
Photograph via snooOG

Welcome to the official subreddit of Long Beach, California! Home to the Queen Mary, Aquarium of the Pacific, and hosting of the Grand Prix, museums, many festivals and cultural events like the The Long Beach Lesbian and Gay Pride Parade and Festival (The 3rd largest in the US!). Home of bands and musicians such as Frank Ocean, Sublime, Snoop Dogg, and Vince Staples. Come see what we have to offer and hang out with us!

Discord: https://discord.gg/G8zFsbHHyG Questions? Check the Wiki tab!

Welcome to the official subreddit of Long Beach, California! We are known for our Queen Mary, Aquarium of the Pacific, and hosting of the Grand Prix. We have several museums and host many festivals and cultural events like the The Long Beach Lesbian and Gay Pride Parade and Festival (The 3rd largest in the US!). We are home of several bands and musicians such as Frank Ocean, Sublime, Snoop Dogg, and Vince Staples, just to name a few. Come see what we have to offer and hang out with us!

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    165,180 Subscribers


    what edibles would you recommend from any of the catalyst cannabis stores?

    i want something tht isn’t gonna make tired, bc i have no problem w sleeping. something tht will make me feel good or just feel something tht isnt tiredness. i tried the dr norms but those didnt do anything, and i tried some random sativa gummies they had, they were good but i had to take 50mgs to feel something.

    10:28 UTC


    Bars for Mid-Twenties

    Hi! My friends keep picking on me cause I pick bars with “people who are way older than us.” What bars in the LB area have a younger crowd to hang out with? I know 2nd St attracts a lot of college people, but it’s not my favorite scene. Been there too many times. Any recommendations are appreciated! Thanks yall!

    06:49 UTC


    Flip Off

    There is a “reality” design show Tarek and Christina in a house flip competition. The house Tarek flipped is in Long Beach. Does anyone know where it is?

    05:42 UTC


    Recs for fall off the bone bbq ribs?

    More than happy to travel further out!

    04:22 UTC


    Where do these little guys come from?

    Seen on Ocean and Broadway waiting at a light

    03:57 UTC


    Career Coach?

    I'm 36 and need to change careers. Has anyone used a career coach and was it helpful? Is there anyone you'd recommend? I'm posting in the sub because it would be nice to find someone local, but I'm willing to do it online too.

    03:47 UTC


    Painted spots downtown

    Anyone know who I would write to insist painted parking spots downtown? People don’t know how to park, and almost every night I have to park in the red (with 30 others). I hate it but tbh there’s nowhere else to go. I own my spot and it would be nice to park within a half mile of it.

    Suggestions? I already emailed the mayor and zendejas (sp?)

    03:03 UTC


    Any local Rad Techs?

    Hello, Currently looking to switch careers as I found I am no longer happy in my current field, (licensed electrician), the pay is nice but I feel everyday has now become soul sucking and the rat race / culture of it isn’t something I really want to be apart of anymore nor do I think my body can physically handle it for the next 35+ years to come.

    To cut to the point, I wanted to see if there was any local Rad Techs here in this sub & if possible they can answer some questions I had such as -what programs, degree, or certification did you get to become a Rad Tech? -how challenging was schooling/what to expect -Are you happy at your job or feel some form of fulfillment from it?

    • How is your schedule/ hours? Is it consistent? Is there opportunity for overtime?

    -Do you believe there is a need for Rad techs currently? Will the job market increase/slow down? Is it over saturated? -You’re around radiation daily so exactly how safe are you from that or how do you protect yourself. -once you do finish schooling, what would you recommend to specialize in such as sonography, MRI, etc.

    I know I really could’ve posted this on a different subreddit but I really wanted to see if it were possible to get a locals experience/ point of view on the topic. Thank you!

    1 Comment
    02:09 UTC


    Does anyone remember the Thai Chef Restaurant?

    Hi everybody, taking a shot in the dark. I’ve got a very specific low stakes request about a Thai restaurant that closed in the mid 90s called the Thai Chef. I think it was located on Alamitos or Orange and on or within a couple blocks of Anaheim.

    My parents were regulars there and they apparently had the greatest spring rolls that my dad hasn’t stopped talking about for the last 30 years. Does anyone somehow know the people that used to run it or someone that used to work there? I’m trying to get a recipe or some pointers on those spring rolls.

    Thank you!

