Magic Mushrooms UK
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Welcome to the original Magic Mushroom UK Subreddit.
Anyone have first hand experience?
I've heard the trip is closer to ayahuasca than mushrooms - it's supposed to last longer and be more intense than a standard mushroom trip. I've been through the Shroomery forums but they're all old posts, just wondering if anyone on here has done it before.
Hi all as title says, I took libs for the first time lately, they lasted for only about 1.5 to 2 hours. I took about 25 or so. Just curious as I expected them to last a lot longer.
i ordered a bag of sterilised grain and sterilised cvg at the same time about 2 months ago. the grain never colonised, so i am having to start again. I've inoculated a new bag of grain and am waiting for that to be fully colonised before i mix it with some cvg in a tub. i recently noticed that the original bag of cvg had some green patches so i contacted the seller and he very kindly sent me a new one. is there a way to properly store the new cvg until i'm ready to use it?
I’ve never bought any before but I wasn’t expecting all the soil in it. Is this normal? Really appreciate any advice please :)
I innoculated a fresh grain bag on the 10th Nov & I'm still yet to see any activity or growth. Any ideas what could be going wrong or what I can do next? Temperatures have dropped but I've kept it in a pretty stable temp room. The last bag showed growth in about a week but ended up contaminated.
I have ordered some Melmac Monster liquid culture and just wondered if anyone has any experience with this strain? I have read good things about them but wondering if anyone has tips on maxing out my flushes
Bought this grow-kit about a fortnight ago, stored it in a box under my bed and came to look at it as im preparing to inject my liquid culture and noticed this. Is it salvageable or should i throw it away?
Living in NI where roadside swabs have been introduced recently believe they’re the same ones which were in other parts of the uk already can anyone confirm or deny whether they pick up on psilocybin?
Melmac Monsters Liquid Culture injected into a substrate mix of whole oat, vermiculite, perlite, and gypsum.
Has been held under a chair in a. Dark corner of living room and thought the grow was going okay but noticed today down one side of the substrate appears to be black mould growing.
Pics both taken today, can this grow still be taken to fruit or is it a write off now?
I did a 2gram lemon tech yesterday, it came on quite quickly with the vibrations but quite quickly it felt like when you are drunk and it’s not fun anymore. It’s hard to explain but like a whitey without vomiting. I got horrible restless legs and everything looked dirty and old. I ended up taking a dextrose tablet to try and bring it to an end and then put a stand up comedy on. I then spent about 3 hours laughing like a demonic seagull. So I guesss the majority of it was enjoyable but I have woke up today feeling depressed and anxious. I am wondering if I took too much or not enough but also I was put on a low dose of Nortriptilne a couple of weeks ago, it is to reduce the amount of migraines I get but I didn’t realise it’s a type of antidepressant. Could this be the cause of my not great trip?
Would you recommend Mc Kennaii for the first mushroom experience? Frankly, I don't know about other mushrooms.
On liberty caps is there a way to get rid of or are they completely screwed?
At title, is this too much of a drastic swing in 24hours or should I make myself an incubation box for a more stable temp? First time grower. Also what am I looking for humidity wise in there? Would an incubation chamber need ventilation holes?
Hi have I found the good stuff?
So I only had shrooms once before (1.5g golden teachers) and around 10 mins ago I ate 6g of the same strain, how cooked am I 1-10?
Hi all, I’ve picked these mushrooms (libs) and dried them out. The scales say about 2-2.5 grams (not a very sensitive set of scales tho) although I know that they’re heavier when they’re not dry.
I just wanted to ask for some advice regarding dosage. I’ve taken a micro dose before which didn’t do much. This was about 8-9 caps in tea. How many would you recommend? It looks like quite a lot so I’m hesitant to take all of them at once. I want a medium dose for a mellow, euphoric and slightly phsycadelic trip.
I’ll be doing it with friends in tea format. Should I start off with 10-15 caps or do you think that’s too much/too little?
Any advice is warmly appreciated, thanks!
About 90% sure (thanks to great advice on here) but could someone verify? Thanks.
Hello. Im planing to get all in 1 GT growkit from zamnesia. Can I keep growkit inside another box to eliminate contamination possibility? Thanks
I got a spore syringe from someone reputable, I've had 1 from them before which was great, but I've tried broke boi method with 6 jars and I didn't see a single bit of mycelium growth whatsoever.
The last 3 jars sat for almost a month with just nothing happening before trich finally took over
I'm fairly new so I don't know if this is just something to expect or what?
Little bad boy there but should be fine no mold hopefully