For fans of the Lantern Corps all across the color spectrum
This will be your home, a home for all the corps that inhabit the Green Lantern Universe. Now go and gather everything related to the Universe of Green Lantern, and bring it back to us.
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it will look like this Hal Jordan is GL!
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So I’m trying my hand at translating the Indigo oath but I’m a bit stuck, any help appreciated: (I’m aware there is no actual translation basically make stuff up and if I like it it will be added, bonus points if you can explain/justify your reasoning/translation.)
Tor Lorek san, bor nakka mur, In brightest day, on Star-less? night,
Natromo faan tornek wot ur. Natromo _ eternal _ _.
Ter Lantern ker lo Abin Sur, This? lantern _ of/from Abin Sur “the bringer of light/power”,
Taan lek lek Nok - formorrow sur! (Verb?) our? planet/compassion - Indigo light!
——————————————— Words we know: Le - my te - is Ner - me Natromo - name Abin Sur - name and "bringer of light/power" Sur - light or power Nok - planet name and "compassion"
Words I can’t figure out: Lorek - probably "brightest" Ek - possibly a suffix, repeated in "tornek" eternal. Likely "much of" modifier. Nakka - possibly a synonym of darkness, starless?
Faan - ? Wot ur - ? (Natromo - eternal - -.)
Ter & Ker - likely determiners, possibly verb. May not be related terms.
Taan - Verb, probably? Lek Lek - possibly a plural (some languages use double to indicate plurality). Assumed: ‘Le’ is ‘my’ so plural "our"?
A lantern corps with the emotion of determination. There is only one wielder of this corp like the orange lantern.
I know this subreddit is kinda dead but does anybody have some good recommendations for some lantern corp decor.?
The subreddit is now public again.
Turnout was extremely low, only 10 out of 4372 subscribers voted, so hopefully that was a representative sample.
As always, keep on topic and be civil.
Most subreddits have now abandoned the API blackout protest unfortunately. Thankfully we can permanently deny Reddit ad revenue by making the subreddit NSFW like many other subreddits which is probably more effective, as evidenced by the admins forcibly changing subreddits back from NSFW despite the presence of NSFW content, as well as some stats posted on /r/ModCoord.
So we have three options:
Return the sub to normal operation.
Reopen the sub as an archive disallowing any new posts but allowing people to search and look at past posts.
Stay closed in protest which will probably result in the deletion of the subreddit or some scab will get installed as a mod here instead.
I have not received any messages from the admins yet likely due to our small size. I personally think swapping the sub to NSFW and reopening is enough since it is clear they aren't going to change their stance, but what we do is yours to decide. If the sub does not resume normal operation I'll hold a yearly vote to check in.
The longest poll duration I can select is 7 days so hopefully you guys see this before it closes. Vote fast while you still can!
I've been getting into the different Lantern Corps stories lately and I've started to wonder what would happen someone tried wearing them all. Like at the same time. Has any character from the comics, movies or TV shows ever done that? And if so, what was the result? I can't imagine it was very beneficial.
I'm just wondering with all the lantern colors. Who was the first to wield each ring of each color??
P.S. : I still have to make the Star Sapphire and the Phantom rings.
P.P.S : I just started painting since a very long time. That's why I was not able to make the symbols perfectly
"You have been chosen-" If accepted "You have the ability to ____ instill great fear/hope or overcome great fear,"
The Rainbow Lanterns represent Insanity. They are filled with the power and emotions of all the other lanterns, basically overpowered but at the cost of their sanity.
The Unlit Lanterns represent Neutrality and sometimes lack of emotion. The unlit Lanterns usually don't tend to interact with most of the other Lanterns, although there is always one or more Unlit Lanterns accompanying a Rainbow Lantern, to keep them in check, and if things escalate further, execute them. If an Unlit Lantern ever kills someone in battle, they must give up their power ring as soon as possible.
The Rainbow Lantern 'Oath' is as follows:
No more day, no more night
There is no wrong, there is no right
Chaotic clarity, shining bright
Forget all peace, embrace the light.
Rainbow Lanterns tend to try to cause chaos wherever they can, this doesn't mean that they are all evil, all are very unpredictable though, one moment they can be your best friend, next they are trying to burn you alive.
The Unlit Lantern 'oath' is as follows:
In brightest day or blackest night
We shall stand yet join no fight
Do no wrong, do no right
Leave no trace, cast no light.
Unlit Lanterns tend not to approach the other corps much, and when they do, they are quite and try their hardest to not be noticed. It is their sworn duty to watch over and balance out the Rainbow Lanterns. They are quiet and reserved, some are even thought of as emotionless.
I haven't fully thought about the backstories of how the rings for each came about.
The Rainbow Power Rings seek out people that are emotionally unstable and all but force the person to wear the ring. The bearer is instantly flooded with emotions and power beyond what any mind can handle.
I'm unsure if the Unlit Lanterns came into existence before or after the Rainbow Lanterns did.