Kemonomimi or "animal ears" is where humanoid characters possess animal like features.
A place for cute girls and boys who need pets~
Kemonomimi or "animal ears" is where humanoid characters possess animal like features.
Filter by popular types:
Content must include some sort of animal ears (real or accessory).
Must come from anime, manga, visual novels, etc. No photos of people are allowed.
Please format your titles with the name of the franchise it comes from. For example "[Kemono Friends]" or "[Original]" if the image is not from any franchise or "[OC]" if you are the artist. Also select the link flair for the type of ears displayed. Not sure of the type? Use Kemonomimi.
NSFW and moderate lewdness/fanservice is allowed (if properly tagged as NSFW), but we are not the sub for explicit or overly sexual content. Rule of thumb - if you can imagine the picture on a outside billboard then it is not NSFW. If you can imagine the picture on /r/sukebei, then it is too NSFW.
No reposts within 6 months allowed! Also no reposts of images which have over 400 karma no matter the time. Please use the Repost Checker to avoid reposts. (Firefox / Chrome add-ons). X-Posts are allowed, but no excessive X-promotion - use your own judgement.
Submit direct image links (album links are exception). Make sure your link works (ie. source allows hotlinking), most boorus do not, so please rehost on Redditbooru or Imgur if that is the case! Do not use link shorteners.
Please no albums over 12 images, quality over quantity! Every mimi girl/boy deserves not to be drowned out~
Provide a link to the art source in the comments. Please respect and support the artists and post the source of the image in the comments. If you don't know the source, use SauceNao or IQDB to find it. (Chrome extension). Booru sites, like gelbooru or danbooru are not allowed.
No NSFW depictions of underage characters. No, 500 year old NSFW loli Shinobu is not okay. Use your judgment.
Spoiler Code: [spoiler](/s "Himecchi loves Kantoku~")