
Photograph via snooOG

The "official" subreddit for Jacksonville, FL

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Anyone know how much I save for buying ticket directly at Florida Theater box office?

Currently looking at $10 convenience fee, and $4.50 restoration fee.

1 Comment
11:53 UTC


What is attracting northerners to Jacksonville?

Born in Jacksonville, FL in 95’

Left it 4 years ago and never looked back.

I came back recently to spend time with family and my God what a surprise, nothing has changed (for the better), and it’s just a bunch of northerners down here clogging up the highways. Even seen an Alaska license plate on the 295. ALASKA!?

I’m trying to figure out what is the allure of this city? Our downtown is ass. Housing ain’t cheap. You need a reliable vehicle to get anywhere as the public transport is ass. There’s barely anything to fucking do. Crime rate still feels as high as it was growing up. Homelessness got worse. The job market there is straight booty cheeks. It’s a giant crab pot. The Jaguars still fucking suck dick per usual. JSO ain’t worth a damn. The beaches ain’t as dirty as NY/NJ but ain’t nothing to write home about either.

So what the hell is attracting you northerners to it? Why are you people willingly jumping into the crab pot?! Please explain it to me.

10:41 UTC


Bistro Aix reopening?

I’ve been hearing about the owners headhunting employees from around the area so I believe it’s actually happening. I think they’ve been calling it restaurant blue? My dad was a huge fan of the original bistro aix back in the day, trying to figure out what’s going on. Anyone have any ideas?

1 Comment
02:46 UTC


Road construction

Is it just me or are they doing road construction on a lot of state highways right now but they're not finishing any projects before they move on to the next. Lem Turner or State road 115 between Jacksonville and Callahan has been resurfaced for 9 months now but they never resurfaced the shoulders leaving a lip that catches water on the main travel path. Yet all the equipment is gone and they've moved on to other state highways. Now they've left Normandy or State road 228 in a similar fashion.

02:05 UTC


First Fridays @ Friendship Fountain

02:04 UTC


job help

anyone know of any jobs in the jax area that are hiring that are disability friendly? i’m not able to stand for long periods of time so that makes working certain jobs difficult

01:36 UTC


Help moving to Jacksonville

Hello, I will be moving to Jacksonville in November from Michigan. I’ve been looking to get an apartment with my buddy but it’s been difficult. I have been traveling for the past 8months so I don’t have a job right now or paystubs. He works under the table and also doesn’t have any paystubs. Is there any way to get around these required apartment application documents? If not and an apartment isn’t an option for us, what else could we do? We both currently live out of our cars but it won’t be feasible once we get there because we are taking his car, and he plans on doing Uber.

We both have savings so there is no worry about being about to pay rent (we are shooting for around $1k a month for the both of us).

We wouldn’t be opposed to setting up a campsite until we both get the paystubs and documents required, but worry about the commute to his welding school. Really anything we have to do to make it work.

Any help is appreciated! Wish us luck 🍀

21:10 UTC


Monday the 7th is the last day to register to vote. Check your status make sure you’re up to date

20:18 UTC


Heavy Law Enforcement presence Forest Meadows

Forest Meadows apartments Forest blvd

Law enforcement has the entire complex roped off with 15-20 units of all kinds out there. Helicopter circling. Check on your people...

20:13 UTC


To my waitress today at hwy 17 metro diner

Thanks for the wonderful service. I'm sorry about what happened. The second tip was because I had a coughing fit (throat cancer survivor) and when I got done wiping the food I couldn't get down off my face I sneezed into the same napkin and not wanting to put it in my pocket with food on it I put it on my plate. I'm sorry. Thank you for being gracious. Cancer has taught me to be more patient with other people because you never know what other people are going through.

19:19 UTC


Luxury Gyms in Jax ?

Hello fellow duvalians. Currently in Jax beach but willing to drive out — unfortunately no Equinox gyms here like Miami, but is there ANY gyms in the area with more amenities / luxuries ?

Currently at Baileys

19:01 UTC


Apartment lost power for 2.5 weeks.

Hey yall. My apartment building experienced a power outage on the 30th of September. After 2 days they moved my family in a much smaller and unrenovated domain temporarily. They expect repairs to be completed and the power restored on the 16th of October. It’s almost a $700 difference in price monthly compared to my normal unit, but they refuse to prorate my rent to compensate.

I guess I’m just wondering if this is legal? My lease is up at the end of the month but holy fuck the gross incompetence of the management is going to live rent free forever in my head.

17:43 UTC


What is the BEST dealership to work at in Jax?

New to Jax currently at a store that is truthfully not good at all. What dealerships in Jax do you recommend working for that gets foot traffic, leads, and has a good customer service rating?

16:15 UTC


PC/Office Designer?

