
Photograph via snooOG

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Points go crazyy

1 Comment
02:40 UTC


I’m finally leaving

Put my two weeks in Saturday. I’m finally leaving after three years.

I’m so done with management, the customers and honestly some coworkers.

I’m done with the fact that out department can’t keep staff to save its life (a team of 6 people, they’ve hired like 5 others but none lasted longer than a week.)

I’m almost free.

02:16 UTC


get wreckdddd

did a 8 hour shift yesterday in pickup. look at my stats lol

proud of myself (im the one the computer cursor is on) we’re a small store, and every on there is basically everyone in the department lmao.

1 Comment
02:13 UTC


customer yelled at me

One thing I really hate about my store is how terribly narrow the aisles are. Pair that with the huge trolleys we have to lug around, and it gets pretty annoying. I’m sure I say “excuse me” and “sorry” over 100 times a day.

Anyway, I come to the aisle with cleaning supplies and such. There’s a couple standing in the middle of the aisle, looking at the shelves. No big deal. As I’m approaching, I say “excuse me, sorry” as I usually do and turn around to make sure my trolley doesn’t bump into them, walking backwards to get past them. Apparently, it was wrong for me to expect them to at least stand back for a few seconds, because I bumped into the woman.

I turn around and start to apologize, and she rips into me. I think she thought I did it on purpose. Her husband didn’t say anything, just stared at me like I was some kind of peasant.

I absolutely wanted to cry because I really hate confrontation. After I finished that trolley, I asked to stay in the pickup room for the rest of my shift.

I suppose it was probably her pregnancy hormones, but I still felt pretty terrible for the rest of the day. She didn’t complain or anything, so I guess that’s a win. I just wish I could’ve avoided the situation entirely. Has anything like this ever happened to y’all?

01:53 UTC


CSDD got a ticket

Hello, I am currently a CSDD driver and was issued a failure to yield ticket in my personal vehicle on my personal time. I was wondering if this will end up in a termination or if anyone has experience with something similar.

00:55 UTC


Time off request

Put in to get off on the December 29th which is my birthday last month got declined.went to the scheduling manager and ask what’s up with me not getting off on the 29th.Got told we don’t just let people off for there birthday???.is this normal or just my store lemme know

00:11 UTC


i have an interview for a courtesy clerk tomorrow any advice about the job?

23:56 UTC


Working Alone at Liquor Store?

Warning: This is a long read. It’s been absolute hell. I wrote this in my notes app at work so it might be all over the place.

TLDR; I was called a racial slur last Sunday by a customer and that was my final straw. We keep being left alone in the LIQUOR STORE even during holiday time and I’m absolutely fed up. I know there’s a 2 person policy SOMEWHERE but I have yet to find written proof of it. HR & Union is my next move. It’s absolutely unsafe especially for a biracial woman in a red state and a liability on Kroger’s end, a Co even SAID so. Just looking for some advice on what to do other than quit, because despite what I’ve written, I enjoy my job, my coworkers, and my regulars. ——————

For some background, I (20 F) have been working at the Liquor Store since April of this year, but I didn’t start working by myself on Sundays until around I want to say end of July to mid August (somewhere around there) because the department was “over” on their hours (we all call bs on this but it is now December and it has yet to be fixed or addressed but that’s beside that point. Actually it IS the point- I don’t get paid enough for this.). Apparently being scheduled by ourselves has been a previous problem for years, and I’m not surprised. My coworker (A, 41) has been with the company for a while but came over to the Liquor Store I want to say 2ish years ago and has told me that he was scheduled DAYS by himself and got fed up and went part time one day a week until he was asked to come back because we were short people. Even when someone (me) had an injury, we still didn’t get extra help. I broke my pinky in August and had to wear a sling to keep it elevated. I had two surgeries on it, I was still left by myself on Sundays. But I was fine with it, sometimes even enjoyed it because when a customer got a little testy with me for being slow, I only had one hand and they looked like an ass.

At first I was apprehensive about working, but I came to enjoy my few hours to myself on Sunday nights from 7pm-10pm. That is, if I’m not left alone during the holidays. It’s been hella busy these past few months but obviously with Thanksgiving, it ramped up.

