
Photograph via snooOG

/r/jamescook is a sub reddit for the Australian University, James Cook University.

Welcome /r/jamescook the reddit for James Cook University.

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328 Subscribers


MBA worth it??

Is an MBA worth it ??

I graduated with a business degree in 2019 but I can't enter into the work force yet or do any of the graduate programs as I have had kids in the mean time. Iv got 2-3 years before all my children are school aged and I will be able to work then.... but instead of doing nothing significant towards my career while I wait I was considering post graduate studies...

Alot of the time graduating within the last 5 years is relevant and by the time my kids are school age roughly 7 years will have passed... if I got an MBA or similar I would be a very relevant graduate come working time ⏲️

Thoughts? Advice? How do I make sure I'm able to get decent work in the future and stay relevant ? MBA? Other Masters??

19:49 UTC


Masters international student acceptance rate

Hi! Would anybody know the acceptance rate for Masters in Marine Biology for international students? Thanks!

1 Comment
10:42 UTC


Which semester should I start?

Consider JCU for postgrad. Where I’m from we just have yearly start times, with yearly cohorts doing the same modules. How does it work at JCU? Should I start at semester 1 to be in line with what I assume is the majority of other students in my course? It would mean waiting 6 months though as my undergrad finished june Thank you

22:35 UTC


James Cook Best Plays So Far (NFL Weeks 1-13) Coaches Film Angle

17:32 UTC


[Academic] Participants - online/on-campus university students in Australia

Hey everyone🙂, I am looking for participants to complete an anonymous 15 minute online survey for my Psychology Honours dissertation exploring communication between students and academic staff in tertiary education. The study looks at communication strategies and feelings of injustice felt by both online and on-campus university students. If you are a currently enrolled online or on-campus university student in Australia, I would highly appreciate your participation. Participants can elect to enter a prize draw to win 1 of 2 $50 gift vouchers! Additional information on the study and how to participate can be found by clicking on the following link: (which will direct you to the questionnaire) https://qsurvey.qut.edu.au/jfe/form/SV_9HqFbUT7f0zEj6S

Thank you!!

00:31 UTC


International Student from USA looking to study Public Health


I am an international student from the USA looking for a change of scenery, which is why I am looking to obtain my Master's in Public Health and Tropical Medicine from the Land Down Under.

  1. Can you all tell me about JCU? How is the location of the Townsville location (are there things to do, is it diverse, etc.)?

  2. Are their funding opportunities for international postgraduate students?

  3. Would you recommend JCU or rather other universities in Australia or New Zealand? Why?

Thanks in advanced for the help!

22:10 UTC


Nursing at JCU

I am an international student from india and wanted to know how is the bachelor of nursing program at JCU? Are lecturers good enough, reputation of this program and quality of placements?

10:09 UTC


Research invitation: Anxiety Reduction Training - free, self-paced, and online [18-30, anywhere in Australia]

Do you want to have more confidence in speaking with people?

Do you want to experience less discomfort in social situations?

Would you like to help with research on reducing anxiety?

You are invited to participate in a Master of Psychology (Clinical) research project that will examine the benefits of a brief self-paced cognitive anxiety reduction online training program in young Australians. Participation will involve completing online questionnaires, four self-paced online sessions completing picture-response tasks and word-association tasks, and rating scenario videos. This study has been approved by Federation University Human Research Ethics Committee (Project No. A21-186) and participation to the program is subject to meeting the eligibility criteria: aged 18-30 and Australian resident.

Participants who complete the study will be eligible for a random prize draw, and five (5) winners will be provided with an online voucher valued at AUD $50.

If you would like to participate, please proceed to register on the website: https://federation.syd1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_02mGmYWkdgIQMF8

12:19 UTC


Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Good morning all, are there any fellow BJJ practitioners here? Looking for training partners in between study and exams.

21:31 UTC


Looking for metal detector help!

Hello everyone, I’m a JCU international student from the United States. I recently lost a very sentimental bracelet on one of the fields on JCU’s Townsville campus; I have a pretty good idea of where it was lost. I was wondering if anybody had a metal detector that they would be willing to help me out with, or if anyone knew where I could borrow/rent one. I appreciate any help!

1 Comment
02:26 UTC


Free MCAT CARS Resource!

r/jamescook. If you're planning on writing the MCAT and are looking for a CARS resource, check this out! As you might already know, doing well on the CARS section requires a lot of practice. That's why CARShub has hundreds of CARS passages (new passages added weekly) all presented in the typical MCAT user interface. Please give it a try at https://carshub.xyz ! We've put a lot of work into it and would love to hear your thoughts. Thanks!

09:07 UTC


Alpha phi Omega: service frat

Hi I am a member of APO at Rutgers University in the United States and I learned that my frat has a branch at this Australian University. I am looking to interview someone in APO Australia, please comment if your interested. I would love to talk to you!

01:24 UTC


Townsville or Cairns?

I was looking into applying into jcu for a MSC with an Earth Science major. I had a few questions regarding this:

  1. I see that the course is available in both the Townsville and the Cairns campus. Which one should I choose? (Take this from a perspective of an international student)

  2. Is the course worth it in general?

16:24 UTC


Is the George Robert’s hall catered food good?

Title says it all

1 Comment
10:27 UTC


Open Access WiFi?

hey all, i am heading up into townsville for a family thing in a few weeks and i was wondering if james cook or the city campus has an open access/guest wifi that i don't need a JCU account to log into? thank you:)

09:53 UTC


Is JCU gonna do anything to bring its international students back?

Many unis in SA, NSW, WA are trying get there student back and making strong appeal for quarantine hubs.

