I am a new fan to the franchise, and honestly I think the Kingsman movies are my favorite action movie franchise ever. I just heard of the next Kingsman movie being "Blue Blood" but it is unclear if it will be happening. Can I get an answer?
Did it bothered anyone else how the ground meat came out like the people didn't have bones or clothes or anything?
I've been re-watching the films recently and it made me want to do a cosplay. I think I just found a fairly decent replica of the watch from the 1st film. It does require slight modification. Mainly, replacing the strap, but apart from that, it's very close.
"the secret service". action was well crafted and creative. valentine is a lovable villain. i kinda felt like there should've been more time for eggsy and roxy's chemistry. they could've gave more time to what the sim cards are capable of cause even tho the sim cards were defiantly powerful it didnt feel like it is able to kill that many people. im giving it "the secret service" a 8/10
"the golden circle". this movie could've worked better if it was a third film instead of second. the scene of "harry remembering" defiantly could've hitted harder. the villain aint fun. its a weird decision to add those robot dogs. "the golden cirlce" is a 6/10. still a fun movie tho
Hi, Does anyone know the id (that I could use in wayback machine) or author or anything about the gorgeous yt video: the title was something with "Serial Killer", it was about Harry Hart, used remixed version of Lana del Rey song "Sweet serial killer"?
It was mostly in greyscale aside from the red, I believe.
Or am I the only one to see it ?
The way they met didn’t make sense and their whole relationship was weird. They made it seem like Eggsy was supposed to end up with Roxy or anyone else but they made him meet his future wife in jail where she sleeps with him for saving her… no princess would do that and eggsy didn’t seem like a character that would fall in love with someone he met in that way. The movie could have been a 10/10 if they didn’t make their relationship and they didn’t kill off Roxy with the most insignificant death
I think Roxy dying was useless, she was a strong character . First of all, all the board members or main characters had a big significant death…even the villains but hers was so pointless and brushed off, the last thing she did before dying was helping eggsy talk to his gfs parents when she could have been doing some work on the field, whereas even Charlie died a crazy big death.
So, I don't know how common an opinion this is, but I've always felt that Kingsman: The Secret Service is a near-perfect action-comedy, and Kingsman: The Golden Circle is a movie that has a lot of fun scenes despite structural flaws. A lot of elements of The Golden Circle have never sat right to me, from the annihilation of Kingsman falling flat to the sudden jump from Bond-esque spy gear to crazy robots and bionics and the resurrection of Harry undercutting some of Eggsy's narrative. However, watching both movies again recently, I was finally able to put my finger on a feeling I've always had: Kingsman: The Golden Circle feels like watching the third movie of a trilogy that never got a second one.
Imagine, for a second, a world where we got a different, second Kingsman movie, but Golden Circle remains largely unchanged. In this movie, we would get to see some of Kingsman, as an organization, operating at peak performance- meeting the other agents, seeing various Kingsman branches around the world, hear about some of what they were doing during the Valentine incident. This way, when Poppy destroys Kingsman in a coordinated surprise attack, we're losing a lot more than a tailor shop, a side character and a pug, we're losing an entire organization of characters we knew around the world. We would see the technology evolve and iterate into a half-step between the grounded compact gadgets of Secret Service and the sci-fi robotics of Golden Circle. We would get to see Eggsy be a gentleman spy independent of Harry, come fully into his own, so that when he brings Harry back into the fold, it's like the story coming full circle- Eggsy giving a second chance to the man who gave him the same, all that time ago.
I think, if we got to see Golden Circle with more context to the world and the organization of Kingsman, with Eggsy and the other agents as established characters, then it would've been an incredible capstone and send-off to a phenomenal trilogy of movies. Maybe once we learn to generate dimensional portals, I'll go visit that hypothetical world I mentioned.
Anybody knows which song does Elton play on the piano when he is told to play Gershwin?
Can anyone explain what looks to be a random head next to Tarons arm in this scene?
Anyone have screen used movie props for sale
Google says disney plus and it isn't there
Not sure if this a popular idea or anything, but I think when (hopefully) we get a continuation of the mainline movies, I think Harry should become the new Arthur. At this point he is the most senior Kingsman agent so him being the head makes sense, me it would solve the two Galahad’s problem with him and Eggsy.
Also this is a dead subreddit :)
Kingsman drift scene with initial D meme music
I've been searching but it seems this gun isn't even mentioned on wikis or anywhere related to Kingsman movies
Please I want to know
What does Merlin mean with that? It's the scene where Eggsy gets angry because he was the one to "not get a parachute" and then Merlin proceeds to say this and pulls the parachute line.
It's been bugging me since I'm not a native speaker and have zero clue what it means, is it just a saying or?
So in the first movie valentine says he kidnaps the princess cuz she has a lot of sway with the public which is why she should be kept alive, but there’s not going to be any public after everyone is dead so why did he keep her alive?!
I have done some thinking as of late, about the person I am perceived as in my working life, and daily life in general. Prior to the Kingsman movies, where i first learned the phrase "Manners Maketh Man", i have tried to be the best and kindest me as i can, within reason, which now i fear might have backstabbed me in the long-run.
Plenty of irrelevant things perhaps, but please? Am i living the phrase wrongly? If so, How do i break out of this Curse thats bestowed upon me?
It'd be a nice event to add, nice collab between KM and PUBGM. I already got some ideas in the comment section. I mean it would be so cool to have a Kingsman themed event on the Kingsman3 release.
So currently there is a theory that the founder of Statesman was the US Ambassador who was one of the founding members of the Kingsman. At some point he returned to the US and created Statesman.
Now for my theory, we see in some areas that Kingsman and Statesman have similar technology, the biggest one being the glasses; the glasses have the exact same styled interface but with just a different colour. So my theory is that originally Kingsman and Statesman were more connected and shared technology, and they eventually cut ties because they believed it would be safer, so that incase one goes down theres still another that can do the work and help bring back the fallen.
he die