Now, prior to this past Sunday (I’m writing this on December 1st) on dates 11/11 and 11/12, I was scheduled by myself 2-10pm. Completely. My Department Manager is a real one and stayed until around 6-7 pm but couldn’t stay later because our Store Manager gets on her about overtime. But after that, I was completely by myself and no one was sent over to cover. Then on 11/15 my coworker (B, 53) had to call off for an emergency and my Manager stayed until 6 that day, no one was sent over after. On 11/17, another Sunday, I was left by myself and no one was sent over. On 11/18 ‘A’ had to leave for a family emergency and I said go ahead. My manager was notified but no one was sent over. And every Sunday after that I was by myself 7pm-10pm.

My mother works in the main store and while she should not have done this- I can handle this myself, l do appreciate her saying something because finding Management at any point in time is pretty much useless unless it’s a certain one that tries to help around as much as he can. She had stopped a Co-Manager and told her that I didn’t want to be working by myself and she was apparently very empathetic because she also thought it wasn’t safe. So management had been notified about this. I was going to go to HR, because my Department Manager does not have access to make or edit the schedules or see the hours. Why, we don’t know and she has been very honest with us about that. Said Co-Manager went to my Manager and told her and I was told I should’ve went to her. Which is fine, but I /know/ my Manager can’t do anything about it but ask if anyone can come over and every time it’s a ‘no’. So why would I go to my manager when I could and SHOULD go straight to them, but I digress. ——————

Now what prompted me to write this; It wasn’t until the Sunday after that, the week of Thanksgiving and last Sunday, that the final straw was pulled for me.

  1. Why was I left by myself even for a few hours on the Sunday before Thanksgiving. I couldn’t get that store straightened up at all.
  2. Why was I left by myself on the week of Thanksgiving.
  3. Why was I left by myself.

See the issue? Well, it the MAIN issue. This is where the whole biracial in a red state thing comes in. I was checking a customer out, she was a really old lady. She had a look on her face, so I should’ve known something was up. I saw her in the store a couple weeks prior, but I wasn’t the one checking her out. She is not a regular and probably was here for the holidays. I have number dyslexia and I tend to read the totals wrong, but I laugh it off and correct myself. And that’s what happened, I said it wrong, I corrected myself, laughed it off. I’m also a bit clumsy with money, especially new bills that don’t have a lot of grip on them. I fumbled a little with it, took a moment to get my bearings. And while I was doing that I heard her say a slur under her breath. I didn’t really process and was like ‘I don’t think I heard her right’, but she was very snippy with me. I got her out the door like I always do— nicely. I wasn’t going to say anything to her, I’m very meek when I’m by myself because I’m not about to fight with these alcoholics for my own safety. It was upsetting to say the least. I don’t care about politics unless it directly affects me, I don’t care who people voted for. It’s about morals and that’s that.

After I closed that night, I got in the car with my mom and I started bawling. She went in and reported it to a Co-Manager, the one who actually helps, I couldn’t do it myself I was a little bit snotty and overwhelmed but I would’ve if I was in a better state of mind. He was appalled and she brought up the schedule thing again. He said it sounds like their front loading the morning shift and that’s exactly what they’re doing. I have pictures of schedules showing this.

And I’m guessing word got around to the managers because the one who presumably does the schedules, no clue if it’s the new HR now or not, still had me scheduled TODAY to work 3 hours by myself. ‘B’ who came in at 11 and was supposed to leave at 4 told him she would stay and close with me and his only response was “He’s worried about overtime”. Not the fact that I was scheduled by myself, but the overtime. I’m well aware they don’t care about us, but they can at least PRETEND to. And ‘A’ is even scheduled by himself tomorrow.

There is no reason for there to be three people in the day and when it isn’t AS busy when closing shift only has 2/1 people. I am not the only one they schedule by myself, as previously stated.

Of all of Kroger, Liquor Store is arguable the most dangerous to work at. We don’t have a panic button that I’m aware of, and people do stupid stuff this time of year.

Other than going to HR and Union, I don’t think there is anything I can do for a permanent fix. It’s absolutely aggravating and I don’t want to leave this job. Any advice or suggestions would be immensely appreciated.

1 Comment
23:53 UTC


Night Shift Question

This is more about Smiths, but I know Kroger owns them.

For night shift, do they play the god awful retail radio all night long?

I know it is very dependent on who your manager is, but I would just like to work in silence at times or with a podcast (w/ earbuds of course).