Haven't heard any of that sort from QLD government. Have already been 1.5 years of waiting.

1 Comment
14:15 UTC


Master of Data Science

Anyone out there that could provide some insight regarding the course structure? I believe it utilises hexamester study periods, how flexible are these?

P.s Format is entirely online

03:10 UTC


HDR Scholarship Decisions 2021

Anybody got their decisions yet?

Good luck!

23:42 UTC


Marine Bio

Hi I am from India and I plan to come there this year or next for my Masters in Marine Bio. Please let me know how the course is and if it is value for money as for international student the course is just insanely expensive. I also want to settle in Australia after that as there is literally no scope for Marine Biology in India. Would this be the right decision to make?

07:21 UTC


JCU - I'm starting next year 2021

Hi, 2 months ago I decided that I should change my life and study for a degree. I want to go for B.S Engineering at JCU but first I need an extra year to get my Diploma of Higher Education. My problem is that I am getting anxiety because I am not so sure if my academic abilities are up for it.

I finished high school 9 years ago and pretty much forgotten everything I learned from there. Not even the basic knowledge of math, physics and chemistry.

However I do remember that I was really fascinated by physics even though my math skills required to supplement it are dreadful. We're talking about not being able to add/subtract fractions, convert units from one to another. I was a terrible student. But I really liked the theory behind them, like what quantity is directly/inversely proportional to another, or how light rays bounces off a concave/convex mirror.

With that in mind, at the same time I decided that I'm going to Uni next year, I started teach myself math from scratch. In 2 months, I learned algebra. From solving 1 step linear equations, inequalities, systems of equations, logarithms, functions, up to solving quadratic equations by factoring, completing the square and by formula. Then I breezed through geometry which I think is the easiest. I also just started trigonometry(trigonometric functions, identities and unit circle coordinates).

After diving into a bit of math I realized that I now know more math than science. I'm not sure if I should continue learning math up to calculus for the remaining months before the first semester, or I should stop after a bit of trigonometry and start learning physics/chemistry.

I currently work full time from 8-4pm and I only have a couple of hours a day to study so I want to make sure I am self-studying the right subject. Atleast until my work schedule changes once the first study period commences.

Note that the Diploma of Higher Education has, preparatory physics, chemistry and math. I don't know if the sciences there will be taught from the ground up( starting from structure of an atom, speed,velocity density,etc).

I know my best bet is to talk to a staff from JCU but I just want to hear your opinions.

04:10 UTC


Seeking advice on JCU master of social work

G'day! Im now living in Thailand but planning to study master of social work in JCU in Feb next year. I have a few questions and hope JCU students can help advise :)

From the course outline, there are some foundation subjects, but im not sure if they provide the basics of social work studies. Do teachers provide step-by-step counseling or interview workshops? Or they just give brief ideas?

Are there still on/off-campus job opportunities in Townsville now that there's a covid-19 outbreak? As i heard from a few friends in Brisbane and Melbourne jobs are pretty difficult to find.

Sorry for a long post. Thanks y'all!

09:58 UTC


Best food delivery app?

What is the best food delivery app in the area? I am sending a surprise gift certificate for a friend but I am not sure what is available there (e.g. DoorDash, Ubereats, Bitesquad). Any suggestions?

1 Comment
22:36 UTC


Perfectionism and Distress Among Australian University Students

Hey everyone,

Im looking for current Australian uni students to complete my survey on perfectionism, academic confidence, and distress. It should only take 5-10 minutes. Any responses would be greatly appreciated. Thanks


1 Comment
01:11 UTC


I am a fourth-year psychology student inviting social science Australian University students to participate in my research study. If you require participants for your study, please send me your link and I am happy to return the favour. Please see details and link below. Thank You.

Dear University Students,

We are currently seeking Australian University Students enrolled in undergraduate or postgraduate social sciences discipline. For you to be eligible, during Semester 1, 2020 your university must have moved to fully or partially online instruction and your classroom setting must consist of a combination of pre-recorded and live interactive lectures or tutorials.

You must be aged 18 years or older to participate in a research study conducted by Dr. Kimberley McFarlane, a lecturer and researcher from Federation University, and Ms. Judith Organ, Psychology Honours student from Federation University. This research project has been approved by the Federation University Australia Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC).

If you agree to participate, you will be asked to provide information about your demographic details including course enrolment details, previous face-to face enrolment and current preferred learning environment. You will be required to complete a demographic questionnaire and a survey. Your participation in the research will take approximately 15 minutes to complete and you will go in the draw to win a $100 EFTPOS GIFT VOUCHER.

Remember, this is completely voluntary. You can choose to be in the study or not. If you would like to participate, please follow the link below. If you have questions about the study, please email or contact me at judithorgan@students.federation.edu.au. Please feel free to leave a link for your study and I am very happy to participate.


08:21 UTC


A quick survey for students planning to start their careers ($50 prize drawn tonight)

Hi All,

I'm a developer currently on stand down. I'm currently conducting user research on an idea which aims to help students navigate the first steps on their career journey. It's a service that I would've loved to have during my time at Uni.

I've made a survey which should take you 5-10 minutes to complete. To show my appreciation for your time, there are 2x$50 prizes which i will draw this Sunday night (7/6) on Facebook Live using a random number generator (so you know i wont just rig the prize). Full details are at the end of the survey :)

Thanks, i really appreciate it! Survey: https://forms.gle/basbnhraWQq5VjyV9

PS Have about 40 entries so far so a pretty good chance of winning the draw! Tonight @ 8PM AEST

03:47 UTC

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