
Photograph via snooOG

/r/matheducation is for discussions of math teaching and pedagogy.

r/matheducation is focused on mathematics pedagogy (the teaching of). Please avoid posts that are related to homework or other "How do I solve this?" type questions. There should be an emphasis on usefulness (such as good internet resources or ideas for how to teach a concept).

Note: This is not a subreddit to self-promote your blog, website, or YouTube channel, but rather to point out resources you've found that you could actually see bringing something useful to the art of math teaching.

Just explaining a single math concept isn't a good fit here, but something that explains an innovative way to teach a concept to others is fine.

The guiding principle for content here should be: is this something related to the teaching of mathematical concepts?

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10 problems on complex number for AMC/AIME and other math contests.

14:13 UTC


Arithmetic Zetamac Practice Site

If anyone is familiar with the site arithmetic.zetamac.com it is unfortunately down. I use this everyday with my middle schoolers to strengthen their integer skills. This is a huge loss for me if it is down permanently. Just thought others should know, in case you also use it.

12:40 UTC


Looking For Partners On Website

I'm currently working on a new idea for a math education website (that I will not disclose here yet) -- it's still in its early stages but I'm looking for someone to work on it with me (someone who is very preferably a minor as I am one as well).

You need to be able to dedicate at least 10 hours a week to it.

PM me for more info

edit: forgot to mention, it focuses on early math (grades 1-5 currently)

18:55 UTC


Scatter Plot Generator Tool

Hello! I taught HS statistics and quickly ran out of scatter plots to use online, so I made this website to let people generate them based on a function with adjustable noise and regression.

You can try it for yourself at https://www.scattermaker.xyz/


18:39 UTC


Mastering the Art of Daily Study: A Student’s Guide

12:32 UTC


Online Funded Master's programs?

Hello. I have a Bachelor's degree (B.A.) in Mathematics and am looking for options for Master's. My focus is on Mathematics education as I want to be a teacher but I am from the Balkans/EU, so most options I found online are unaffordable, so I am checking if you know any online programs that offer substantial funding (I cannot pay more than 2K for the whole degree sadly). I am not hopeful due to the financial limitations as quality programs are expensive and funds are limited for graduates that are not doing PhD but still I thought it is worth a try. Thank you in advance!

17:58 UTC


What is it that makes K-12 Math So Miserable and Ugly? || Part 1

20:54 UTC


Failed Algebra 2 regents, is there anything I can/should do?

Sooo I got a 61 as my score. To preface this, I'm in the 9th grade, and already have the 5 regents needed to graduate (Alg1, ELA, Living Environment, USHG, and Earth Science. I dont know if the Spanish 1 Checkpoint exam counts).

Do appeals apply here? I've heard students appealing it if they scored around 50-64 but I'm not sure. If not, should I bother retaking it since I meet all requirements? I feel like it's best if I retake it if I cant get it appealed but idk if it's better to retake in August or January.

22:14 UTC


I built a network graph showing every high school math topic needed for Calculus


I built this network graph to show you all the math needed for Calculus

White = Pre-Algebra

Purple = Algebra I

Blue = Algebra II

Red = Trigonometry

What are your thoughts?

21:52 UTC


What are some math tutoring resources?

I'd like to pay for a private tutor to help my wife with her medical math, and algebra/trig.

She's American so she struggles with the metric system, which is what I'd like someone to help her with and I have a basic grasp on algebra.

What are some recommended services, or tutoring companies you guys recommend?

19:36 UTC


How to Overcome Writer's Block: A Student's Guide to Conquering the Blank Page

13:13 UTC


I want to get better in maths but I'm learning it a very slow speed even simple basic questions. Is this telling me I'm not going to be good?

Although I haven't studied for past 8 years neither I have worked hard on maths

11:01 UTC


Looking for tips/advice incorporating mathematics as I raise my young daughter.

18:51 UTC


Why no integration by parts in AB calculus?

This summer I'm doing an AB calculus "preview" for some students, and I noticed that integration by parts is listed as BC only.

Why would the college board omit such a basic and powerful technique for AB students? Any one have an idea?

16:51 UTC


Seeking Resources on the UK Math Curriculum Structure

Hello everyone,

I’m a math teacher interested in exploring the UK math curriculum in detail. Specifically, I’m looking for resources or websites that provide comprehensive insights into the structure of textbooks for each year stage, as well as the official syllabus.

So far, I’ve only come across websites offering worksheets and revision materials, which are helpful but not exactly what I need. I’m looking for something more in-depth that covers the curriculum itself.

Does anyone have recommendations for websites or resources where I can access the UK math curriculum?

Thank you!

07:51 UTC


Math self study by problem solving

Hello all - just wanted to get everyone’s perspective on what learning style for math works best.

I have seen a lot of people use and recommend video based learning like Khan Academy, however personally I cannot learn effectively using videos.

I have built this website called explorr - to showcase active learning in math using guided problem solving and real time feedback. It’s in the early stages with Algebra and Math but I was wondering if this is a style of math learning that would work for folks, especially who may feel left behind or starting math at a later stage in school.

All opinions are welcome and I appreciate your feedbacks. If this approach would help even a single person understand math better or start liking math, I’d feel all my efforts accomplished!

05:45 UTC


Are math/physics postbac programs a thing?

18:27 UTC


How to Get Better at Math: Tips for Students from Experienced 911papers Writers

12:46 UTC


Master's in applied mathematics for a late thirties math teacher

Hi there. To anyone who can help answer the question-

I'm a math teacher in a reputed IB school in India. I have an electrical engineering degree and I've been teaching math in high school for roughly 9 years now. I am interested in studying applied math but it's been very long since I was in college and given my background, I simply don't know if I'd be accepted anywhere.

