
Photograph via snooOG

A Sub-Reddit for all things martial arts related

A public forum for all-ages martial arts and related discussions


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Does everyone feel insecure being a beginner?

I started doing Taekwondo two months ago with only three other students? Whatever they’re called and since iv only started actually being active it was hard, and seeing the other three do well honestly made me feel embarrassed and insecure. Currently even though I’m definitely better at keeping up I still can’t. I still can’t keep up and even feel like I can’t breath, this is now with a lot more students and I just feel so insecure when I can’t keep up. Every time I mess up kicking I feel like I’m the worst ever out of all of them. I don’t want to feel this way, I joined to not feel this way. If any of you can give me advice, any sort of advice I would love to hear them. Thanks.

1 Comment
23:39 UTC


What traditional martial art works in street fights?

Let me specify in street I mean H2h no rules not with weapons.

Is there any fork of trad karate or so that works, at all? By trad I mean prior to say Kyukoshin

21:52 UTC


Started learning Muay Thai, what next?

I have been doing Muay Thai for around 2 months now, which I know is very little time. I decided to learn it over boxing as you use kicks knees elbows as well, which I think is better than just boxing. But recently I only copped on and realised in a real fight, there is 2 playing fields, standing up fighting and on the ground fighting. I know I need to wait a while and get a grasp on Muay Thai first but what should I learn next, as I feel the need to be able to fight on the ground as well, and how long should I wait before starting it.

22:50 UTC


Muay Thai fighter transitioning to boxing, am I overreacting or is this gym disrespectful?

First I’d like to say that I’m going through a break up so emotions are quite high right now.

It’s only my second session training at this boxing gym. I’ve been training Muay Thai for 2 years and I love my coaches. Constructive criticism but strict, it’s for my own good attitude. I love it.

My first session at this boxing gym there was multiple coaches and I had a great training session with other coaches.

Second one was today. I was working pads with him and I’m struggling to get used to what number means what punch. 1/2 is the same jab/cross. But 4 in my Muay Thai gym is right uppercut. I’ve been doing that for years. Their 4 is lead hook.

This dude had the worst attitude the whole time, seemed like he didn’t even want to be there. Very dismissive, he knows I come from Muay Thai and I’m American with my primary language being English although I am fluent in Spanish and I feel like this makes him want to try and break me with extra conditioning compared to everyone else. When I complete conditioning he laughs and says “it’s different here huh”.

That part isn’t what bothered me. It’s the fact that I didn’t immediately get the combo down within 2 tries that this dude yells at me and says “LEAD HOOK NOT UPPER” as he shakes his head and says “no no no” literally walks away from me mid training session and leaves me alone. Yells at me do some push ups and later comes back and we try another combo.

I found this extremely disrespectful, his general attitude and vibe was “I don’t want to train you but I have to, you’re making my job to coach harder so I don’t want to”.

I am Mexican American, living in Mexico. I am fluent in Spanish but sometimes I need clarification or to slow down on boxing terminology as it’s not everyday conversation and I’m still learning. I’ve been to another gym in my city that is much much better but very far. They treated me with a lot of patience and really guided me and made sure to really take the little bit of extra time I needed to adjust.

I don’t know if I’m being overly emotional but I’ve never been disrespected like that in Muay Thai ever. ESPECIALLY not on my second mf day?

Something about being yelled at like that and given up on just really pissed me off

22:22 UTC


When will boxing and MMA fuse?

Disciplinarily, boxing is ahead of MMA. In terms of rawness and reality of fighting, MMA is ahead of boxing. The multiple styles of MMA don't fit the smart thinking of boxing and visa versa. Hence why MMA fighters are outplayed in boxing and why boxers don't fight in MMA arenas.

When will a new athletic arena form allowing the marksmanship and endurance of boxing to be preserved alongside the inventive dynamism of MMA and what will it look like?

E: Grammar.

22:15 UTC


Help me settle a debate: Who would win between a medium sized trained guy and an untrained giant

Dumb question but my buddy and I got into a debate over who would win in this scenario. Here's the theoretical matchup:

Guy A:

-6 feet


-A few years of training in striking and grappling

Guy B:



-No training

My buddy thinks the bigger guy would win but I'm thinking that training negates skill when both fighters are already on the larger side. What do you guys think?

21:54 UTC


Boxing or Kickboxing? Which one should I start with?

17:23 UTC


Did you ever defend yourself from knife or a gun attack with martial arts knowledge?

18:43 UTC


Martial arts business idea help

I have a question regarding the feasibility of a business concept as it relates to the martial arts. As a second degree WT certified black belt, I am thinking about starting a side hustle by teaching private martial arts lessons to members of the community (these services would be available to children aged 4–7 as well). I would provide all equipment, train in a safe space, purchase liability insurance, operate under a legal entity, etc.

