videos on martial arts, self-defense, etc. techniques
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Marcus Encel sensei, a 35+ year Aikido instructor who also trains in BJJ talks about the correct approach to Aikido striking techniques and highlights some of the most common misconceptions. #Aikidostriking #AikidoAtemi #MarcusEncel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gPSza94y1A .
this clip features guys at VIRTUAL AIKIDO DOJO explaining and demonstrating an interesting shihonage from a one-finger grab, exploring the concept of non-resistance. #VirtualAikidoDojo #OneFingerShihonage #AikidoTechniques https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SD1mfnRKoLg .
In this video sifu Siukee Wan from Shaolin Ancestors Wing Chun demonstrates how the use of "spiral energy" can fundamentally change the way in which you redirect force and connect with your partner's centre of balance, a concept useful to all martial artists irrespective of style. #WingChun #SpiralEnergy #DeflectingPunches https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqZRDvC8IH0&lc=Ugx30Q6shXNiVnfLrMt4AaABAg .
Dunken Francis sensei demonstrates and explains in detail the 15 movement "Kagami" (mirror) kata for the jo, which allows students to train both left and right sided as well as exploring fundamentals of posture and tai-sabaki (body movement). #15movementJoKata #AikidoJoKata #KagamiJoKata https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQkEPzqDSLY .
Tony Schaufelberger sensei demonstrates the infamous "One-legged balance trick" which has been around hundreds if not thousands of years. He breaks down the biomechanics that make this possible and why it's such an important concept for all martial artists to understand. A little health & safety note: if you find you cannot stand on one leg for more than 20 seconds, go see a doctor as it can sometime be an indicator of a higher risk of stroke. #oneleggedbalance #MartialArtsBalance #correctposture https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFIfkKCVrCE .
Tony Schaufelberger sensei describes and demonstrates the incredibly subtle processes at work whereby our own posture and alignment can allow us to connect and redirect the force of our partner. He explains how this works and takes us through some fascinating drills we can use to explore the subject. #InternaMartialArts #Aiki #RedirectingForce https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQ5hVHV9I08 .
Tony Shaufelberger sensei demonstrates how to get in touch with our "reptilian mind" and learn to rely more on what we feel through our body rather than "over thinking" things. Some great biomechanical and structural tips towards the end of the clip too. #ReptilianMind #PeripersonalSpacePPS #CorrectPosture
35 year Muay Thai & Karate man Marc "The Bolton Bomber" Barton takes a group of Aikidoka through the basics of four killer Muay Thai knee strikes, demonstrating how to generate power and how versatile the knee is as an atemi. #KneeStrikes #FlyingKneeStrike #AikidoAtemi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gck0LoKy9Jg&lc=Ugz1ey0erOwHjeQ8njJ4AaABAg .
In this very short clip Jason Laurent sensei demonstrates how important alignment is if you want to maximise your ability to control your partner's movement. #Aikidobasics #AikidoWeapons #Aikidofundamentals https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1xAlYd9OrI .
Jason Laurent sensei walks us through how to generate power and stability simply by compressing into the floor and allowing the mechanics of the major muscle groups to work naturally. #Aikido #Aikidopower #Aikidotechniques www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVftPVWk22k&lc=UgycPNVA1qjDjcI7O3l4AaABAg .
In part 2 of the interview with Robert Mustard shihan 8th dan, Dunken Francis sensei asks him about the importance (or not) of rank, "rank inflation" and how Aikido should evolve if it's to stay relevant. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31h05ih3wa4 .
In this short clip Clyde Sutton sensei takes us through three different mechanical approaches to ikkyo, each more suitable for specific situations and body types. #AdvancedAikido #Ikkyo #AikidoIkkyo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zyt1hNVxLfo&lc=UgwjKjIvnwDBm51rXRh4AaABAg .
In this short clip, Clyde Sutton sensei from Aikido Musubi Ryu confronts a common issue many Aikido students have with finding the correct hand position in juji garami, and a simple way to rectify it. #AikidoJujigarami #JujiGarami #CrossArmThrow https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2JcBQuvU0M&lc=Ugx9zGbHm9mC1qesaid4AaABAg .
Clyde Sutton sensei from Aikido Musubi Ryu explains how the two-handed grab from behind, ushiro ryotetori originated, and how to incorporate it's beauty and flow into your training without it becoming a dance! #UshiroRyotetori #AikidoTwoHandedGrab #AdvancedAikido https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRy5bPjqnCk .
Christiaan Buijsers sensei from J1 Jiujitsu breaks down the classic juji gatame or the "number one armbar" at our recent Aikido seminar. A real detailed guide and also shows some very interesting variants that we hope you'll find useful. #AikidoGroundwork #JujiGatame #NumberOneArmbar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U\_4NhD4emCU .