
Photograph via snooOG

Content and discussions on the flaws, propaganda, and general bull$#!t in the media.

Content and discussions on the flaws, propaganda, and general bull$#!t in the media.

The purpose of this sub is to share videos and discussions that illustrate problems with the mainstream media such as:

  • sensationalism / fearmongering

  • distraction from important issues

  • euphemism and "spin"

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  • discouragement of nuance

The point of this is to make concrete and clear the failings of "the system" using examples, so that people can easily gain a gut-experience of the ways in which our systems of public discourse are inadequate.


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Similar Subreddits:

/r/InternetPR (social media criticism, discussion of online public relations campaigns)


The complete archive of Documentaries of the Week

The /r/Media_Criticism Ultimate Crash Course

ThoughtMaybe.com -- A repository of free social criticism documentaries online. Find something on there and post it here!

For a huge resource on government and media criticism links and studies, click /u/-moose-

The Zen TV Experiment -- Highly recommended

People we love:

  • Aldous Huxley

  • Neil Postman

  • Marshall McLuhan

  • Adam Curtis

  • Noam Chomsky

Anything by or about these guys will surely be welcome.


44,527 Subscribers


Asking a minor if he could choose a lambo or….

Andie Elle (IG model) gives me uncanny thoughts after seeing this

(I do not know her age, my guess in her early 20’s) she is asking a minor who looks like a middle schooler if he’ll rather have her or an Lamborghini?

For somebody like her, she should ask that question to young adults her age

It may seem like a harmless question, but if you look at her content (yes she shows her body and bikini) who knows what she meant by “will you choose me?”

Imagine if the roles are reversed (guy could face backlashes or jail time, but apparently she gets cut some slack)

For Full Reel:


07:46 UTC


Facebook is making debate impossible

So I’m watching people try to respond to each other meaningfully. But there’s no way to keep track of what the comments are responding to. Sometimes you could be reacting to a comment, but there have been other comments since then. And it could apply to any of them!

This hampers communication. As a social media platform (which governs our communication, in both style and content) they should adopt a model similar (but not identical) to Reddit’s.

Context is important. It’s how AI works. So it’s probably how “I” works.


04:58 UTC


The Role of the Media in the Construction of Public Belief and Social Change

17:32 UTC


Jon Stewart makes fun of American media for repeatedly scaremongering about fascism |Hilarious Daily Show monologue includes specific and insightful critiques of recent American political coverage

15:21 UTC


The one and only problem I have with Steven Universe

First, I would like to preface that this is a me thing: it is not an objective flaw.

So I want to enjoy Steven Universe, and I used to enjoy Steven Universe. However, I just can’t bring myself to enjoy it these days, and it’s for a problem probably exclusive to me. When it comes to Steven Quartz Demayo Universe being not only the main character of the show, but also being the one who resolves all the conflicts, I noticed one little issue. No, it’s not anything about the diamonds, it’s not anything related to fusions, it’s not even related to Rose, Spinel, or anyone or anything else, besides Steven himself. Now, I like Steven, I really do like him as a character. But, I cannot shake my one and only issue: Steven is male.

Now hear me out, the gems are nonbinary women made of light. I understand that all the gems are a monogendered and monosexual species of nonbinary women, who are lesbians (with the exception of rose, who is pansexual), but we also have Steven, a gem-human mix, who remains the sole special outlier. Why is this an issue? Because the issues amongst the gems are theirs and only theirs to resolve. But if Steven is the one resolving all the conflicts by being the special good little boy with the powers exclusive to lesbians from space, it brings up an issue.

With all of this, then I can only conclude that Steven Universe is a show about a male getting into lesbian spaces, being accepted and applauded into those lesbian spaces, and getting all the credit for fixing the issues that those lesbians cannot fix themselves. Now, as we know, Steven is a heterosexual boy, not a lesbian woman. Thus, he has no goddamn right to squeeze his way into the communication-focused drama occurring between everyone and taking the credit for solving all their fears, confusions, and problems.

If Steven was a girl instead of a boy, this entire problem goes away, and it goes away completely. If we keep connie, (and I love Connie, she’s a great character!), and Nora Universe is still together with Connie, and everything about the story stays the same, (though you could argue that the Steven-only perspective is also worth eliminating from a plot standpoint), then I would have absolutely no problem with any of it. And in regards to the Steven-only perspective, that makes the problem of sidelining the many colourful fun space lesbians for one straight boy who’s stronger than all of them to always hog the spotlight, does a disservice to the quality of the series, from my point of view. Not to mention that with SU wearing the Shoujo Kakumei Utena inspiration on its sleeves, it would make so much more sense for SU’s (or in this case, NU’s) protagonist to also be a proud lesbian.

I’m sorry if this doesn’t fit here, but I at least wanted to know if I’m reading into any of this wrong. Again, it’s all my opinion, it isn’t objective flaws. Thank you for reading, at least.

01:03 UTC


why are some "life hack" videos so stupid?

sometimes you can find people saying that you get cool stuff from doing stupid shit

I found a video that says if you leave a carrot in pepsi for a day it becomes stretchy and people already know ti doesn't work. I bet were gonna have some influencer go like "shove a finger up your ass and scream my name 5 times in the sink and you will get a super cool car!!"