I am trying to do some market research here. My concern is the market size for private martial arts lessons and that most potential clients would choose to attend an already established martial arts dojo with many students. However, I realize there could be a market for the following reasons:

  • Students want a flexible training environment tailored to THEIR exact schedule
  • Students want private attention not found in a regular school and fully custom training plans
  • Parents want one-to-one training for their child where they can really focus and excel
  • Students/parents often are locked into long contracts when they start (6 months-1 year) and are not sure if they want to commit or if they will “like” the martial arts compared to other sports
  • Pre-existing martial artists who want tournament prep, belt testing prep, custom coaching to compliment their training
  • Students who want to train in a unique discipline not offered much elsewhere (I am certified to train kali/escrima)
18:55 UTC


Private lessons vs group classes

I have a question regarding the feasibility of a business concept as it relates to the martial arts. As a second degree WT certified black belt, I am thinking about starting a side hustle by teaching private martial arts lessons to members of the community (these services would be available to children aged 4–7 as well). I would provide all equipment, train in a safe space, purchase liability insurance, operate under a legal entity, etc.

I am trying to do some market research here. My concern is the market size for private martial arts lessons and that most potential clients would choose to attend an already established martial arts dojo with many students. However, I realize there could be a market for the following reasons:

  • Students want a flexible training environment tailored to THEIR exact schedule
  • Students want private attention not found in a regular school and fully custom training plans
  • Parents want one-to-one training for their child where they can really focus and excel
  • Students/parents often are locked into long contracts when they start (6 months-1 year) and are not sure if they want to commit or if they will “like” the martial arts compared to other sports
  • Pre-existing martial artists who want tournament prep, belt testing prep, custom coaching to compliment their training
  • Students who want to train in a unique discipline not offered much elsewhere (I am certified to train kali/escrima)
18:56 UTC


Mental health

It’s about 2 months since I started training in kickboxing and Muay Thai. I got my 8th kyu rank in kickboxing like 2 weeks back and I’ve just realised how much martial arts has really helped my mental health. In the beginning of the year, I was really struggling with major anxiety, my self esteem, and other things but after joining martial arts and seeing my progress in it, it’s safe to say that I’m really in a good place.

The environment I’m in and people I’m around are just give off such positive vibes that I can’t help but push myself to be better. I don’t think I can articulate all that I feel about it rn but even the subreddits I’ve joined regarding martial arts have made me feel better at times.

17:59 UTC


Strengthening defense against Liver and Solar Plexus strikes

Hello everyone,
I'm new to martial arts and I'm looking for advice on how to improve my defense against strikes to the liver and solar plexus/celiac plexus. I understand the importance of dodging and blocking, but I'm specifically interested in exercises or techniques that can help minimize the pain and impact when I do get hit in these areas.

(I saw a post saying that some of the worst spots to get hit are those)

Are there any conditioning exercises or ways to develop the abdominal wall or the tissues around these areas to better withstand strikes? I've heard some people mention body conditioning through repeated strikes, but I'm curious if there are other methods that might be effective as well.

I humbly ask for your help and appreciate any tips or recommendations you can give me.

Thank you!

15:48 UTC


What Martial Arts should I put my 2 sons in?

Like the title says, I have 2 sons that's below 2 years old at the moment. My plan is to get them both in to a Martial art/Combat Sport when they get a bit older (5-6 years old). So my question is what martial art I should put them in. Some of my criterias/focuses

  1. Good for self defence. Not to speak bad about like Aikido or those types of Martial Arts but I need want a proven good martial art for defence.

  2. Good for character development. I want them to experience the grind, be tough, humble and all of these things Martial arts can build in to a person.

  3. Appropriate and fun for kids.

  4. Something 2 brothers have benefits of knowing and practice together. I have seen 2 brothers in BJJ (Rutolo brothers) and they seem to have gotten so good since they are twins who is the same size as each other and always had a drilling partner whilst growing up. Its probably benefitial in all Martial Arts to have a drilling partner in the same size, but maybe some martial arts its even better/more important.

Me personally have been doing Muay Thai for 2-3 years and I really like it, but im open and interested in all martial arts and I have no personal experience other than in Muay Thai, that's why im asking you guys here who has first hand experience in your martial art.

