
Photograph via snooOG

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How do you use incense in your practice?

I use it to cleanse my tarot deck, anoint different things I offer to the Netjeru, and invite them into my dreams. I'm curious to hear what other people do. Senebti!

07:56 UTC


Any other Polytheists like who have been more into Near Eastern Polytheism most of their life but who found a new spiritual home in Kemeticism?

So I've been a Near Eastern Polytheist for most of my life.. since I was 18.. Mostly with Ugarit, Hittite, Luwian, and Hurrian paths over the years. But recently I've had a change of heart. Had an overwhelming feeling to worship the Theban Triad of Amun-Ra, Mut, and Khonsu. I'm not sure how I can explain it other than I feel like they "spiritually" came to me, told me they were real, and wanted me to know about them. I've never had an experience like that with previous deities I've felt close to before. Wondering if anyone else has had something similar happen to them where they felt they belonged to a new path after a long time with some other path. I wasn't even doubting the path I was one when it happened either. It just happened out of nowhere.

07:34 UTC


Worldwide Flooding world šŸŒ

Grand Rising & Diamond Light Illumination fellow Akhs (Beings of Light), Ascended Masters & fresh Initiatiates of Neter Metut (Kemetic Spirituality).

It comes to my attention that we need to harness our collective energies to intercede for humanity in the modern global crises that global warming is effecting.

To that effect, the Ancients taught that we put faith in the scientific approach to relating with the deities, who are essentially animalistic & zootropic personifications the elements of Creation.

Tefnut (Ancient Egyptian: tfn.t; Coptic: ā²§Ļ„ā²ā²›ā²‰ tfēne), Is a deity of moisture, moist air, dew and rain in Ancient Egyptian religion. She is the sister and consort of the air god Shu and the mother of Geb and Nut.

Let us in our thoughts, speech & actions, contribute to the improvement of the human experience of existence, be it a mere beginning for further evolution of consciousness.

Praises to the Neteru who continue to guide, protect & bless us all. Praises to our Ancestors & Ascended Masters who shed the light on whose paths we walk. Praises to us all, exalted Beings of Light.

06:30 UTC


Can Horus perform hexes? I've seen he is the god of war

1 Comment
04:56 UTC


Does anyone know what weapons the gods used?

It may not be Kemetic related, tho I am currently practicing, but itā€™s some information I need for a passion project of mine and whenever I use google it either comes up with weapons named after the gods or weapons that characters named after the gods in other forms of media use. I figured asking on here might be a better way of getting accurate information

04:21 UTC



How is he and his wife Anput like?

01:15 UTC


newcomer to the religion

so for years i have always believed in the existence of the gods of ancient egypt. have been drawn to them for a very long time. i didnā€™t know it was an actually religion so i kept it to myself until recently when i found this subreddit and learned i wasnā€™t alone. i have offered them things spiritually and this sounds kind of stupid but sometimes before i eat food iā€™ll offer it to them spiritually before i eat it (since they canā€™t eat it physically). iā€™ll also ask them for help or guidance in my life. whenever iā€™ve asked for help itā€™s worked out in my favor. i used to pray to them all but eventually stopped and i do regret it. iā€™ll talk to them either out loud or in my head. i donā€™t worship one of the gods more than the others but there are some i talk to or admire more than others (purely because i know more about them) like isis, osiris, hathor, ra, horus, anubis, sekhmet, the most commonly known ones. iā€™m looking to get closer with them and here many people say they have a ā€˜relationshipā€™ with them and iā€™m wondering how can i start to form a relationship with one or all of them. like i said iā€™m new and just need advice on practicing and really anything.

00:26 UTC


Weird question

This is SUPER weird butā€¦

I think everyone knows that being Kemetic can be super lonely, so I actually wanted to see if any of you played xbox?ā€”that way we can chat in a party?ā€”I feel like itā€™d be cool to just talk to someone else in this community. Maybe play a game or two. Idk I think a lot of you actually have lifes but still I want to speak to people rather than just type.


00:21 UTC


Ways to relax (and embrace) with the Netjeru?

I struggle with relaxing a lot, as well as just casually embracing the nTrwā€¦so I would like to know of ways I could relax more efficiently while incorporating the nTrw in my life more effectively. Just want to say I cannot stand meditation, so any other bits of advice would be appreciated.


22:05 UTC


Connection to Netjeru

Hello! I am new to the kemetic religion and I need an advice. I would like to know how to get connected to Netjeru. I want to become closer and to communicate with them. Like seeing Netjeru in my dreams, them giving me signs and divine guidances. How does one achieve that?

19:02 UTC


Those of you who work with or worship Thoth

What is your relationship like with him? I'm completely new to Kemeticism in general and have identified as agnostic leaning towards pagan curiosity. How do you start practicing, what steps should I take? I want to be respectful to the pantheon and the practices involved.