21:09 UTC


Give me your biased or unbiased opinion on Jordan Peterson.

Here's the deal: He came up in a discussion unrelated to the topic and when I mentioned that I didn't know much about him but that he seemed pretty calm and well-spoken people went nuts. The only material of his I've really seen had to do with psychology. Specifically it was related to dealing with traumatic events and it seemed logical, decent and pretty standard for the genre. I couldn't get a reply as to why so many people hate him (just a cascade of down votes). What makes him far right (if you think he is)? People were putting him in the same category as Andrew Tate (who is an egotistical swamp donkey) and I couldn't draw a parralel. Thanks for your input regardless of your view on him. Inform me so I can form my own educated opinion on this individual please.

04:53 UTC


“Superhero movies are getting old!” How would you keep it fresh?

Am writing a superhero comic and it starts off normal superhero’s get there powers from the government the main 6 hero’s have to fight supervillains then evil superhero’s. But then we venture into aliens time travel living robots ghost and mutant animals but DC and Marvel have already done that. So how would you create a superhero comic series were it feels fresh and you forget your sick of superhero movies?

21:35 UTC


Does anybody else feel like this is all just to further cause online mania?

Does anyone else feel like the intent olis to cause online social mania?

I feel like the bottom 99 percent are being memed on, being forced to argue and panic amongst ouselves and worry about our future and human rights (both left and right or where ever else you place yourself in idealogical geography). All because a couple of billionaires (globally, not just old orange oompaloompa president puppet man) worked out that the algorythmic dopamine rectangles make us good little worker bees by keeping us in a fight or flight response.

Divide and conquer but not nation vs nation, elite vs working class.

I really do feel like we are too far gone now. Makes me sad.

19:37 UTC


Is Meta making many accounts following Trump and JD Vance?

I was reading a post about this topic in subreddit I'm a part of that has nothing to do with politics. Many people reported suddenly noticing they and many of their friends, including Canadians and other nationalities, were following IG pages of Trump and Vance. In some cases, this appeared to have begun weeks ago. According to most sources (and the most reliable sources I can find are Snopes/Yahoo and AP News), this is simply because these people were previously following the last US president and vice president accounts, and there was a transfer of "ownership". However, I have found many claims in comments on Reddit and in some articles about this that this is not the case - they claim they weren't following the Biden and Harris accounts to begin with, or they still are but now are following Trump and Vance's personal accounts as well. I'm curious if this is a big "nothing burger", or if this is a real sneaky stunt by Meta that is not being properly reported and investigated.


15:40 UTC


Petty questioning of President Trump

President Trump announced a $500 billion investment by tech companies into AI. They discussed the possibilities of how this may ultimately help cure cancers, solve problems and questions that have plagued humans for ever. They talked about the thousands of jobs that will be created. They talked about how it was great that this was going to be in America.

Then they opened it up for questions.

The first question was about some J6 protester that was pardoned.

So that reporter sat there, listened to potentially humankind changing discussions, and decided that the most important thing his audience wanted to know about was one guy, out of the thousands that have been pardoned over the last few months by Biden and Trump.

Does he not realize how absolutely small that made him look? There he was, in a room with several of the heads of giant tech companies, and he decides to go off on this tangent that virtually no one cares about.

23:46 UTC


Elon Musk Gave A Nazi Salute Three Times And The Media Is Gaslighting Us.

If you've seen the video, you know there is no doubt: Elon Musk is giving the full white power/Nazi salute. And the "investigative journalists" in the media are befuddled. They don't understand why he's giving such an "awkward" salute.

Don't trust any media outlet that won't condemn this.

21:02 UTC


Prof. Neil Postman predicted the rise of Trump as a product of Television via publishing Amusing Ourselves To Death. Will the substance of written or spoken word ever displace the visual medium as a means of political communication into the future?

11:41 UTC


Media Coverage of LA Fires vs NC Hurricane

I feel for the people impacted by the LA fires. Something that jumps to mind is why was the media coverage for the NC hurricane disaster so short lived and limited compared to the LA fires. Is it the Hollywood and media factor; is it left leaning media? Four times the number of people lost their lives and not sure but it seems so many more people in NC seemed to be in dire financial need. If I were a victim of the NC hurricanes, I’d find it more than depressing looking at these stark differences in the level of coverage. Again, I feel for all victims who are in dire economic circumstances.

02:44 UTC


It’s feels like we are in a watershed moment for social media.

I'm 28 and have been on social media since I was 12. Even before social media I had a blog and spent a lot of time on forums. I currently run the social media accounts for a ski shop, I've worked as a content creator, so being on social media has defined my life and recently I've began despising it. Right now with all the news about TikTok and Meta, it feels we are in a huge moment with social media. And while I currently work in social media, I hope these platforms come crashing down and built back up again. Most people I've talked have abandoned Facebook, Twitter and TikTok. Instagram is the reigning platform but everyone I've talked to is trying to use it less. I went out to dinner with friends on News Years Eve and nearly everyone's New Years Resolution was to be on Instagram less. Everyone seems to be done with these platforms sucking up their time and ruining attention spans.

