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Check out /r/lowpolyTutorial low poly tutorials.
For 2D "low poly" pictures(e.g. manipulated pictures to look like low poly models) please refer to /r/lowpoly2D.
Get some inspiration:
Is there a 3d model available that is a template for PS1 character models, like in Metal Gear Solid?
Miohippus was a genus of prehistoric, three toes horses that lived in North America from around 32 mya to 25 mya. While larger than some of the really early "polydactlyl" horses, they only got up to 50ish kg, so much smaller than the horses some of you may keep.
Granted, I'm by no means an expert on this subject, so I likely got something worng.
Critique, Feedback, and Corrections welcomed (^_^)
Worked on this over the weekend with making base models, coloring in the textures, editing it, rigging and animating it on blender.