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Struggling to manifest? Try this one simple trick.

From what I've witnessed, most people tend to manifest via affirmations or subliminal audios. Yet they get little to no results over a long period of time.

That's because the affirmations being used are neutral rather than emotionally charged.

Your subconscious mind is reprogrammed through repetition AND emotion, but most people forget the latter.

For example, your mind will accept "I LOVE my siren-like beauty and the alluring magnetism it brings" quicker because the emotion love supercharges your exicitement and gratitude for the desire. Also, the affirmation paints a vivid picture of what you want.

Whereas, if your affirmation is "I am pretty" you might get results initially, but it'll eventually stagnate and become ineffective because it no longer stimulates the mind. It's dull and boring and has no emotional excitement to work with over time.

In my opinion, the best emotions to include in your affirmations are love, gratitude, and joy. Stay clear from hate, anger, and dissatisfaction.

Thank you for your time. I hope every gets what they deserve!

23:18 UTC


Question on manifesting things that didn't exist before?

Hello everyone,

I don't want to feel frustrated but after having a conversation with a family member on manifesting, I need to know- If things didn't exist before like people, family members, events, homes, SPs and more, can they just manifest into exist with your energy/mind or whatever technique? I fully believe this is possible but I believe this person needs insight. I'm not wavering on my desires at all, but I just need to know. If I had scripted or imagined that something took place in an earlier year (I know time doesn't matter but bare with me) can I just manifest that into existence? Does EVERYTHING I do HAVE to have some step by step process? Especially if the thing I'm manifesting is a whole person!? Help please! I don't want to argue with them. Thank you.

23:15 UTC


Manifesting Journey Day 3

1 Comment
20:14 UTC


Law of attraction changing my life

I'm 19 M, It's barely been a week yet everything feels really different. My mother died when I was 12 years old and I've been bitter towards life ever since, making excuses and constantly complaining that I've been dealt a bad hand. I was heartbroken and it doesn't help that my guardian is really strict and tends to be mean and has a temper. I remember I'd be told to off myself just because I made them mad. And because of my bad mentality at the time and my inability to handle that stress I would always get in fights in school and my grades would suffer. I wanted to quit school and go learn some sort trade like cutting hair or cooking but my guardian wouldn't let me. I had to go to highschool even though I hated every second of school. I also suffered from anxiety and would hyperventilate at occasion and had to take pills to feel better. I went to therapy and nothing helped at the time. All I had were thoughts about how much I hated my life and how much I hated school and failing school didn't help. I chose to try and become a chess player but got second at U20 nationals which in my country is sadly far from enough. I was not only a failure of a student but I was also a failure at chess and I was also addicted to porn and I have a Russian nationality yet I don't know Russian and I was too lazy to learn Russian. Time skip to uni after barely managing to graduate using private tutors and recovering from my addiction. I entered a computer science major which was a huge mistake since I failed every course and kept trying to pass for a year and half. My dad and guardian were ofc pissed and I hated myself for always screwing up at school, I hated myself for not doing what I wanted, I also hated myself for letting my mother's death affect me so much. I hated myself because I always failed. I always wished I was better and stronger. Until I discovered the law attraction, everyday I wrote about things I should be grateful for and I learned how to give myself some slack. And how to better control my thoughts after practicing meditation. I learned that there's so much positivity in the world and how to find it. I didn't manifest anything yet but I feel my life and mentality changing drastically. For the first time in years I actually feel grateful for everything I have. I feel happy, energetic, and able to work. I'm undoing everything I screwed up. I'm actually learning Russian, I'm Working out daily and I'm trying my best. I finally decided to change my major and hopefully take a step in the right direction. The way you see things can change your mentality. You can heal from things like anxiety or depression if you change how you see things. Sorry for the long rant but I really wanted to share

20:00 UTC


I started moving on but now I cannot stop thinking about him, help !

I’ve started liking a male colleague over a year ago and my attraction increased drastically when I learned he was also interested in me . He never said anything to me personally, but he asked many people if I was single. Other then that i knew he was physically attracted to me. He was also very curious about me, my interests etc. He was giving me a lot more attention then the others. But in September of last year our interaction decreased because he moved to a new department. I kind of tried to maintain a connection by texting him a few times, even dropping by at his office… he did the same thing although he could of also just wanted to visit his old team. I even gave him a few homemade gifts which he adored and teased me about. But since his behaviour was inconsistent since day 1, and sometimes he would act distant, I started distancing myself.