Essentially my question is, do I stand a chance of being accepted?

What are the prerequisites for an applied math course?

Thanks to anyone who can answer this question :)

04:14 UTC


Fraction game ideas with jelly pizzas?

I have bought a box of ten jelly pizzas. Each pizza has nine slices. Specifically it is this one :


I've got a nine year old and a seven year old. I like to do some fun maths with them on the weekend and I plan on doing some fraction stuff with the pizzas.

Things they already fully understand :

  • one slice of this pizza is 1/9

  • two slices is 2/9

  • 9/9 slices is one whole

Things they are still getting to grips with but kind of get :

  • equivalent fractions, so 6/9 = 2/3

  • 2/3 is bigger than 1/2

Things we haven't discussed yet :

  • fraction addition, multiplication and division.

Does anyone have any fun ideas on how to use the pizzas to teach fractions? I was thinking this weekend I might do something like this :

  • get one slice and cut it in half. What does that make? 1/18. If we did this to all the pizzas then we'd have 18 slices to share out.

  • so if I have two of the 1/18 slices we could write that as 2/18. What is that the same as? We can see it's the same as a 1/9 slice. If you divide the top and bottom by the same number you simplify it but we can also just see it's the same as a 1/9 slice.

  • what about 3 of the 1/9 slices? How would we write that? What's that the same as?

  • ok, so 1/9 + 1/9 is 2/9? and 1/9 + 1/9 + 1/9 is 3/9 which we can simplify to 1/3 ( and look it's clearly one third of the pizza, we could fit exactly three of these in) ... ok what if I take 1/9 and add the 1/18 slice what does that add up to?

  • well, we can't just add because they are different kinds of things. The bottom bit (the denominator - which tells you how many equal pieces the pizza has been cut up into) is different for each one. What do you think we can do? What's another way of writing 1/9? (maybe cut a 1/9 slice in half at this point to get the message across).

  • Ok, so 1/9 is the same as 2/18 and now they are the same type of thing so we can just add the tops (the numerators together). So 2/18 + 1/18 is 3/18.

  • Ok, but wait. Could we simplify that. 3 and 18 are jumping out at me. Is there a number that could divide into them both? (If needed prompt - Think about your 3 times table, think about skip counting in 3s.) Ok, yeah, so 3 divided by 3 is 1 and 18 divided by 3 is 6. so 3/18 is the same as 1/6... and that's easier to write.

  • Let's compare it 3/18 = 1/6 and if we line that up on the pizza does it look right? Would six of these make a whole pizza?

  • Ok, cool. Math over. Enjoy eating the pizza.

Anyone got any thoughts on this approach? Any other fun ways you'd use jelly pizzas with two kids?

19:41 UTC


Math teachers: what's your preferred calculator for middle school?

I like the TI-108 is sometimes a bit too basic, but something like the CASIO FX 260 is almost perfect, but slightly overloaded with features most middle schoolers won't need.

18:15 UTC


7th, 8th, and 9th grade textbooks

Hello! I need some help with finding good textbooks for my 7th, 8th and 9th graders. I recently moved states and the district I’m at doesn’t seem to have a curriculum instructor (or at least I haven’t heard mention of one). It’s a rural school, so I will be teaching all the 7th, 8th and 9th graders. The principal has given me free rein to pick a textbook or curriculum I want, and he will purchase it for me. That being said…I’m only a 4th year teacher, so I’ve only used one textbook in my career and I don’t know what else is out there. At my previous district, we used Reveal Math by McGraw Hill. I taught Algebra 1 and Geometry, and I found that while Algebra 1 was decently written, the Geometry text was a little too fast paced and advanced for the kids I had. When I asked the middle school math teachers if they liked the middle school version of Reveal, they unanimously said no. I’ve looked into Envision Math, but the reviews are mixed. I also sent a request to demo MidSchoolMath. From TPT, I have used resources from the account All Things Algebra, and I have liked what she’s made. I’m not sure that I could use it in lieu of a physical textbook or other curriculum. I’m just overwhelmed and not sure where to go or how to approach this. I’ve never taught middle school, and since I know I’ll have these students for at least 3 consecutive years, I want to make sure that the routine and content I use is somewhat fluid throughout the next few years. Any advice or recommendations would be lovely! Thank you!

14:33 UTC


Finally, I have discovered the regularity of prime numbers.

09:39 UTC


Resources for Aspiring Head of Math Department?

Hello everyone,

I'm considering applying for Head of Math Department positions at schools. Are there any useful resources, such as books, papers, or websites, that can help me prepare for this role? I'm looking for guidance on designing effective improvement plans, mentoring other math teachers, and developing leadership skills ...

Thank you.

05:16 UTC


The second set of books for IMO/USAMO/PUTNAM/BMO

The one which I do for my mentees at AMMOC Math Circle

02:21 UTC


How to learn math as a complete beginner.

I avoided math a lot as I wasn't good at it because I didn't know the fundamentals, so I didn't choose math in grade 11 and 12 but math is compulsory subject for me in university. I would like to learn everything from basics. What's the best way to do so, please share resources assuming l'm complete zero. I always found math interesting and fun but it was hard for me. Please help.

11:23 UTC


MS in Applied Math - Statement of Purpose

Hi all. I am in the process of applying to graduate schools for a MS in Applied Math, and I'm trying to get people to look over my statement of purpose (this is a first draft). I'd truly appreciate any pointers.

If you'd be kind enough to look, please comment or send me a message and I will send you a copy. Thank you!

1 Comment
21:50 UTC

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