A place to post videos of Japan.
A place to post videos of and related to Japan.
Videos must be about Japan
Link submissions must be from an approved host
NSFW videos must be tagged; no porn allowed period
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Thanks for you feedback! Cheers!
Interesting video showing the process of dyeing kimono. Really appreciate they show how the tools are made too.
Thank you
First video done, next will be How to spend 48 hours in Fukuoka before we travel to Hiroshima. YouTube - JandyTravel to get notifications 🇯🇵
Hello, any fashion lovers/girlies here that could help me identify what earrings the violinist Ayase is wearing?
Thank you for your help.
90 seconds of “Sukeban Girl Gang - Crazy Ball Game” 1974 with original instrumental music by Deep Sea Soliloquy.
Geibikei Gorge Boat Trip, fantastic experience and beautiful views
Hi, do you have any idea what's the name of this song? I managed to chance upon this stage performance when I was in Kyoto recently, and I must say I really like that song. But I couldn't find it on the internet. It is not '炭抗節' (quite similar, but is not) Please let me know if you know the name of the song. Thank you so much! 🙏🏼🙏🏼😊.
令和6年9月定例会一般質問(山根兼三郎 議員) youtu.be/ee1Y6v18W4Q?si… @YouTubeより 1.東高浜住宅市街地総合整備計画 2.空き家対策 12分頃から 3.市東部地域の振興 32分頃から