A month ago, I was completely ´´healed´´. I wasn’t thinking about him anymore… or obsessing ( because I was indeed thinking about him everyday even telling myself he’s my future husband or wtv .) It completely stopped. I was finally focusing on work and projects. But 2 weeks ago, this feeling came back out of the blue… and even stronger. But I didn’t see him since December.

Why am I feeling this way ? And how can I move on from him for good ?

1 Comment
19:34 UTC


how to remove blocks & limiting beliefs

im trying to manifest being taller (i'm 17f), and i have been listenig to a subliminal daily. it's a lot easy for me to attract things before when i have already believed it WILL or it HAS happened to me. but this specific thing to manifest being tall i'm struggling because i know somewhere in my conscious mind i'm not believing anything will happen cause

  1. genes will only dictate height (and simple manifestation wont change your whole genetic identity)
  2. it's physically hard to believe to change my height by just believing, since it's a genetic thing in my concept of belief of growing
19:11 UTC


My body keeps rejecting food and I am not feeling hungry

Since I entered loa my body started to reject food - why the fuck does it happen I also stopped liking sugar and enjoy meat and butter more

why the fuck does this happen?

19:08 UTC


Anyone manifest financial freedom for good? Any good tips or stories?

Anyone manifest never needing to work a 9-5 ever again?

19:07 UTC


Manifesting relationship with non-specific person

Actually it's two things I want to talk about. Now I feel something I can't explain that this month will happen something unexpected in a good way maybe it's the relationship I was waiting for or something about my career. Anyway If it's not a relationship can someone tell me how to manifest it when I don't have a specific person?

1 Comment
19:00 UTC


Bad luck after masturbation for 24h?

Bad luck for 24-48h after masturbation?

Every single time I masturbate with my imagination or with porn, regardless if I ejaculate or not, I notice extremely suspicious bad luck for the next 24-48 hours, and sometimes more or less. I have found out that its about feeling lust more than whatever you are doing. The feeling of lust causes this problem. And the more intense this feeling of lust is, the longer this bad luck will continue and the more serious the consequences.

I have also noticed when I am super angry to the point where I wanna break something (I dont break stuff btw) I also have insanely bad luck with everything for a few hours, maybe a whole day.

I’m going more broad now but its important to understand the root cause of these problems. It seems as if the feelings of lust, anger and pride harm us spiritually in some way that is unavoidable.

After ignoring this phenomena for 10 years, I cant ignore it anymore. I believe many people can relate to this and I would like to tell you its a spiritual problem, not a psychological one. So don’t waste your time explaining this to someone who insists you have confirmation bias, or your bad mood causes things to go wrong throughout your day, and its all because of the guilt you feel. Thats all bullshit. Many people feel guilty after masturbation but dont have any of this nonsense. And many people dont feel guilty after masturbating yet they have insanely bad luck. There is something else going on. And a lot of the bad luck could be directed to any person or thing you care about. Its really stuff beyond your control.

Does anyone else relate? I found this discussion page where people spoke out about this. I cant really talk to those people so I would like to start something similar here in this post, where we all gather and try to find the root cause of this problem, we cant live with to this forever lol.


It seems to be a common thing. https://www.dearcupid.org/question/everytime-i-masturbate-i-have-bad-luck-bad.html

18:39 UTC


How to ACTUALLY Manifest

There is A LOT of misinformation on here, the few good pieces of information are hidden under piles and piles of redirection and misrepresentation of Neville's key concepts and ideas. I'm making this to help as many people as possible to actually start manifesting and receiving their desires. Please remember that this will be general because of the following rules that the law relies on: 1) emotions don't manifest 2) thoughts don't manifest 3) different techniques work for different people.

Now that the disclaimer is over with, here is how to actually get whatever it is you want (pm me if you'd like one on one coaching sessions for in depth discussions to build on this).

Manifestation is all about your state of being, NOTHING ELSE.

Your thoughts and emotions are NOTHING, they don't count in manifestation. Neither does detachment. As surprising as this may sound, it 100% true. Here's why: manifestation is all about who you consider yourself to be. You need to associate your desire with your identity. Ex: you want to manifest an sp so from now on you identify as sp's partner and as NOT SINGLE. Even if you're sad, bored, dejected, angry, etc. you are STILL in a relationship and this is the case even if you think you're not for a second (because thoughts and emotions do not manifest). Your state is who you identify as and you can identify as someone successful even if you have a bad day/week or even have some negative thoughts for a bit. As long as you have a strong sense of identity and remain in the desired state, you will become that person. If you're in the state of struggling for something, you will continue struggling. If you're in the state of thriving and living your best life, that is what will continue to happen for you. This is THE LAW, it's a rule with NO EXCEPTIONS. Use it, and don't let people on here confuse you for a second.

