Subreddit for the tourists of Kyrgyzstan and any questions they might have.
Hello, everyone!
I am conducting a survey as part of my research on the economic impacts of tourism in Kyrgyzstan and exploring potential ways to enhance its contribution to GDP. Your participation by answering a few multiple-choice questions would be highly valuable and appreciated!
салам мен эл аралык студентмин Тунгуч районунан же аю гранд аймагындагы досторум менен узак мөөнөткө ижарага батир издеп жатам бир тууганга жардам бере алсаңыз мага жардам бериңизчи сураныч мен азыр срочно кырдаалдамын
what's the weather like in October first week ?
Im going to study overseas in kyrgyzstan specifically in bishkek wanted to know how often do earthquakes occur and how scary are they