10:53 UTC


Value Of Boxing 1x Weekly

I first started martial arts through BJJ, but switched over to boxing after joining an MMA gym about a year ago. I have had to take a few months off recently, and decided to focus on BJJ when I start training again after trying both a grappling and striking art. I am a hobbyist, and am planning to just train BJJ 2x weekly and lift weights 4x weekly as this is my main focus. However, my schedule would allow me to add 1 boxing session a week, but I was unsure if it would be worth it or not. Hard sparring is only offered once a week at my gym and I wouldn’t be able to attend, and in class we do very little sparring at all (very light touch sparring at most). Because of this, I wanted to ask if adding in this boxing session would allow me to improve, or would it just be doing cardio if I’m going to be training so little and not going to the sparring session? I know that by prioritizing weightlifting I will never be nearly as good as someone who actually competes, but I would like to be competent at both striking and grappling if possible. Thanks for any advice

11:59 UTC


My little brother wants me to teach him kickboxing, where do I start?

He's about 10, pretty big for his age, has a few karate belts, can do a couple pushups, and is very determined.

He really wants me to teach him kickboxing, and I don't want to disappoint him.

I'm an alright kickboxer, but I don't think that I'm qualified to teach properly. Could someone better qualified for teaching kickboxing give me a step by step or smth?

Thanks in advance

09:27 UTC


NEW STUDY REVEALS Why Roadwork Sucks For Boxing (And What To Do Instead)

05:43 UTC


Learning Judo in the Upstate SC

Me and my friend at Clemson UNI want to learn Judo but can't find any local Judo schools, there is one school but it's primarily Jiu jitsu with some Judo mixed in. Does anyone know of an actual Judo school?

03:36 UTC


I have a plan to raise my son in martial arts but I don’t know if it’s good so imma let y’all decide

So I’m 15 and I’ve been training mma (Jiu jitsu and Muay Thai) for about a year and I have a small history of karate and plan to fight when I turn 18. I don’t have a son but if I do I’m making this plan just in case. I plan on enrolling him into something like a traditional martial art like taekwondo and a grappling martial art such as wrestling when he’s 4. Taekwondo is mainly for the footwork in kicking and wrestling for when I enroll him into jiu jitsu. When he turns 10 or 12 I’ll pull him out of taekwondo and wrestling and get him into boxing and jiu jitsu. Once he’s 14 I’ll drop boxing and bring Muay Thai into the mix and then he can fight in mma. All in all though it’s all up to him since I want to be a good father but it’s something I want for him so he can be strong and protect his family. Y’all tell me what I need to change cuz I got time.

04:00 UTC



Where should at start when learning kudo at home, I’ve done kyokushin karate before and was wondering where to start when learning kudo.

Anyone got any tips?

03:35 UTC


My losses on street fighter are the same fighter body


(english isnt my languaje so if something doesnt understand feel free to ask or correct)

I practiced since kid martial arts, continue practicing to adult age, i have a baggage of kung fu, tae kwon do, boxing, savate. Last day i remembered my losses on street fight at young age, just 3 or 4 loses, but i remember all my oponenets where small guys with very big ass lol, all of them taked me and throwed me to KO on ground, i dont remember or know if they have judo or BJJ skills, but the thing i remember is how quick i was KOed hitting the concrete, i was very quick and powerfull on my jab and uppercuts, even in my young age I defeated an small gang alone just with punches and kicks (times when a small teenagers gang doesnt use knifes or clubs in my country), but with those small fat guys i was like a rag doll, someone can explain me how can i handle an opponent of their kind, they were very proficient on grappling , a pair of them where nice guys who got mad with my some missunderstanding, never have the opportunity to ask them about theyirs skills on a martial art.

03:26 UTC


How easy is it to transition from Wrestling into MMA?

A lot of UFC big shots have a background in wrestling, all tough I'm not sure if I should improve my basic striking at home or is that a thing that the MMA gym will take care of? My boxing is horrendous.

01:11 UTC


Boxing is WAY safer than kickboxing and all grappling sports.

From my experience beginner boxers aren’t exactly skilled enough to really hurt each other. Your joints are also significantly safer in boxing than any grappling sport. Kickboxers run the risk of breaking their leg Mcgregor style. Boxing won’t blow out your knees.

00:00 UTC


Favourite glory fighter to watch

22:57 UTC


Is it best to do wrestling as a good base for mma or should I just go right into mma?

I'm 15 going on 16 and I know that if I pursue only wrestling I won't make it too far, but would it be more beneficial for me to do wrestling first and get good at it then go into mma?

22:36 UTC


Karate or taekwondo for a runner?

Hi! I have recently been looking into starting martial arts classes, just for my own fitness and self-defense. I am a (pretty mediocre) cross-country runner as well. Would karate or taekwondo be better for me as a runner? Unfortunately I live in a small town and these are my only martial arts choices, otherwise I'd definitely be looking into other forms. I'm open to both of these, but since I run for my school's team, I want to minimize leg injuries as much as possible. Any input would be appreciated!

22:26 UTC


Who’s good to watch for kickboxing / AKA style fights??

21:50 UTC

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