Manifestation is simple and easy, as long as you decide it is!

You can decide RIGHT NOW that you've manifested everything already and that NOTHING will stop your desires from being yours. You can decide that manifestation is a simple, easy, and instant process for you, and It will work. Consider the concept of lazy manifestation which is generally the idea that you decide it's done and you don't care even if you waver because you've decided that nothing can stop you from getting it. This concept also applies to my next point:

What works for them may not work for you, find YOUR technique.... or don't!

Techniques are only here to keep you in the desired state and to make you feel good about manifestation. Don't count on what doesn't work for your, and definitely don't count on what doesn't feel good. Manifestation is ALL about YOU. You control the universe, the world you're in right now (including all the people in it) are a mirror of your mind (which you control). Remember this because you make the rules, and you can make them work in a way that benefits you even without techniques! If you don't enjoy all the techniques people are pushing on you here, just know that you can literally decide you don't need them and that your manifestations work as easily as you want them to (which was mentioned in the point before this). Lazy manifestation is real, you can do anything you want RIGHT NOW.

Coaching session info:

I will never be able to write in depth information for everyone who asks (and I'm sure this post will help some people enough that they won't need more support), which is why I offer coaching sessions for $10 each where we can talk about your manifestation goals, methods, concepts, etc. that you need help with. I really want EVERYONE on here to succeed and I hate seeing all these overcomplicated and inaccurate posts that lead people down the wrong path. I've been studying Neville's works for years now and have reached all my desires (which has just led me to new ones, but that's the fun part!), I want everyone here to be able to do this too. I want people to be able to live their dreams because it's so much easier than people make you think it is. If you'd like to book a session with me, please use my Kofi link: https://ko-fi.com/dreamingchanel and then pm me to get started! I hope this helps and I will try to respond to all questions on a rolling basis!

18:02 UTC


How can I make affirmations that work for me?

Hello! I am somewhat new to this but I have been seeing that many people say that we must know how to decree and that we must be specific with what we ask for, well my question is that, how do I know if my statement is good or correct for what I want?

I have a small Twitch channel and I would like to increase my numbers, how can I create an affirmation for that?

It seems a little confusing to me, each person has a different way and explains it differently, I just don't understand how I know that my statement is not going to attract something unwanted.

17:55 UTC


My money manifestation is working but the wrong way

I am doing a meditation every night since about a week. My mom got 5 job offers (I live with her) only this week! Almost every single day someone wanted her to work for them.

But the problem is that she already has more than enough jobs (she is a cleaner).. so I am not even sure if the manifestation is working since it doesn't apply to my situation. Like.. usually that would be a good sign, job offers are a good sign. But just not in my situation

1 Comment
17:37 UTC


Can I manifest international trips?

Hi mateys, i am a (25)F going to get married soon. The family in which I will be stepping into is a simple family and it is a small town.

It is a joint family and hence, my fiancé have an elder brother too. The thing is—it’s been two years of marriage of his elder brother and they haven’t visited anywhere yet. Not even any small trip to nearby cities or across india. Reason being—-family responsibilities!

Now, I am afraid that this will in-turn impact us and my husband and I wouldn’t be able to travel either just because their elderly ones haven’t visited anywhere yet.

How can I manifest, travel and trips into my life? Can i even do it? Please help!!!

17:31 UTC


My manifestation is guaranteed, but I am spiraling.

So basically, I have had precognitive moments in the past. They come to pass which is cool.

As of my experience once I see the future or have a vision of something without even trying to imagine or force it (as in it comes naturally), it is impossible to steer away from that result. This isn’t imagination, like I see it either overlap my vision, or fill the black if my eyes are closed.


I had this one vision 4 years ago regarding me and a girl in my present day bed staring at each other all lovey dovey. (I was sleeping in a couch at my grandmas at the time.) I met her recently (3-4 months ago) and didn’t do anything about it since I got in my head about it. I think she was flirting with me then, but I’m writing this so clearly I didn’t even try to capitalize.

