This subreddit is dedicated to the beauty and mystery of the lobster.
This subreddit is dedicated to the beauty and mystery of the lobster.
Lobsters are awesome.
Lobsters are not crabs.
Crabs are not as awesome as lobsters.
All submissions must be about lobsters.
What is the best way to get a perfect lobster? Poached?
I know some—especially Maine lobsters—have notches on females that produce eggs. The spinerettes were cut off.
I am at a sandals in the Caribbean and ate a bite of what seems like undercooked lobster. It was clear and soft. I didn’t realize till after I swallowed it. I’m worried that this is going to ruin part of my honeymoon.
Will I get sick?
Plan for stricter lobster fishing rules delayed as species shows decline in baby lobsters
i have a fear of lobsters, and the house i just moved into has an infestation of them...how do i go about removing them??
there are so many little tiny shrimpy creatures in the tide pools where i live and im hoping they're baby lobsters but im not sure. how can i identify them?
Is this real lobster? It’s spongy and gray almost like chicken nugget or artificial meat.
$1 gets you 20 bodies. 2 adults gets the meat out in about an hour. A glass of wine and good conversation with your spouse. Then lobster rolls for a week!
My friends and I are currently at war over whether this lobster is the color blue or white, what do yall think?
Sorry the shading is so bad but I finally finished the drawing if you saw my other post
Is this ok to eat?
Video link in comments
This came out of the tail when I twisted it off!!! I never seen this before!! Anyone know what it is?? The black area is very mushy
Cape Cod 2024
Now this ain't finished yet but just wanted to know how y'all feel about lobster jesus
I work at a grocery store and I at least try my best with what I got to make sure the lobsters don't unnecessarily get stressed or suffer. We've had this one a few weeks now and he appears to be floating and not being able to stay on the bottom? Anyone know what's up