We are living in 2020; we are living in mallsoft.
Mallsoft, or "elevator music", is a vague type of background music, often containing elements of smooth jazz, pop, bossa nova or soft rock. Mallsoft is distinct in that it is typically meant to be left on repeat while the listener does other things. The repetition of the music eventually forces its way into the listener’s mind subconsciously, to be recalled at later date as a memory of something that may or may not have happened.
Common places to encounter mallsoft include shopping centres, grocery stores, elevators, hotel lobbies and clinic waiting rooms; over any intercom or through telephone hold music.
This page serves as a place to share content pertaining to the mallsoft sound or aesthetic. Music samples, field recordings, photography, videos, artwork and personal anecdotes are all accepted and encouraged.
idk if it counts as mallsoft, but thats what i tried i guess, hope you like it!!!! the albummm
Nice elevator in a parking garage from a shopping mall
Check out mallsoft music, I love artists like zadig the jasp and cat system corp
D E A D. M A L L S.