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Quick hitter video on the 2025 WNBA Expansion Draft featuring the Los Angeles Sparks! We project all 6 protections as well as give our prediction on who the Golden State Valkyries will take from this Sparks roster! Hop in and let us know who you're protecting!
With the caption: Hollywood Hoops 🎞️
Looks like the Sparks are scouting whether to pick Miles or Kiki
Who would you want the Sparks to pick?
I think there is a very real chance that LA and Dallas do a pick swap this year for LA's 2026 1RP. LA wants Paige. Paige wants LA. LA does not need another F. LA's pick next year is likely to be very good. Paige is not a great fit with Dallas due to Arike being so ball dominant. Dallas is about to lose Howard and/or Sabally and does need a F. Most importantly, Paige can just threaten to stay in school if Dallas and LA don't work something out as she has another year of eligibility.
If LA goes to Dallas mid-college season and offers that deal and Paige's agent tells Dallas to take it or she'll stay in school, then I think Dallas takes that deal. It gets a King's ransom to move down one spot, it gets a good player at a position of need that is a better roster fit, and it avoids any uncertainty with Paige not wanting to be there or getting hurt again. That's a deal that makes sense for everyone and so I think gets done.
What are your thoughts on who the Sparks will draft with this pick?
Do you think there is a reunion in order with Kiki and Brink?
Do you think they take the second best (but pure) PG in the NCAAW, Olivia Miles?
Or do you think there will be someone that will surprise us?
And what about the Sparks’ 13th pick? Who do you think will end up in that ballpark?
This is karma for the ownership not caring about the team.
Are there any prospects that you think the Sparks will / want the Sparks to take?
Some prospects around that range:
• Raven Johnson
• Saniya Rivers
• Lailah Phelia
Ooh, I am annoyed about this!! I put down a deposit for new season tickets in September. At that point they told me that I'd be able to see the updated pricing and choose seats either at the end of September or in October. I just asked for an update and now they're saying it's happening after the lottery.