Not even sure if this exists, but I’m trying to make my office/gaming/personal space a lot more “aesthetic” and no matter how much I try it never feels organized and nice. My cable management sucks! I’m at the point where I’d hire someone to help. Any insight? In the Town Center area.

1 Comment
16:15 UTC


Anywhere that buys RVs for parts?

So I'm in kind of a weird position where my late father had an RV that he owed double what its worth when he passed and the bank he financed it with has deemed it "not in their financial interests to repo." So they wont send someone to come and get it. I also cant sell it because I cant get a title without the loan paid off. My lawyer suggested I just sell it for parts since its just sitting in purgatory in my driveway. It was "charged off" months after his death and I dont even know what to do with that info.

15:49 UTC


33 East/Other Rental Ideas?

Moving back to the area and looking for decent rentals. My husband and I are in our late 30s, no pets or kids. We toured 33 East and it seemed nice. Anyone here have experience with them? Or know of any other places similar that you'd recommend? Thanks for any help y'all can provide!

14:57 UTC


Looking for something to do tonight?

Just sharing in case anyone is looking for something to do tonight!

14:01 UTC


Any good Ramen/Pad Thai places?

My boyfriend really likes ramen, I’m craving pad Thai and we’re both pretty new here. Any recommendations? Preferably on the north side but we don’t mind going a little out of the way ❤️

13:42 UTC


Anyone have an old CRT tv laying around?

Looking for one ideally 32” or larger. No luck with FB marketplace or Craigslist.

12:53 UTC


National Cinnamon Roll Day is Today

Where in Jax are you getting your cinnamon roll today? I’m looking for one that looks like this:


12:48 UTC


Avoid going 95 south past wgv

Just be sure to check Google maps if you are looking to go to St Augustine today. Traffic is completely stopped from 16 to the next exit

12:47 UTC


To the nice skater at Monument skate park

Thank you so much for your kindness towards me and my 2 boys that were skating yesterday. You were clearly shredding it but made sure to show love and compliment everyone around you.

Afterwards, you stopped by in your Ford pickup while I was removing my kids’ pads in the parking lot. As a dad who struggles with the daily grind of adulthood, your words of encouragement meant so much. It’s people like you who restore my faith in humanity. I hope that the universe rewards you with the best karma.

12:20 UTC


Any local fish shops that take fish?

I have guppies and balloon mollies giving me lots of fish fry as to be expected. Do any of our LFS take fish by chance?

12:07 UTC


Best apartment gyms in Jax?

I recently moved from Charlotte and CrossFit style gyms were very common in apartment complexes.

Is there anything like that in Jax? Or just a really nice full gym?

11:40 UTC


night time skyline

southbak from the top of DCPS

02:59 UTC


Trying to find any info about a reporter from the late 70's-mid 80's.

Hello, all.

This may be a very odd request, but I am trying to find any information I can about a reporter who I believe was on WJXT in my youth. I may be wrong about the station, but I remember that I would always confuse him with Sam Kouvaris when he would do his stories. (My folks watched WJXT religiously when I was a kid. The TV rarely came off channel 4.)

To help make things more difficult, I really don't remember any particular stories he did. I remember he was always doing human interest kinda things. One story he did, he was talking about the length of red lights around the city and (to illustrate his point) there was a scene of him stopping at a light and pulling out a book (War and Peace, I think). In a different story, he was talking about the FBI and made a comment like, "And for those of you who are taping this broadcast..." which then switched to the FBI warning that would show at the start of VHS tapes.

I've tried asking the various anchors (Tom Wills, John Gaughn, and others from that era) through other social media (Twitter and Facebook), but have not received a single reply. Even looking through WJXT's history, I wasn't able to see any names that jogged my memory. The closest possible guess I can think of would be Bill Geist. (Who was a correspondent for CBS Sunday Morning. WJXT was a CBS affiliate station in the timeframe I'm thinking.) But the stories I mentioned above, I'm certain were specific to Jacksonville.

My expectations on anyone knowing who I'm talking about to be very low, so ANY information would be great!

02:21 UTC


Folks with walk-up mail service (Riverside/Avondale) — are y’all doing anything special lol for outgoing mail?

Not too sure WTF is going on with my mail service. My area of Riverside has walk-up mail delivery, where the postal worker actually comes up to your door to drop off the mail.

I have been trying to mail off my rent check since Monday; it sat in my mailbox for 2 days and was not picked up. I left the following note on top of the mailbox today; the postal worker promptly opened the box (they must have seen the note), did not take the outgoing mail, and dropped off incoming mail.

Are y’all doing anything in particular to signify that there is outgoing mail? I have not had issues mailing anything off before now. This may just be the work of an abysmal/villainous postal worker, but if I’m missing something here please let me know.

02:07 UTC

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