A community for posting - Form Check and Personal Record videos of your own lifts, and videos of cool, big lifts done by strong people.
Any tips/feedback?
Hello my lifting friends, This post is no brag by any means. I used to take lifting very seriously back in 2014, when I competed in powerlifting. Life moves on and lifting got shifted into second or even third place, I became a father of two and a police officer. Fast forward to 2022 and I suddenly got blind on my right eye, and long story short, I got diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and left the police.
Last month, after battling depression since my diagnosis, I got back into lifting, starting again with stronglifts 5x5, and apparently, I still got it:).
Just wanted to share this little joy with you guys
Happy lifting and a merry Christmas.
Please evaluate if the depth of the squat is correct? I have a feeling that something is not right. I'm a beginner. 70kg last repetition of the series for the purpose of this recording.