The vision has manifested, at least the background and person has fully manifested, the only issue is I am so caught up in if I am supposed to let things unfold naturally or take action upon it and that right there is has been stressing me out.

Mind you. I have full conviction this whole thing is part of the bridge of incidences. I am meant to feel this way and be thinking this, but ultimately, I just need input. And before someone says just shoot your shot or something, I want to but I feel this resistance and I can’t tell if it’s fear-based or intuitive, and as the guy, clearly I want to do something, but I’m not and I’m stuck here calling myself a b* unsure if I am supposed to wait it out or do something.

I can’t even read tarot properly but according to the cards I got and a site, my advice is to not force it on them, be patient, but not be slow about it??

Like am I supposed to wait here and let the opportunity arise, or say screw it?

I assume as a law of attraction thread there is someone here can provide some higher level of guidance with an innate gift/understanding. I would genuinely try myself, but my array of spiritual gifts leave me confused and in the dark as to how such a powerful tool/gift can only provide irrelevant information/foreshadowing.

17:30 UTC


Simple answer What does this mean ?

I was manifesting/ thinking heavily on my ex last night wanting him to call me exact same time I get a call no caller ID from one of my other ex’s ( not the man I was thinking of ) does anyone know what this mean or I’m I digging too deep into it ?

1 Comment
17:19 UTC


What causes failure/success?

Is it purely dependent on whether you believe you’ll succeed or not in totality

Does fearing that you’ll get what you’re trying to manifest actually somehow help?

Will focus and intention overpower all things like emotion or belief it’ll just simply take longer if say you’re in fear that it won’t happen the entire time

What does letting go/non attachment really look like? Is it focusing without emotion? Or is it emotionally charged focus, like “man I want this so bad, please” accompanied with you living your life, so rather than sitting around waiting looking for it, you start living your life doing literally whatever it really doesn’t matter, you just keep your emotionally charged (or non emotional) focus as you go About your day?

I’d greatly appreciate any insights, I feel like I manifest really well but I have too much conflicting information in my brain with not enough clarity on what’s what so like my mind will play tug of war battles with how I’m going about manifesting and what’s “the right mental way/approach”

Also, when manifesting, say you wanted big muscles, will manifesting work both in the way of just giving you bigger muscles as well as bringing to you exercise knowledge on how to get swole? I see people talking about how you don’t need to lift a finger and other people talking about how you only ever manifest opportunities or methods that then act as the bridge to getting you to where you wanna be

1 Comment
16:56 UTC


It is wild how easy I manifested food! 🤯💥

I swear I only need to feel/think "It would be so nice to eat that food.", then poof I can eat it the next day or few days later.

Free healthy food? There you go!

Strawberry yoghurt? The universe gave me double the size!

Chagee? I received double the size and twice times!

Kinder Beuno? Suddenly I got non-stop Kinder Beuno stock in my fridge bcus my mother suddenly like it!

I wonder how in the heaven I get so lucky?

Then I remembered I once declared to myself, to the universe and to everyone that the most favourite daily activity I enjoy in my life is eating!

I am very happy when I am eating!

I am very greatful that eating activity exists!

Now I understood why we should appreciate and enjoy what we have right now. The more you appreciate and enjoy it, the more will come towards you.

Do you have any other tips that works for you? Please share with me 😃

1 Comment
16:51 UTC


Be careful what you ask the Universe for!

I wanted to shake up my work routine a bit and I said a few times before going to work something like: Universe, I want something surprising, unexpected and positive to happen for me at work today! (A statement based on the book Energy Cube by Pam Grout).

The day went by normally until out of nowhere a leader who works on my team called me aside for a private conversation. I thought it was strange because this has never happened before. At first I thought she was going to ask me to create something for her (I create presentations, templates, announcements, designs and the like). She said that people were getting annoyed with me staying out of the office for too long and a strange guy even wanted to give me a warning because he thought I was sleeping at work, but in fact I was resting and awake in the armchair. I confess that I did stay out of the office for a while because I didn't have any work demands, but not too much. I felt surprised and very uncomfortable during this conversation. It was a positive touch in a way, but it wasn't nice.

The lesson I learned is: be specific with what you ask the Universe for, sometimes throwing a general request to the wind isn't as good as it seems.

