A subreddit for Johnstown, PA and surrounding regions.
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No political campaign solicitations.
Welcome to our bi-weekly opportunity for Johnstown locals to shamelessly plug what they have going on! Promoting a new event, new online content, or something else that you're involved with? This is the place to post it!
My clear bag has disappeared, either because of a recent decluttering or a rather entitled former tenant. Either way, I don't have one and don't have time to get one. I have a clutch that's 8" wide. The 1st Summit Arena guidelines say 7" wide is the max. Should I just keep the stuff I need in my pockets or will the clutch be allowed?
I’m black and moving to Johnstown from Philly. Me and my family are so excited we just want to know is it heavily racist? Anywhere we should stay away from? Please ease our minds.
At the Sheetz in Westmont tonight and was approached by a woman claiming she had left her bank card at home and needed to get back to Somerset county and collect her grandson who she has custody of and if we could pay for her gas. A lot of it seemed a bit sus. Any idea if this is a typical scam?
Located at the Holiday Inn. Looking for place for a birthday dinner. Any good?
Welcome to our bi-weekly opportunity for Johnstown locals to shamelessly plug what they have going on! Promoting a new event, new online content, or something else that you're involved with? This is the place to post it!
Just figured I would put something in here about a on going informal meet up (it's not really formal enough to be called club) of chess players. Most every Saturday at 1 pm on the third story of the Cambria County (Johnstown) library. We usually have at least 4 people here but at times have more and would love to have even more players than that.
So feel free to stop down. No membership dues or anything like that.
This months game night is in celebration of a new year! Please join us on January 11 at 4 pm (new end time of 9 pm) for our teach a game month featuring Steam Up.
Once upon a time in the Far East, deep in the mountains of a mythical land, there was a world-renowned Dim Sum restaurant by the name of Steam Up.
It was the first restaurant of its kind to achieve the three Gold Ingot status. According to the Gold Ingot Guide, Steam Up was best known for its top 5 most popular Dim Sum: juicy shrimp dumpling, tender meat dumpling, soft and fluffy BBQ meat bun, flavorful sticky rice, and exotic phoenix claw. These heavenly tastes drew food enthusiasts and gourmets from all over the world!
Come join us on a feast of Dim Sum. You are invited!
For a tutorial on how to play please watch: https://youtu.be/4Md1tDvmOac
The meal we are serving is going to be a traditional dish called Hot Pot. Hot pot is a communal Chinese dining experience where diners cook raw ingredients in a simmering pot of broth at the center of the table. We will have beef tips, octopus, chicken dumplings, mushrooms, boc choy, rice and udon noodles. There will also be fried rice, drinks and desserts.
We hope to see you at 160 Derby St on Saturday January 11th at 4:00 for our New Year Celebration and to kick our 4th year of Gaming off to a wonderful start!
I’ve got two cats that I’m looking to get set up with a vet. Any recommendations for local vets? Figured I’d ask here first before diving into Google.
Bonus points if they’re good with reactive cats. One of mine is absolutely horrid about trips to the vet.
I recently moved back to the area and while traveling I picked up split boarding.. I know we hardly get enough snow here to go but when it does is there anyone here that goes?
I'm looking for a college, and the majors and campus of Pitt-Johnstown looks promising. I'm from Pittsburgh so family is close by, and Johnstown itself seems like a nice town from what I've read. What is it like living in or around Johnstown? Is there a lot to do? I don't drink or party, and I have a car if that helps.
Hello all, I am curious about pets in the area. People who have dogs and cats, usually you can just tell or they tell you without even asking. 😂 I understand why, they are the most common pets for many people. There also seems to be niche groups for snakes, lizards, turtles, etc. Anyone know of any bird groups? Also, how many people do you know who own a bird as a pet? Especially in the general area. (Maybe within 30 miles?) Ultimately it would be amazing to have a bird rescue and bird boarding for people who go on vacation. Just curious if there is even enough folks around who might be interested, to do more research. Thanks for reading. 🐦
Can anyone advise if this is a good area to live please...
Can anyone recommend a reliable fence company that doesn't charge a fortune?
Hello, younger adults without children (especially women) what do you do with your day? After covid I have had nothing to do. I don't have alot of money and all my friends moved away which is not an option for me. I also do not drink so I don't like to go to bars. I've noticed that in this area there isn't much to do that does not include family events, church events, drinking events, or costs too much money to do regularly. I work from home so not having anything to do is just self isolating myself and my mental health has been not so great because of it. What do you do around here in the winter or other months where you can meet new people?
Note: I did post something like this before but it was quite long winded so I deleted the post.
Welcome to our bi-weekly opportunity for Johnstown locals to shamelessly plug what they have going on! Promoting a new event, new online content, or something else that you're involved with? This is the place to post it!
Hello, I was looking at some towns to move to and saw Johnstown PA. While looking at houses I noticed that there are a good amount that are "relativity" cheap compared to other places I've looked at. A good amount of these houses are less than 100k and look to be in fair condition. I was just wondering if this is normal or if I'm missing something when looking at them.
I've had bird feeders up for weeks, but not one bird. I've tried different seed mixes, moving it from the backyard to front, still no birds. I live in Westmont. Anyone else notice the abscene of birds? The only ones i see aroundhereistheoccasionalcrow.,
So I moved here a few years ago (kinda involuntarily) and obviously the job market isn't crazy. I've worked mostly at youth counselor jobs or with people who need help in every day life as a peer specialist/aid. Unfortunately, 99% of my jobs have completely lied to my face and sugar coated everything at the interview and even orientation because they need employees. So, I'm looking for something different at this point and somewhere I can meet people around my age. I'm 26 and I want somewhere that has fun co workers & work environment, not looking for any real like blue collar manual labor jobs those just aren't for me, and more so laid back bosses/owners. That last one is just a bonus, but if there's any jobs that are good for mid 20s and the staff is younger just let me know in the comments & I appreciate it.
Hey, everyone, I'm looking to compile a list of all of the Podcasts that locals are recording OR podcasts explicitly about the Johnstown area.
I’m devastated. Best coffee in the area, legit community coffeehouse with great beans, willing to try things with food, best part of coming home.
Does anyone know what happened?
Welcome to our bi-weekly opportunity for Johnstown locals to shamelessly plug what they have going on! Promoting a new event, new online content, or something else that you're involved with? This is the place to post it!
Come join us tomorrow December 14th at 4PM for our last community game night of the year!
The event will be at 160 Derbt St and we will be providing Lasagna!
We will also be having an Azul tournament where you could win your very own copy of the game! Don’t wanna play? We will still have 200 games for you to pick from to enjoy as well!
We also have provided our lineup of events and dates for all of 2025! Visit us on Facebook at Cambria County Boardgaming for more information and as always the event is open to the public and free of charge, but donations to help us continue to provide wonderful nights are always appreciated
With the title said
I’m interested in any history, stories, or gossip about the old motel, I’ve seen the news stories from 10 years and and about the closure 2 years back, but please share anything related
What would the community like to see done with it?
Hi..just moved to area . Looking into trying to get into these steel factories. Does anyone know what typical pay is for gautier steel and are the hours rotating or can you get steady shifts at either place??
Thanks for any info.
Anyone give me an honest answer to this area of Johnstown?
Westmont Hilltop