomly, I get this weeeird feeling throughout my body, and I fall into this like, sleep-awake state. I'm awake, I feel everything, but can't move, but everything feels like I'm dreaming right now. I knew then it was probably sleep paralysis and just waited for bit. Then suddenly, my arms feel super cold and heavy, and I hear my heartbeat. I literally HEAR and feel my heartbeat throughout my body, it's slowly getting faster, faster, and faster, louder, louder, and louder. I'm there, laying there, asleep or awake? My arms feel like heavy chains and my heart is pounding. It was loud. Then finally at one point, it stops. I slowly start to feel my arms again, and I can open my eyes. As soon as I could move again I got up to make sure I didb't fall back into that state. I was extremely sweaty after and shaking, not cause of fear, I already was shaking when I "woke up". It was the first time I experienced something like that. I've went through many sleep paralyisis episodes, but none like this. Could something be going on in the cardio, or just something to shrug off?

1 Comment
05:26 UTC


Random bump on lip?

So I've been having these random bumps come up on my lips and they burn. I went to the doctor and they said it was an allergic reaction, but even though I only use Vaseline it still flares up. Anybody have any idea what it is??

I hate how they look and feel so I apologize in advance.

1 Comment
05:26 UTC


Surgical scar re-opening?

Several years ago, I had my appendix out. It had perforated, not burst. While they were in there, they found a lot of inflammation, so after the surgery, they fitted me with a drain at my waist to siphon off any remaining nasty stuff still in there. The drain was like a little plastic bottle attached to a small hose that was inserted into my skin and in... somewhere in my bowels I guess. That was in for the four days I was in the hospital. Then they took it out, the hole healed, but, in the meantime, that inflammation was how I found out I have Crohn's disease.

That's all taken care of mostly and, I hope, not related to this thing. Because what is now happening, and has been for about a month, is the place where the drain was, a little below the belly button, that spot, has opened up. Bleeding blood. Not gushing, mind you. No pus, no stool, nothing else. Just blood. It doesn't look infected and it's no more sore than a cut would be. Meaning that yeah, if I poke at it while it's open, it stings, but not in an inflamed, infected way. Just in a "We're not supposed to have our fingers all over the meat bits" way.

And I specify "while it's open" because that's the thing. It heals. The bleeding stops. It heals over. Looks totally fine. Then it opens up again and bleeds again. It did it once before a couple weeks ago, healing up after it first opened, then I thought it was done. Then it opened again. It has been healing since and I was hoping, this time, I was done with this. I go to the bathroom tonight, look in the mirror, opened up again. Bleeding again. Again, just blood. Doesn't seem like intestinal... gunk is spilling out here.

My concern is, aside from having a small hole in my stomach, that this is a fistula or something. I have a specialist for the crohn's, I talked to him about this thing and showed him today even, it hadn't opened back up yet by then, it only just did that like an hour ago. But he seemed to not be overly worried by it. Said it could be a fistula, to keep an eye on it, let him know if it changes, but that it could also be screwy scar tissue. And I was fine with the scar tissue idea, till it opened again today. Now I'm kinda worried. Still a bit relieved that it doesn't look or feel infected. Isn't sore. I'm not feeling any internal pain at all, appetite is still fine I literally just had a couple pb&j sandwiches and downed them just fine. But still, worried.

What I've been doing is covering it with a band-aid with polysporine disinfectent ointment on it, then changing that semi-frequently, washing it with soap and warm water each time I change it. But after it opened again, the fistula stuff popped into my head, so, I google image searched abdominal fistulas and, well, I saw some really nasty, gory pictures, but I did also see some that kinda, although not perfectly, resemble my thing. Which, of course, between the really nasty pictures and the smaller, more similar ones, only served to worry me more. I realize Google Image searching is not exactly effective medical assessment, nor is a Reddit post, but I dunno. I'm getting desperate and a little nervous with this thing. I want to know what it is so I can deal with it. And right now the best I've got is hoping someone can say something to allay my fears or at least give me info so I can plan for tomorrow.

It's late at night right now, so unless I should head to the emergency room ASAP, there is nothing to be done about this tonight. But I would appreciate if someone who knows bowel stuff could kinda tell me if this sounds like a fistula and how concerned I should be. I am headed up to the hospital tomorrow for unrelated, non-medical reasons and have to call my specialist tomorrow because I forgot to speak to his assistant to set up another appointment before leaving today.

I'm gonna probably head for bed soon-ish after posting this, so if you leave a helpful reply and I don't respond at all, I'm probably asleep. I'll respond when I wake up.

05:21 UTC


Is my finger nail going to fall off?

Question is in the title. I’ve been icing it for an hour and keeping it elevated. Slammed it in a ladder and paranoid about the nail falling off

05:05 UTC


Posterior Cataracts

Does anyone have experience with posterior cataracts—not the ones people get as they age, but the kind you get from injury to the eye? A family member had one eye done years ago and it left them without the ability to focus in that eye, making reading extremely difficult. They don't want to be left without the ability to read or see close up, but they’re going to need the surgery eventually. Optometrist gave some options, but wer’e not sure they'd work out. Please reach out to me if you or someone you know has gone through this and you're willing to share your story. Thanks in advance!

1 Comment
04:33 UTC


Random stomach

I understand the title is a bit odd but I need some help with my stomach? I’m 15, 6’0, male, 130 LBS. About two years ago my stomach hurt constantly and the doctors did some blood work to no avail, now my stomach has started hurting to where just the spell of food is making my stomach hurt, I’m never hungry anymore and when I eat it just doesn’t feel right. I’ve brought this to my parents attention but I don’t know what else to say. If anyone has experienced something like this or knowing a thing or two please help! Thank you.

1 Comment
04:33 UTC


IV Site

Had an IV done and this is the day after any idea? First assumption is simply blood pulling from injection to the surface of skin but just wanted to ask

1 Comment
04:25 UTC


Ive been cold for 10 years

I wasn’t sure where to post this, but I’ll post it here. In short I’m curious about this more than anything and where I live I don’t think doctors really care but I want to know what this is so badly. Details- I’m 30 and it started when I was about 19 my hands feel like they are dunked in ice water and the pain that comes with it sometimes feeling like baby fire ants are biting my knuckles in ring formations too. My feet are so cold just like winter time when you step on some thing or stubbed your toe it’s extra sensitive too. I need hoodies and handwarmers in 60° weather to have enough dexterity in my hands to use my phone. I have not always been this way, and so I know something happened to me and gave up on finding out what after years of Dr. BS. Doctors say I’m fine as always and I might be but I still wanna know what happened to me as this has plagued me almost every day for over a decade. If it helps: heat Only fixes it for as long as it’s consistent if I let go of the handwarmers, it’s not even a minute until it’s back to ice. Summertime does not fix it either at least not right away. It takes at least several weeks or a couple of months of summer for me to feel warm and free of this feeling. Things like playing the guitar aren’t even possible, not even in summer (I played when I was younger and when this happened me, I lost the ability completely even in warm areas) it just requires too much dexterity. Does anybody know what this is and why doctors say I’m fine?

04:14 UTC

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