23:23 UTC


Drowning with no options help

Krogers cut out our supervisor position a few months ago. Lost 40 hours from that, got a fuel center in that made us a lot more people doing pickup. Krogers moved one person from our department to the fuel center. Every day I come in it is basically just me and 1 person, or just me now with 50 orders almost every single day. My managers told me there’s nothing they can do. I am starting to get physically sick from how hard I have to go to keep up. I work full time, and get a 15 minute break and a lunch about an hour before I leave because there’s no time to take it, and we typically have to pull people from up front in order to keep above the water. I’m supposed to get 2 15 minute breaks and and a lunch. Can I talk to anyone to help me, or should I throw the towel in and just leave?? I love my job, but I can’t handle much more.

21:59 UTC


What's up with coworkers not helping bag when you've got a big line with huge orders?

There's a few courtesy clerks at my store that will hang out on one register and stay there. Even if there's a line on other registers and especially when people having a cart full of stuff. Or they'll walk off in the middle of bagging.

I've even had management pull courtesy clerks to do something else like round up carts while they're helping bag.

Half the time managers just walk by and don't offer any help. Same with other cashiers when they have no line. I'm a cashier but I'll always go help other cashiers bag when I have no line and they're busy.

18:33 UTC


I'm so excited to work again!

Oh boy I just can't wait! I get to see all my friends and coworkers.

I can't wait to wake up in the pitch black and walk 2 miles in the cold to work just to immediately be told I'm moving too slow!

I can't wait to play coin toss with my bipolar lead on whether he's in a good mood or bad one. I can't wait to do 4 tasks at once because my lead has the emotional capacity of a crack addicted hamster and won't calm down until everything is done immediately right now despite having 8 hours to do the tasks that we ALWAYS GET DONE ON TIME or the days we don't is because he has to do EVERY SINGLE THING.

I just am so excited to hear how we need to get all this done every 10 minutes. Or how I should go ahead and start the thing I was already doing, or to do something unrelated and not as important instead because "it has to be done."

Oh boy, I can't wait to hear how some other department's lead said some random crap that I really care about! How terrible they are at their jobs! There's so much stuff! No one does anything! There's not enough float/uboats! We need to find a jack! Look at how much product we sold! Look at all the lost sales! We need to get this done! OH BOY!

My favorite part is saying it like it's A BRAND NEW EXPERIENCE THAT ISN'T SAID EVERY. SINGLE. NIGHT.

I love Kroger soooooooo MUCH! Seeing the exact same person 40 hours out my week is REALLY doing wonders on my mental state.

17:38 UTC



"a small group of people, with shared interests or other features in common, who spend time together and do not readily allow others to join."

Example: the 19-20 something year olds at my store who have worked together for more than a couple months who stand together talking and doing nothing unless they absolutely have to.

I feel like I'm interrupting every time I have to ask for anything because I see the looks on their faces and it's like I'm a problem. I'm sure I'm not alone in feeling this way and I know that's going to happen as a 32 year old working a job like this but I just need someone to talk to about it, I guess. I'm just there to do my job but it feels like nights are where things are the worst.

How do I get past it while I'm trying to finish college to work in a medical setting?

11:56 UTC


Happy Inventory Day!

Eff my life! What a freaking nightmare!

That’s all.

Carry on.

cries in a corner and begs to die

10:46 UTC


ah yes, because obviously nobody knows how to say thank you (sarcasm) …do they think we’re children?

10:03 UTC


Personal phone for work purposes

My employer is notorious for using personal phones for work purposes on company time. Should we be compensated?

08:10 UTC


What is the point of “surprise” inspections?

What i’m really asking, and i’m not sure if all Kroger districts do this, what is the F#@king point of doing inspections of stores by corporate management (i.e. District Manager, District VP and District President) if they tell the Store Managers that they’ll be visiting for an inspection in a few days, giving the Store Managers time to get ready and give this false facade of what the stores are actually like?

Isn’t the whole point of surprise inspections SUPPOSED to be that you catch the stores in all of their BS, and getting onto management about their inability to run things?

I’m not saying that they should bring the hammer down on every manager just for any tiny thing that hasn’t been done, but for god’s sake NOTHING will get fixed if you keep allowing every incompetent manager time to make their stores look good when they KNOW someone will be visiting and grading them.

Does it really just come down to, “Well we don’t want to do that, because then it might make our district look bad among the others.” while at the same time wondering why employee retention is so damn low when the actual competent employees are constantly having to fight incompetent management?

(Houston District associate. Don’t know if anyone else from the area can corroborate this general feeling from corporate management)

08:09 UTC


Am I ineligble for rehire?