16:49 UTC


With whom Sutekh was historicaly syncretized?

Doing some research. For now I discovered that He was syncretized wirh Ra in form of Set-Ra/Set-Re, with Heru in form of Antewy, with Baal in form of Set-Baal ang greek Typhon, in form of Set-Typhon. Is there any other forms of historic syncretism with Sutekh? Maybe just a suggestions who could it be? Thank you all in advance.

08:44 UTC


Body limitations

Hello everyone Iā€™m very new to this spiritual practice and religion and am working on devoting my time and learning about the Netjeru, issue is Iā€™m very limited in what my physical body can do as I have a form of muscular atrophy and require assistance throughout my day to day life and my family wouldnā€™t be supportive of this being Christian and all. Iā€™d like to at least practice writing hymns as thatā€™s something more adapted to my capabilities. Even lighting a match on a candle can be hard to do on my own let alone doing it safely without burning myself for instance. In addition to worship of the Netjeru thereā€™s other spiritual practice Iā€™m wondering about since I wanted to work on opening my chakras and some stated you needed to be grounded outside to open your root chakra and I canā€™t sit in certain positions such as typical meditation stances spine straight and all unless Iā€™m in my wheelchair. Iā€™d really appreciate your advice thank you for letting me apart of this community

02:08 UTC


Build this with and For Anubis!

I had this as a kid but tore it apart for some dumb reason. Then I recently came across it and knew I wanted to build it in honor of Anubis and He liked it! Dua Anubis!

01:54 UTC


How did you encounter the Netjeru you worship?

The first Netjer I had encountered was Re. I never cared for ancient Egypt, I actually thought it was quite dull, and at this time I was very bigotted with my ideology on other culturesā€¦but late one night I watched a TV show (Record of Ragnarok) and I finished the final episode. The show had nothing to do with Egypt, yet I had this random thought of appearing in court, and the judge was Re. Around him was other deities, but it was weird cause I knew it was Re without ever studying Egypt. Like I knew nothing, but I knew him. Thus, I took it as a sign to begin worshipping him.

I could say how I met my other deities, but I donā€™t feel like typing an essay šŸ˜…, but how did yā€™all meet/encounter the Netjeru YOU worship?

21:42 UTC


Anpu stopping my cries (a praise)

O Anpu,

Tears rolled down my cheeks, dark thoughts on my mind, I reached for your hand, like a child to his parent, searching for comfort, you took me in your arm, swiped my dark thoughts away with tears on my cheeks, you told me I wasn't alone anymore, you told me you will always be there for me.

O Anpu, Master of Secret, I thank you for you warm, I thank you for your guidance.

Duat Anpu.

(Sorry if it sounded like a vent I just wanted to share how great and important Anpu is to me)

21:25 UTC


The Mummification of The Self

Over the last few years, I lost my mother to cancer, any friends to their own toxicity. Anything I thought I wanted slowly rotted away, and I can't help but feel relieved about it. I lost my health due to chronic illness, but it brought peace and a more balanced way of living. I lost intimacy and most of my sex drive after being sexually assaulted, and gained a privacy and appreciation of my worth outside of vane things. Recently, my bed broke, and my matress and floor became infested with mould. But I'm simply excited that I can start sleeping on the floor -- after a professional clean, of course -- which will give me more space to create a spiritual room.

The flesh of my life keeps slothing off and has been for some time. I have felt death energy around me frequently, which is likely why I became fascinated with the ideas of gateways, resurrection and underworld journeys. And the Egyptian Gods have had a huge hand to play in this.

I asked Aset to bring me back to life -- with each death I feel more purpose and contentment. She is always there with a hand on my back, telling me to unite, not divide.

I asked Wadjet to reveal the truth -- illusions break in front of me every day. I come to realisations suddenly, often through my mistakes. I see the true faces behind masks, including my own.

I asked Seth to release old bonds -- they turned to sand and slipped through my fingers. He is a little more on the "make them all pay. Let's force our will" side, but I feel the intent is to help me reclaim my kinghood.


My initial answer would be Sekhmet. Does that have any interesting thoughts stirred in regards to my experience? Let me know! I just feel a need for her fierceness. But I very much do think this theme will continue: both Sokar and Nuit are reaching the point of heavy ritual with me (the time just hasn't been right yet).

I feel as though my words are rippling out in each community I have posted them, as if they needed to be shared, as if they will ring true to others šŸ’š Thanks for your time, kemetic family. I really appreciate you. I invite any comments or conversation.

20:40 UTC


is polyamory frowned upon in kemeticism ?

hiā€¦ so my partners and i were talking about my newly converted religionā€¦. and i was just wondering if the idea of polyamory was frowned upon in the religion? itā€™s mostly just a passing thought

19:42 UTC



Hello! What should I put in a prayer? I mean, I want to create french prayers for people who have problems with english. So what do you say? (answer in english, the translating is my work!)