This summer I deleted social media apps off my phone (on use it for work on my iPad or computer) and my mental health improved significantly. People even pointed out and asked why I seemed happier, more present and engaging, it's because I'm not being dragged down by social media all the time.

I do miss early social media, before the 'influencers' and 'content creators', when it was about staying in touch with friends. It felt this way until 2013-14 after Facebook went public and bought Instagram. After that, these platforms became focused on how much of your attention they can suck in, because the longer you are on the platform the more ads you see. I miss when social media was websites you engaged with and not apps designed for you to doomscroll.

Honestly I dont know what the future holds, but I hope it's in a positive direction.

04:04 UTC


PBS - why not end Newshour instead of getting defunded entirely?

It is expected that the Trump administration/DOGE is going to likely end the $500mm of funding for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. But it seems that PBS has some decent content. The main inflammatory point for the right is the way they report news. A pew surveys from last year ranks PBS even lower than Fox on a trustworthiness poll.

It seems like a shame to end the channel entirely when it can just exit the news business.

07:26 UTC


First Female Tag

How long is this "First Female" bullsh*t going to continue?

It was cute at first but a woman is actually dead and I'm genuinely not sure if they are trying to be funny or not. Does anyone else find this ridiculous?

12:58 UTC


Pop quiz: In what country did a national news media outlet say that tracking bias in news coverage is "absurd" and that publishing opinion pieces with opposing viewpoints is immature?


He’s installed this absurd new feature for readers of the paper to track bias. And he’s insisted that anything critical of [[local political figure]] run alongside, in the op-ed section, something that’s the opposite point of view. This is more than just callow bothsidesism. This is just craven corporate misconduct.

Before you check if you guessed correctly, I'm curious what what your reaction was reading this. Would you agree with the speaker who also claims that " ...they don’t have journalistic values. They don’t have journalistic priorities." Is there any possible context that could change your opinion?

Source here.

Too lazy to click the link? The name of the politician should give it away...

  • !Trump!<

^(Edited to fix formatting)

21:12 UTC


NYT Continues to Normalize Trump

"[S]urpring parallels"? Feels like pacifying a nation of exhausted babies at this point.


12:50 UTC


Regime Media Shifts Blame to Tesla + Elon for Cybertruck Terror Attack

01:50 UTC


Have you all seen Whitney Cummings completely roast CNN on their NYE show?

16:29 UTC


Media Literacy: News Vs Non-News

If a headline teases the story, that's to be expected. However if the story doesn't out the tease in the first two sentences, it's "Not News". Example: Popular Beverage Company Declares Bankruptcy". A real news article will immediately tell you who they are talking about. If you are more than two sentences in and still don't know - it's not a news article.

15:53 UTC


It finally happened… AI slop has taken over Instagram

Everytime I go in my discover feed it’s flooded with AI slop. I avoid tapping on these posts so the algorithm doesn’t think I’m engaging with them, over the past month I’ve noticed more and more of these AI slop videos taking over. Similar to what happened earlier this year with Facebook and AI pictures, Instagram has turned into the same thing with AI video. I deleted Instagram off my phone months ago and just check it occasionally on my IPad. I checked my discover feed today and it was 90% AI slop. My feed no longer my friends or pages I follow, but now more resembles TikTok’s ‘For You Page’, mostly focused on addictive short form videos. The sad thing is this slop boosts engagement so Meta is just going to let it escalate.

Good bye Instagram. I waisted enough of my time on the app when it was just pictures, now I’ve lost any motivation to check it.

20:35 UTC


Reddit has been treated as a primary source for a while now, but…

There’s something about the New York Times using Reddit as a primary source that really wakes me up to the fact that social media has the power.*

*The people who run social media have the power. Looking forward to true open source.

20:21 UTC


What Pretends to be "News" is a Advertising and Marketing Show

Submission Statement: Discussion about the advertising and marketing shows that pretends to be News.


What Pretends to be "News" is a Advertising and Marketing Show! Relying on "Sensationalism as a baited hook".

If they are not promoting products, they are promoting books, far too often they use "Sensationalist Headlines to lure people to be caught up watch a series of advertising commercials. This is all wrapped from a podium lined with people "spewing their opinions" about stuff they don't know a damn things about! But they are trained to embellish anything and everything for drama, while they sit in their make up and costumes, pretending to be an authority on "everything".

America was a far better nation when they had just 1 hr of Morning News & 6pm Evening News, those time slots did not have time to embellish and push their opinions and flood people with product sales and advertising commercials. They had to report the facts, and people could do their own research and develop their own opinions.

People read "Newspaper" and could form their own opinions about reporting that focus on the specific subject they were discussing. Reporters who had to get direct credible facts before they could print and publish it.

Not this TV 90 second, Headline Spin, followed by a bunch of people laughing and smiling, and stone face variations of looks like they are in the middle of Schizophrenia episode with Tourette syndrome antics, pushing out opinions about things they have not actual facts about. Followed by entire segments hawking products and books and companies, followed by a litany of commercial advertisements..

14:43 UTC

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