For those who identify as both Christian and Libertarian and see the two as complementary, or those who are interested in the intersection of these two belief systems.
This thread kinda attacked me, want to know what you guys think about the various points and counterpoints.
No posts for almost a.year and no new comments, anyone still here?
It’s a shame this page doesn’t have more followers. I think if Christ believed in anything it was peace and that’s exactly what libertarians stand for.
But I’m curious - what denomination do most of you come from? What denomination do y’all think most aligns with libertarianism?
I grew up Presbyterian (PCUS) and realize there are many influences Presbyterians have on the American Revolution (many of the founding fathers were Presbyterian) and it seems to be one of the more relaxed denominations, although from experience I know PCUSA at the national level advocates for left-wing authoritarianism. I have also read Calvin and found some things I disagree with so though I’m Presbyterian influenced, I don’t know if I can still consider myself wholeheartedly Presbyterian.
So my church is having a series of forums about life and living in our area and how we as believers live in the world around us. This coming one is pointed at the subject of politics. We in the audience can advance submit or live text questions into the forum. I have a few of my own but I was wondering if anyone had a few suggested pointed questions that would point at the biblical foundations of liberty principles such as individualism, property, consent, non-violence, etc. I'm hoping to submit a lot and expose the attendees to some questions that might derail their standard jesus-was-a-socialist leanings or Uber conservatism.
BiblePay is a new Cryptocurrency launched this summer,
10% of mined coins go to Charity (and will always go to Charity!),
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through the charity Compassion International: https://www.compassion.com/
Masternode/Sanctuaries are going live this December, by owning one you become a part owner and can directly vote on the direction of the project.
If you are new to cryptocurrencies check out this DASH School youtube series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiFMZOlhgsYKKOUOVjQjESCXfR1cCYCod
BiblePay is a fork of DASH
"Love one another,
be a good Samaritan,
help those in distress (orphans & widows),
and spread the gospel."
So, I've realized that over the years many respected theologians (many of which I love) have dug in their heels about the government. Some of them on more arbitrary ideas, some on key political issues. Over the past few years (the years I've been libertarian) I've seen these arguments, and I'd love to hear what you guys would have to say to them. FYI, I'm a libertarian, but I like to be a "devil's advocate." Here they are:
Most of these have inherent logical fallacies, so I'd like to know what you guys think if you were even to grant the premise. Thanks! Looking forward to this one.
My main motivation for investigating the philosophy of Libertarianism stems from a desire to follow The Gospel.
Since The Gospel doesn't explicitly lay out a method of governing, we (as Christians) are left to come up with a method that most closely represents the ideals of The Gospel.
Since the enforcement of taxation requires the use of violence, clearly we are not to advocate it's use.
Help me think this out and challenge my understanding.