18:45 UTC


Anubis in a dream after meditation

Hi everyone, I just wanted to share my short experience. A couple of months ago, I started getting into guided meditation from a YouTuber who talks about "interdimensional meditation". I knew nothing about Kemitism, Egyptian gods, and was very much a newbie when it came to meditation and such. When doing that meditation as a beginner, it was very difficult for me. But in the process, I asked with the clear intention for any light being to contact me, then I fell asleep. I did meditate when preparing to sleep. That day, after asking for any light being to show and contact me, I had a dream. It was very weird, I can't remember all the details, but I felt a powerful presence, very intimidating but not in a way that made me scared. It was something difficult to describe, and this being had a dog head and said, 'I'm Anubis.' Then I woke up and thought, 'Hmm, what a random dream.' Egyptian gods had never crossed my mind. After many months, I started reading about people worshiping these Egyptian entities, and my jaw dropped.

Now, I want to reconnect with that being again. In my ignorance at the time, I dismissed it as something random. However, now I feel a strong curiosity and desire to explore that connection further

18:10 UTC


Aset/Ma'at epithets

Does anyone know them? What are their epithets?

1 Comment
13:47 UTC


Finally my book has arrived!

Finally it has arrived today! I have a desire to know more about the gods but don't want to keep asking hundreds of questions on RedditšŸ˜…. Then soon I came upon this book on this sub by accident and has an urge to buy it.

I'm new to Kemetism and haven't really reached out yet(I have my reservation). I think this book will give me information that I need.

But I have no pressure on myself to need to "hurry & worship". Worship aside, I love gaining new knowledge on topics that interests me. I always love mythology since young and this isn't quite "mythology" but rather more towards Kemetism from what I've heard. Better. Even learning more about this stuff on it's own is interesting to me. I like to know more about how the gods are worship & perceived.

Reading a book like this is gonna be enjoyable for me regardless of what I choose to do in the end. So I'm gonna just enjoy reading it and not have any particular goal in mind. See where it goes.

Not sure how to say it but I like the texture of the book pages. Like it is very smooth and not the usual material they use for books you know.


09:58 UTC


Clarification on symbols used in Lichtheimā€™s ā€œAncient Egyptian Literatureā€?

Iā€™ve not done any formal study on translating or hieroglyphics or anything; Iā€™m just a layperson, and this book is my first when it comes reading actual texts in a more formal context. The ideas here are probably ones obvious to those who do this kind of work (like Lichtheim), and are just new to me, hahaha. So I was wondering if someone whoā€™s dug a bit deeper into reading text translations could clarify these for me?

Just going down the list here:

  • āŒœ āŒ: Does this refer to doubt about the accuracy of the translation of that particular block of text? Or is it something more akin to doubt of the meaning of the particular hieroglyphs in the given context? (Like, ā€œbad translation of what we know it meansā€ vs ā€œwe donā€™t know what it means to begin withā€?)

  • [ ]: What does ā€œrestorationsā€ mean in this particular context?

  • < >: I assume this means the scribe writing a particular copy of a text missed a word, for whatever reason? And Iā€™d assume you could tell this either by comparing multiple copies of a text, or by inferring a word should be there given the context?

  • ( ): I assume these would be words not present in the actual text itself, but added to the English translation to make it flow more naturally, make grammatical sense, etc?

  • ā€¦ : Is this the sort of opposite of the (), marking places where words from the original text are removed to make things flow better in English? Or is it words left untranslated for some reason?

  • --- : The lacunas make sense to me, but just to be safe, this would indicate missing text in the original source, as youā€™d see in, say, a papyrus with holes in it, or an inscription with parts worn/chipped away?

07:43 UTC


Witchcraft in kemetism?

Are there any practitioners who are kemetic especially considering the fact that other religions like paganism and wicca practice such? I'm super curious

07:21 UTC


I am creating a Temple using The Sims 4.

I know many of you probably don't play this particular game. I have come to enjoy it because it is so modifiable and customizable you can create alot of things. So I decided to build a Temple. Since it is The Sims, I have to give it some slack on accuracy. I attempted to lay it out as much like old ruins suggest. But I took some liberties too. When I am done with it, it will be a place where a person can walk around and interact, and take in the whole vibe and such.



The inside was where the real fun began.

There is a main hall.

During the day the open ceiling lets all the sun in.

Through here leads to the Hypostle Hall.

I tried to decorate it appropriately.

Through here I put a boat.


In the basement level I added The Hall of Two Truths.


I found this stature with a water bird appearance and I use that as a stand in for Thoth.

I am still working on this. I want to build two levels deeper, adding more afterlife things... I hope you enjoyed!

06:39 UTC

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