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Thinking about moving to maine

Hello! Im currently still serving active duty in the military but am close to having my pre requisites done for nursing school. once i get out of the military id like to move to maine to do my nursing and my wife and i would like to homestead while being on the east coast. is it possible to out there? Ive heard the winters are long and rough, but id like to have a bunch of animals and my wife wants to build a big garden. in your experience, would i be able to do this?

17:51 UTC


FREE SHOW TONIGHT! ~~ Improv-A-Ganza! A "Whose Line is it Anyway?" Style Comedy Show!


If you like “Whose Line is it Anyway?” Then you will love this FREE event!

Come hang out and watch as our 4 performers create hilariously unpredictable improv comedy with scenes and character traits given by me (the host), as well as from YOU, the members of the audience!

There are 3 rounds of 5 games each with a 10-minute break in between, and some of the games include “Whose Line” favorites, such as: Party Quirks, Props, and Scenes from a Hat!!

So bring your friends, grab some food and drinks, and enjoy the show!

Sunday, September 8th

6:30pm - 8:30pm

Westbrook On Tap

See you there!


16:19 UTC


Maine's tuition assistance program

This is the program that several churches are using to receive tax funding for children to attend their school tuition-free. It's also the impetuous for them now asking for an exception to the anti-discrimination rule that all schools receiving tax funding must follow but they want to be able to discriminate against women, Black people, or whoever it is that they are hoping to discriminate against.

So, is anyone working on an effort to repeal this program entirely? It's been two years so I feel like I might need to consider starting this and if no one in the Legislature can get it repealed get a citizen's initiative on the ballot. I'm pretty sure, "Would you like to repeal a program that uses taxes to pay for private school especially considering religious schools?" I feel like Mainers would happily vote yes on stopping taxes to private schools in general but especially for religious schools since New England is the least religious place in the entire nation.

Maine has had a free online public school for a long time now and the kids who are trying to take advantage of this program should simply be made to use the online school or deal with the fact that they live in the woods themselves.

Thoughts? Opposition?

16:11 UTC


Advice Needed - Struggling and wanting a career change in Maine

I'm 37. I'm a single mother and I've worked for the same company for 14 years now. I never finished college. I dropped out to get a second full-time job (my current one) so that I could move out of a toxic situation and live on my own. I have only gained experience through my employer for business operations, and multiple roles within the company. I thought it used to pay well. I thought in the long run by now I'd be making 60k a year. But I'm only making 41K.

After Covid and the increased cost of living, I'm drowning. Bills, groceries, car payment, med/dental/auto insurance, unexpected expenses that arise etc. I'm splitting a mortgage with family right now (they moved in) because I can't even afford the approx $1200 a month on my own. I am a solo parent, I have my child 24/7 (no shared custody) except for while I'm working during the day and child is in school.

If I jump ship and take another kind of office job for approx $2 more an hour, my seniority will disappear, along with my current school hours schedule and ability to work from home. I'd also have to pay for after school care with an inevitable change in work hours (9-5??) And then the cost of that childcare means I'd actually be earning less.

I'm frustrated, I'm burnt out, I'm so sick of living paycheck to paycheck, and I'm not sure I want to be stuck at a desk anymore. I want a change. Whether that means selling crafts or finding something odd that would be lucrative. I'd prefer something on the creative side (to at least somewhat like my job) but I don't know where to start. I could take a course for various office type careers to make more money, but then I'd be miserable and might as well just stay where I am.

Am I crazy? Making too many excuses? Tell me! Is this just going to be my life, forever, unless I suck it up and put myself into student loan debt and go back to school for years?

Does anyone have any advice or guidance, or any ideas on how to make a drastic change to increase my income? Maybe I need to hear something non sugar coated, motivation, or how you yourself made a similar change that benefited your life.

15:45 UTC


Sunflowers Leeds/Turner area

I vaguely remember a large field of sunflowers somewhere in this area Am I remembering this correctly? Was there ever one? Is there still one?

15:22 UTC


Bangor Maine mini street takeovers

Does anyone know who organizes the miniature street takeovers at the Bangor waterfront specifically the nightly ones at the little parking lot for the river walkway? Mostly just a burnout competition and people showing off how far their tires stick out from their fenders

1 Comment
15:07 UTC


Cats left behind

Is it possible to surrender cats left behind to animal control versus waiting for a spot with humane society? It's a long and convoluted story, but here are the main points:

  • The owner of the property died,
  • His brother, who lives on the West Coast, left his cats behind,
  • There is a cousin living there who will soon be evicted who is doing the bare minimum with the cats,
  • The property needs to be prepped for sale,
  • And at least one of the cats seems to not be doing well (I found it hiding in an unfinished room and sleeping in the insulation.
  • The cats are on a waiting list for the humane society. Western Maine, so it's a very small humane society.

