This subreddit is for submitting and discussing music made on a mobile platform (like IOS with iPhone and iPad)
This subreddit is for submitting and discussing music made with iOS. (Or Android, if anyone does.)
Submission Rules
If you think it belongs here, then it probably belongs here. If you think it sounds good, then it probably sounds good. Follow your heart, Simba.
Prefix your tune submissions with [Listen] in the title, and mention what apps you used in the submission title or in the comments.
Failure to tag listen/watch submissions properly will result in removal of your post as Spam. Yes, we know you want to promote your music, SoundCloud, YouTube channel and Discord. Do it within these simple guidelines.
Please do not downvote [Listen] submissions. If you must downvote, say why in the comments. We're here to learn, experiment, and give feedback.
Contact the mod team if you have any questions, concerns, thoughts, suggestions, etc. The spam filter can be catch-happy, so don't be afraid of messaging us if you have a problem.
Soundcloud is great, and free, for posting tunes. Some apps (like MultiTrack DAW) have built in support.
There are many IOS content producers who are prolific, some of them offering free app codes and always great advice on using the apps. Please don't drive them away by reporting them as spam or downvoting their submissions, we all benefit from their involvement on this sub.
Want to collaborate with others?
Enable Downloads on your Soundcloud submissions and mention in your submission that you don't mind if others manipulate or "remix" your works. (You should label your uploads with a CC "non-commercial/share-alike" license.)
Alternately, feel free to zip up your GarageBand/NanoStudio/etc project (not a "mixdown"), upload it somewhere, and post it here if you'd like to collaborate with people by trading a project back and forth.
Put [Collaborate] somewhere in your post title if you desire collaboration. Maybe [Listen/Collaborate] if you're combining the two.
Interested in Live Chat?
Join the AudioBus Discord server at https://discord.gg/NCksebU
New to iPad Music?
Obviously do a search for topics of interest, there have been quite a few posts over the years and it is likely someone has had the issue. Also consider visiting the Audiobus Wiki for some expert advice on app setup and techniques.
Unfortunately our prior guru at discchord for daily apps news and videos is done. Was nice to check this out each day!
Trying to find a new app?
The Music App Guide is a helpful resource for finding apps recommended by the community.
(The Discchord website links above have gone down, they were maintained by the original creator of the sub. If somebody is interested in filling that app review niche let the mods know.)
App Creators:
Self-promotion is not frowned upon, if you're a music app developer. Feel free to link to it, talk about it, throw a contest, give out a few promo codes to people, etc.
And it’s fun, but holy shit this thing needs a manual or a tutorial.
I’ve got a bass line that has a pick up to it. Like a few notes that precede the pattern. The last note holds to the “and” of beat one (1.3). Problem is that the note hard cuts at the end of the pattern. I tried moving the note left, extending it and pulling it back to the right to it continues beyond the pattern in hopes it would hold but no luck. Best I’ve been able to do is add the note at the beginning of the new pattern but at a low velocity. Technically the note is striking twice now but it’s subtle enough that it mixes in. Well mostly. I’d love it to play properly though. Any tips?
Just a PSA that VHS Synth is currently on sale for free in the App Stor.
That is all.
I’m GASing for the Hologram Electronics Chroma Console, anyone has recommendations of something similar on iOS?
Buonasera, mi chiamo Marco e suono la batteria. Ho da poco preso un Ipad Air M2 e vorrei sapere tra queste due app, Cubasis e Camelot, quale fosse meglio per lanciare delle sequenze nei live. (O se in caso, ce ne fossero altre). Premetto che la maggior parte delle sequenze mi vengono date in formato wav da un membro del mio gruppo principale che le crea. Al momento per lanciare le basi uso un pc Windows con Nuendo, quindi per questo starei optando più per un Cubasis, essendo che i progetto Nuendo si possono anche aprire con Cubase essendo una sua evoluzione, e ho letto che sarebbe possibile convertire i progetti anche in un formato che darebbe la possibilità di leggerli su Cubasis. (Oltre che con Cubase gia sono molto pratico utilizzandolo abitualmente). Ma ovviamente io non devo scrivere musica su ipad, quello lo faccio con comodo da casa col mio computer. Grazie mille a chi risponderà!
Hello. My friend is looking for a synth app he saw on the App Store a few years ago and I would like to tell you guys about it so maybe you guys could help. The icon was a yellow background with this oval face winking. He remembers the title of the app being something like “Monkey__ by C___”. This photo above is a concept of what it would’ve looked like on the App Store. It has a banner with a green text with a gray background spelling the name of the app. It was an app that was extremely similar to Minimoog Model D Synthesizer. Hope you guys could help us find it!