    01:53 UTC


    Convention Center & Port at Sunset

    01:46 UTC


    Anyone know a good local cheesesteak spot that you can recommend?

    23:08 UTC


    Businesses to Support and Businesses to Avoid If You Don't Like Fascists

    I stopped Starbucks a year ago, stopped going to Target the second they announced they were getting rid of DEI. I found this app https://www.goodsuniteus.com/ which is awesome, but also upsetting. Like, I don't want to give up Sprouts damnit, but I will.

    Feel free to share info on local businesses that we can support. Especially the ones that are actively progressive and/or BIPOC/LGBTQ+ owned.

    Also, feel free to share businesses that are on the other end. I don't want to give my money to fascists and fascist sympathizers.

    21:34 UTC



    Is long beach city college the best local place to learn a trade? And does anyone know of any local places hiring for graveyard shifts?

    20:12 UTC


    LBUSD Interdistrict Transfer/Release

    Hi! Wondering if anyone recently had experience with LBUSD Interdistrict Release

    I currently work in Los Alamitos and want to try and get my child into that district closer to my office

    1 Comment
    18:39 UTC


    My bike was stolen

    I was pretty crushed this morning to find that the new bike I had purchased in November was stolen. If anyone has any information that would help find the bike, I would greatly appreciate it. I live near Bluff Park by the way

    18:02 UTC


    Recommendations for a Divorce Lawyer

    Does anyone have a good divorce lawyer in the Long Beach area that they can recommend. I am 40(m) with one child. No cheating involved, just grew apart after 10 years together.

    17:51 UTC


    What's being pumped into this waterway?

    I was walking by Jackson Park, off Walnut and Jackson. I noticed this. What are they pouring into the waterway?

    16:03 UTC


    Full moon over Long Beach with our favorite bird

    15:56 UTC


    Math tutor for an older student

    I am looking for a math tutor. I go to CSUDH but I think the LBCC library (or a place of your choice but not a coffee shop please) would be a good place to meet. The exact subject is MAT 151 College Algebra with Trigonometry, I am 50 years old and besides math and stats a straight A student. I hope to hear from ya. Have a good day. I would like to meet at least 2 nights a week. 6 - 8 would be good but available until 10 .

    07:37 UTC


    Juvenile bald eagles sighting along San Gabriel River

    On Sunday Jan. 26 around 10:30 am I saw two juvenile bald eagles perched next to each other atop a chain link fence overlooking the San Gabriel River near PCH. I was driving north-east on Marina Drive approaching the curve behind Schooner or Later restaurant. I drive this road everyday and live along the river in Seal Beach. I am very familiar with the numerous birds that live near and frequent this part of the river.

    These birds stood out due to their large size and beautiful dark brown color including their heads. Bald eagles don't develop white heads for three years, fyi. I contemplated pulling over to take pictures but I did not, partly because I had my dog with me. I recalled having read about bald eagles being sighted at Whittier Narrows in the past, which is also along the San Gabriel River.

    I finally got around to googling the story about Whittier Narrows today and after reading it again I am 99% confident this is what I saw, as hard as it is to believe. This past week, including Sunday morning has been cold in this area. It also rained as everyone knows this past weekend and the river was slightly swollen and had many things floating along towards the ocean from runoff. I can only assume this is why the eagles were there.

    I post this because what I saw was awesome, but mostly because according to the Whittier Narrows story there is a chance these juvenile bald eagles could stick around the San Gabriel River until March. It would be great to have others on the lookout and get to experience what I did. Maybe someone who could snap some pictures...unlike myself.



    Location 33.751956, -118.107275

    04:37 UTC


    Where to watch the Royal Rumble this weekend?

    Any bars showing it?

    04:25 UTC


    Sonny Angels in Long Beach

    Hi all, I was wondering if anyone knows where to get cheap Sonny angels, it doesn’t matter if they’re fake, ideally it would be best for it to be real but it’s not a deal breaker. Thank youuu!

    02:56 UTC


    Rarepupper lost: Atlantic and Artesia

    Brown pit was hungry. Very friendly. No collar. People out here was nice to give it some food. Random lady thinking of taking him home at least.

    02:51 UTC


    Saw these guys doing a gas scam the other day on Long Beach and Wardlow.

    Total scam job. They covered their license plate with mud to cover it and look like they need help. The rest of the car is completely clean. They’re asking people in the street when they could pull into the gas station right next to them.

    01:55 UTC

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