It's been a year and three months since I lost my job at Fred Meyer. From July to August 2023, I felt like I was going insane since I was a Front End Utility Clerk working in literal heatwaves. This ended up affecting my mental health (I have autism, ADHD, and OCD) and my physical performance while on the job.

I tried to quit but my mom kept pressuring me to stay and she didn't care; I live in an abusive household so my parents have a lot of control over my actions even though I am an adult in my early 20s. I tried doing this multiple times due to physical and mental stress, but I ended up backtracking all of them due to my mom pressuring me. She didn't even inform me to find a job if I had plans to quit while working at Kroger.

I think they had enough of me after I kept backtracking from quitting and decided to let me go... but they didn't tell me that I was getting fired. They told me that they received my notice and that I would be leaving, but I can't help but think that I got fired. I never got anything in the mail saying that I had been terminated, but I never got unemployment benefits either, so I genuinely do not know if I actually 'quit' or if I indeed got 'fired'.

This ended up teaching me a valuable lesson about job-searching and quitting, but I'm now wondering if it's even possible for me to go back to Fred Meyer/Kroger. I did not like my position, but I'm having very little success in actually landing an interview after applying to different job opportunities and going to a career coach. I feel like I'll be rejected and that I ended up on their no-hire list.

07:32 UTC


Question about orientation/ training

New hire here. Had orientation Saturday (11/30) and went well. Was told that I am to go back in today (12/2) from 4:45-8:45. Am I supposed to clock in when I get there? Didn't day one and UKG Dimensions schedule section doesn't say I go in tomorrow. Assume I do just wanna make sure.

05:41 UTC


Now this is a really odd message

05:25 UTC


What does this mean?

Hey all! I am new here and to Kroger. I have been in the fuel center for about 6 weeks. This week one day of my schedule says Training Front End Role Change. What does this mean? No one has said a word to me about working anywhere other than fuel.

03:36 UTC


Spilled milk

While I was bagging in the front of the store I spilled a customers milk carton. Managers didn’t make a big deal out of it just wanted to see how often this happens to you guys

02:00 UTC


Insanely cold on the front end

Hi so I work on the front end as a cashier and lately it's been freezing. Last year I had some difficulty but as long as I wore my coat and had a hot drink i was fine. So far this year though I'm miserable, and if they have me working the self check out closer to the main entrance i was utterly miserable in a unsustainable way. It doesn't help someone broke one of the glass doors to the lobby so they're completely open 24/7 right now.

I've had some health issues increase and some of them have cold intolerance as a symptom, and that could be why I'm struggling so much. But I wanted to know if any of y'all have tips for dealing with the cold that I'm missing

01:13 UTC


Call off question

My partner needs to take next Friday and Saturday off and can't find anyone to switch with. She requested the days off, but her request was removed without reason given. She's called off 1 day this year, in June. Same scenario, her request was removed by someone without reason. What would be the consequences if she took next Friday and Saturday off?

01:01 UTC


AT&T discount

I know at one time a Kroger employee got 22% off their bill at AT&T. Did that go away? I looked at my bill today and noted that I didn't see the discount on there.

23:15 UTC


Carbmaster Milk

The Kroger brand Carbmaster skim milk is a staple in my diet and has helped me to achieve 45 lbs of weight loss thus far. I use it to make sugar free pudding which is packed full of protein, low calories, and satisfies my sweet tooth. I live in the Midwest and we don’t have “Krogers” but rather Pick n Saves. I have been unable to find anything other than the Carbmaster vanilla skim milk for almost 2 months. When you go to order on the app it is only available for delivery (not pick up) which makes no sense to me. I’ve tried searching this sub with nothing recent. Anyone else missing this in their area? Anyone know why?

23:14 UTC


customer service desk hours?

what are your desk hours? our customer service desk opens and closes as needed, we are so short-staffed that I'm lucky if I'm not stuck at a register for most of my day. and in between being on a register I end up having to try to run customer service too. our desk has a little sign that says we are supposed to be open from 8:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. and I feel like that is highly unreasonable and that we should only have to do 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. I've heard some other stores have different hours and if we didn't have that little sign I feel like we could easily get away with 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. but does anybody know the actual corporate standard for what time the desks are supposed to be open? I'm in Virginia

TL;DR: I feel like customer service is open way longer than it needs to be, how long is yours open?

20:10 UTC


Hawaiian Gold

19:38 UTC

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