Hi, does anyone know of any DAWs that work in 96khz or have the option to? Im aware that Logic can but am looking for something without a subscription.
Is it possible to control external synths? I only see midi in?
one of my first legit attempts at lofi, i took a break after about an hour of working on this, and this is the byproduct of it
Hey folks- I have been having a blast using loopy pro on my IPad Air m2. The loopy software is just fantastic!
I want to start filming my loopy performances and my learning process- I’ve used IMovie some but it seems pretty limited when having multiple views..I.E. having a screen recording of Loopy and a camera shot of me playing together. I’m looking for something slightly more capable than IMovie, specifically in making a simple video with my ipad screen and a camera shot. I’d also prefer a free option if a good one exists.
Any recs would be appreciated!
Hi everyone.
I'm starting a new project using the ipad/AUM with external instruments(acoustic guitar, synths, vocals) for live performances. The focus is not recording nor mix/mastering. I've been looking for auv3 apps to use in AUM with the simplicity and old school feel/sound that I get from Analog Obsession plugins(pre-amp, eq, compressors). Any recommendations?
Hi folks,
I'll be purchasing an iPad Air M1 in the coming days to use as a sketch pad when I'm away from the studio.
In my studio the work flow is I create the bulk of the track in a MPC and then I transfer the stems to Reaper to add vocals and additional instrumentation like guitars etc.
Therefore I'd like to do a similar thing with the iPad, what are the apps that would best enable me to apply a similar workflow?
Thanks for the help.
I’m sure this has been asked so I apologise in advance but I am very rubbish with technology but love making music.
I was using Logic Pro on the same MacBook for 10 years but that has died and I now just want to make music on an iPad.
Would someone kindly tell me what I need in order to do this? And any suggestions as to what is the best kit to purchase? In layman’s terms please :)
Thank you in advance.
Lemur (an iPad touchscreen MIDI controller, for those who might not have been around in its heyday 10+ years ago) has returned from the crypt but with a $100 per year subscription price. It was a nice app in its prime, but was a bit pricey then at $25.
I long ago switched to TouchOsc ($15) which has been actively supported by its developer and a large community of template developers. The Disting EX in my Eurorack rig is a breeze to use when edited with TouchOsc and the hal9000 templates.
$99 per year for Lemur? That's twice what Apple charges per year for Logic. That's just crazy.
Pretty bad. Unplayable. Using DS version 1.12.4 standalone on iOS 17.6.1
Cannot access half the items in drop down menu.
Load Recent Favorites Sync Licenses MIDI Learn Tuning Settings Developer Tools
Nothing happens when attempting to select those.
Any of this familiar with anyone? Any solution? Thanks for any help.
UPDATE: I uninstalled and reinstalled the app and that took care of the delay. Still can’t access those menu choices however.
I've got 2 AUM MIDI Channels with sequencer plugins doing their thing on discrete channels (3 & 4). Then I have 3 more AUM Audio channels.
When I press Play in AUM, the two sequencers plugins both automatically start. I'm sending them system MIDI clock for sync, but I'd prefer they don't start automatically. For the life of me, I can't find any toggle or control on either the AUM system MIDI clock config, or the channels, or the plugins, that allows me to specify whether to respond to a start message.
The two sequencers are EG Nodes and StepPolyArp. Both great but I would like to trigger their patterns manually to build them in.
What should I be focusing on? Trying to filter the start/stop message from AUM to those channels?
Not that comprehensive, but an idea what I'm doing: https://youtu.be/WNe6rZ20dbA
I’ve setup AUM with my behringer 1820 to record band in a live setting, it works great but our drummer uses an e-kit and I’d like to record the midi as well as the line out so I can overdub drums if needed.
I’ve got the midi cable connected from the kit to the 1820 but what’s the best way to record the midi? I have channels all set to record line, is it as simple as just creating another track and setting the midi as the input / hit record or do I need a plugin?
Help appreciated Thanks
I have an iPad with lightning port and just picked up an audiobox go, is there a way to have it work without spending about 40$ for the Apple camera cable (price where I live) I have a laptop but was hoping to be able to use GarageBand to start messing around with recording my instruments and really don’t want to blow 2/3rds the price I payed for the interface in a cable
Hey everyone! I'm trying to make the iPad receive clock via Bluetooth. The clock is being sent from the MPC live to Drambo and It fluctuates too much. I was wondering if there would be a way to get a more accurate timing. Maybe with cable or other wired equipment?
What are you guys experience on synchronizing two kicks , for example? One from an hardware machine and the other coming from the iPad?
Cheers in advance
Anny app's similar to Sonicware Ambient 0 that I can play on the iPad? Standalone and AUM compatible would be nice. I'm a noob and have no idea what I'm talking about but maybe something like Mononoke? Thanks