I don't know how old they are, two seem adoptable, the other may be more feral, I've never seen it.

15:02 UTC


I have a 6 year old who's interested in drama plays acting, we're in the portland area. Any recommendations where to get him started? Thanks!

13:45 UTC


Great Wass Island hike

11:18 UTC


How do you use Maine care?

My wife had some unexpected pregnancy complications a couple weeks ago which resulted in pretty hefty medical bills. I applied for Maine care and got accepted but the bills are still coming in. Do I forward the bills to someone at Maine care? Sorry I just don’t know how to use it Thanks

10:51 UTC


If you stumble upon the “poems for humans “ on sidewalk

04:19 UTC


That Time

Maine Blueberry Gallete

02:34 UTC


Best Vintage/Thrift Clothing Shops in Maine?

What are the best vintage clothing shops in the state? Also bonus points for anyone who gives the stores with the best jewelry? A lot of things probably go into this determination like price to qualiyt ratio, style of inventory, uniqueness of inventory, condition of items, etc. so I would love if you could give.a quick explanation why you love the store. Thanks! :)

02:19 UTC


I made a post about my odd family dish last month and I recently found a photo of it.

Most people in the comments thought I was talking about goulash, or American chop suey as that's what my family called it, but my family's dish consisted of Hamburg (my mother is a vegetarian so it wasnt even real meat unfortunately) corn, beans, and maple syrup. I haven't had it in years, but I loved it as a kid despite the fact that it doesn't sound the most appealing.

01:12 UTC


Just curious if I can find her litter mates

I adopted my sweet girl from petfinder in late 2010, she came from Alabama on a "puppy bus". I'm sure there were stops in between, but I'm just curious if anyone here still has/had one of here litter mates. She's mostly german shepherd and was part of the "P" litter. Thanks, if no one knows then enjoy the pic of a cute old girl.

23:53 UTC


Gas price roulette at Cumby’s in Brunswick

It’s like a slot machine

23:44 UTC


Did anyone around the Brunswick area hear a really long jet like sound

It happened yesterday Sept. 6 at around 5, and I was really confused

22:37 UTC


Hikes near Baxter and Portland recs

Group of us are going to hike Katahdin one day in a week. Staying in Millinocket. Have an extra day to do a different day hike. What else do you recommend for longish day hikes around the area?

Also have night in Portland before flying out. Any recommendations for Portland?

21:36 UTC


Saco Little Caesar odd experience

Was at Hannafords Saco plaza yesterday, for some groceries around 4:45pm. Spur of the moment, walked over to Little Caesar for a pizza to take home. Walked in and one employee looked like he had an assembly line of stuff coming out of ovens... counter full with boxes. Waited a few minutes, then he came over (I'm in his view whole time) and he tells me they are not doing Walk in purchases or orders... too busy! Only orders that have been placed thru their website!!! Never experienced this before, anyone else??

20:23 UTC


Is it legal for my landlords wife to sign termination papers to evict us instead of the landlord himself?

Today we just got served a termination notice because we we're apparently behind on rent, signed by her not the landlord. Back in I believe February my uncle helped to get us caught up. From that point on we had been paying our rent regularly, though sometimes later into the month. Their reason for termination was because we're behind 3 months worth of rent. That's totally impossible. I paid rent myself in July, and my brother (who lives with me) just paid Augusts rent at the end of the month. The reason it was "late" last month is because I could have sworn I gave my brother the rent money and he went over to pay it. So if that's true we technically don't owe anything. We usually get receipts, but apparently my brother didn't get 1 the last 2 times because the landlord wanted his rent asap and wasn't at his office with the receipt papers. Anyways, I have no idea what I should do. When his wife came over she didn't let me get a word in after we told her we just paid rent. She's then said "when? 3 months ago?" Then she proceeded to tell us not to bother paying them because they want us out. Granted we had a bit of a trash problem outside, but that was going to be taken care of within the next few days. It just doesn't make any sense that we're behind. 😥

19:20 UTC


Meanwhile at the Calais Marden’s

My brother snapped this one. Enjoy.

19:02 UTC


What Is this?

18:28 UTC


Any Maine Forest Rangers Here?

Hey all, I've been in wildland fire since 2018 on hotshot crews and am a Marine veteran. My wife and I are looking for something more conducive/stable for starting a family and the Maine Forest Rangers are at the top of the list. Anyone here familiar with the career/lifestyle? Would appreciate any and all info. Thanks in advance!

1 Comment
18:02 UTC

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