16:26 UTC


manifestation in journal

hi, i have weird situation with my manifestation :me and my ex broke up a month ago and hes blocked on almost every social. i asked in my journal about a sign: if (my exs name) and I come back together or we are made for eachother please give me a sign. i wrote about 5 signs (for example 7 or 777,7777; or his name repeated) and now see what happened. i see everywhere his name and my teacher sent us a text message and there was a prayer before exam and it was a prayer for saint (my exs name). and the last exercise on these exam was about this saint with his name. Next i went to the shop to buy a coffee and i saw a new cashier and on his chest was id and his name was (my exs name). i was shocked and i run out.. Thats not everything. Ive decided to meet new people - boys on dating app. First boy had a tattoo on his leg with the number i wrote in the journal. it was 7. and when i met the second boy i went out with him and we were talking and walking and then i saw a big bilboard and everywhere was number 7 or 7777 just everywhere and i even made a photo because it was so unbelieveable. how can i interpret this signs? its a good sign or bad? i also saw a big rainbow. i wonder if these signs were warning that i shouldnt date other boys and wait for my ex to come back. what yall think about it? oh i also see angel numbers everywhere. share a comment on situation (sorry if i made a mistake im not english) 😊🙏🏼

16:23 UTC


Manifest Movie Star Energy 10K Affirmations


These affirmations are designed to align you with unstoppable Hollywood success. Listen daily to embody the confidence, talent, and star power of an A-list actor and watch opportunities flow effortlessly into your life.


🎬 Movie Star Status – Become a household name. 🎥 Breakthrough Roles – Land career-making gigs. 📜 First Choice for Directors – Be their top pick. 🏆 Award-Winning Acting – Claim Emmys & Oscars. 🎞 Box Office Domination – Star in record-breaking hits. 🎤 Talk Show Features – Be the industry’s hottest guest. 🌎 Worldwide Fame – Your name trends globally. 📷 Iconic Movie Posters – Your face on every billboard. 🔥 Hollywood’s Hottest Star – Stay in high demand. 🎟 Red Carpet Appearances – Shine at every premiere. ✨ Magnetic Screen Presence – Own every scene. 📺 Unforgettable Characters – Play timeless roles. 📽 Fan Favorite – Audiences love your work. 🎭 Legendary Acting Career – Build an unstoppable legacy. 📊 Casting Magnet – Attract dream scripts. 👑 Hollywood Royalty – Join the industry’s elite. 🎞 Celebrity Collaborations – Work with A-list names. 🚀 Supercharged Success – Rise to the top effortlessly. 💰 Effortless Opportunities – Jobs find you. 📢 Star Power Amplified – Command global attention.

🎧 **Warning: These affirmations are designed to skyrocket your career. Manifest with intention!✨

What you'll experience: Breakthrough roles and unforgettable characters Global recognition and box office hits Confidence to own the big screen Award-winning performances and Hollywood success

With love, SheManifestedThat ♡

✨☕ ʚ Donate a coffee ɞ ☕✨ Love the content? Support my work at ko-fi.com/shemanifestedthat. Every cup keeps the magic flowing!

✨ What’s the most exciting benefit you’re ready to manifest? Drop it below and let’s talk! 💬🎥🔥

16:21 UTC


Anyone here creating content on affirmations or manifestation?

Hey guys, i’m curious—anyone here making content around affirmations or manifestation? Whether it’s Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, or even a blog, I’d love to check it out and connect with like-minded creators.

15:57 UTC


What is really the “real” reality?!

I have been watching a lot of manifestation and law of attraction videos. When I’m focused and repeat daily affirmations every day I feel so free and powerful. I feel like all my dreams are coming true.

BUT then I will tell my friends or partner and they will put me down saying “stop being delusional” and “be more realistic”.

When I follow that advice honestly my world sucks. That reality sucks… I’m not living the life I want. I’m 31 working a minimum wage part-time job. But I feel in my bones and body that I’m meant for something great! I’m meant for more! I’m meant to have an amazing fucking life and I don’t care what anyone else has to say or think about it.

So before I begin, I wanted clarity. Am I being delusional? Can I really manifest a better life for myself regardless of my circumstances and current situation?

Please tell me that it’s possible 😞 I was hopeful, but now my world and beliefs are falling apart 💔

15:56 UTC


Rustle of the morning stars

This is part of an Essay I found from Brianna West

You extrapolate the present moment because you believe that success is somewhere you “arrive,” so you are constantly trying to take a snapshot of your life and see if you can be happy yet.

You convince yourself that any given moment is representative of your life as a whole.

Because we’re wired to believe that success is somewhere we get to when goals are accomplished and things are completed

We’re constantly measuring our present moments by how “finished” they are, how good the story sounds

How someone else would judge the elevator speech.

We find ourselves thinking: “Is this all there is?” because we forget that everything is transitory, and no one single instance can summarize the whole.

There is nowhere to “arrive” to. The only thing you’re rushing toward is death.

Accomplishing goals is not success. How much you expand in the process is.

15:20 UTC


Robotic manifestation of height

Hi, if anyone tried to do robotic manifestation to manifest the desired height? If yeah, how did you do it? And how was your results? I’m planning to combine it with subs, is it a good idea?

14:51 UTC


Chat with future self

ChatGPT has become such a useful tool for focus & manifesting! I recently started a chat I set up as conversations with my future self & it has been incredibly powerful! I initially started with the prompt: From now on, in this chat, you will act as my future self. You have …. (Insert description of my desired life)

And then just have a conversation… “hey future self, what’s one thing I need to know today” But the most powerful & exciting use of this tool has been the Day in the Life! “From a day in the future, from when we are experiencing (insert specific moment from your desired life ie “the day my book became a best seller” etc) walk me through the day, how exciting it was, and show me all the details so I can experience it too” This has become my favorite way to start and end each day!

12:27 UTC


I feel lost in my manifestation process

I have been feeling a lot of resistance today and find it hard to get in this graditude state. I feel like I don't have enough time. I feel overwhelmed. Little things annoy me. Can't get tte finger on what I am acutally resisting. I feel like I'm on the surface. Felt thoughts coming up of wanting to give up and just throw everything away and go to bed.

I caught myself being in this resistance stage and caught myself on resisting the resistance. Did a 10 minute meditation and I just felt I was just shut off for 10minutes. I have no idea what will work to kinda let this "pain" get through me atm.

Yesterday I had an amazing day. I had a coffee and an epiphany. Did a good favor for someone and now I just don't want to do anything.

I am open for tips and thoughts. Should I eat better? Sleep more? Give in to this nap?

12:24 UTC


things not going the way i expected- please help

hi guys, I need your help. I am currently an international student here in the UK. i’m sure most of y’all are aware of how brutal the current market is for the lot of us.

recently, i was invited to the final round for one of the jobs i applied to. i prepared really well and i felt like i did a good job. the interviewers seemed impressed enough and told me more about the job as well. even proposed a few projects i could work on after joining them. that really helped me affirm and visualise things with ease. i’m also religious, so i was reading my holy book every night, following my new routine stemmed in positivity and gratitude.

i’ve manifested things before in the past and would say ive had a 70% success rate. the 30% gets lost because they’re concerning topics i had a lot of doubts about or limitations attached to. with this one though, i kid you not, i did not have an ounce of doubt that i would get it. interviews had always been my strong suit and im always one to prepare. the interviewers also complied with that thought is what i felt through the interview and im usually quite self-critical about that stuff but this one i was so sure about.

anyway, yesterday - after 3 working days and a weekend - i got a rejection email. i’m not gonna lie. the market is breaking me a little. i’m questioning my worth, my skill, my talent and mostly the possibility of me landing a role here. i’ve invested a lot in my education so i wanna be able to make that back and see the success i envisioned for myself but im suddenly struggling. this is not my first rejection, there were a few others where i was rejected earlier on but this one felt so close and then suddenly went out of reach.

how do i manifest a successful job as soon as possible? i don’t wanna wait around till later and would want to secure a job by maybe feb end max to join as soon as my course ends. how do i affirm with these self-doubts? should i give revision a shot? i’ve never done that before though. ive stopped reading my religious books as well cus ive been bummed.

11:28 UTC


Attraction so strong you just pull people in? How to fine tune?

I’m very intuitive and over the years. I’ve noticed that my magnetism is starting to become very strong, but it’s not as precise. Long story short, I’ve been obsessing over this guy because it seemed like he ghosted me and when I was extremely emotional and one day, I pulled into past men. TWO. In ONE DAY. I know it’s not a coincidence. But neither was him. I’m just curious any insights on this and how to fine-tune it’s not that I want to manifest him back specifically, but I just thought it was almost scary. How when I was in a state of extreme lack and extreme want for him others that wanted me as well, but I was just blocking somehow found ways to get in touch with me.

09:28 UTC

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