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Question about dilution using company money: If a company issues new shares (using own profits) in order to grant free shares to active shareholders, doesn't the corresponding dilution cancel the benefit of owning more shares?

In order to profit from this, would the logical reaction be to sell them as soon as you receive them?
Also, how is it legal that a company issues new shares at their nominal value and give them to the shareholders to be sold on the market at 3x times that?

From the company's standpoint, what is the benefit of that? Why not just give them as dividend/repurchase stock or just straightforward use the money for operational/capex purposes?

Thank you!

12:47 UTC


Defensive portfolio makeup thoughts?

Jpm-10% 2.14% div-153 years old-Banking

Unp-10% 2.1% div- 55 years old-Trains!

Mo-10%-8.64%div- 105 years old-Vices

LMT-10%-2.62% div-112 years old-Weapons

New-10%-3.41% div-103 years old-Gold production

DUK-10%-3.97% div-120 years old-Utility

PFE-10% 5.89% div-175 years old-"healthcare"

ADM-10% 2.94% div-122 years old-food

GLD-15% (cash reserves)-as old as the universe

SPY 600 put 12.18.2026 5%

I think that would be a 3.963% dividend for the portfolio with 1.5M could earn around 50k a year on dividends and hedge against a market downturn. I think GLD, NEW, and the Spy 600 p would cover any drop elsewhere if the market really wasn't doing well. What do you think?

1 Comment
09:15 UTC


Daily General Discussion and Advice Thread - May 12, 2024

Have a general question? Want to offer some commentary on markets? Maybe you would just like to throw out a neat fact that doesn't warrant a self post? Feel free to post here!

If your question is "I have $10,000, what do I do?" or other "advice for my personal situation" questions, you should include relevant information, such as the following:

  • How old are you? What country do you live in?
  • Are you employed/making income? How much?
  • What are your objectives with this money? (Buy a house? Retirement savings?)
  • What is your time horizon? Do you need this money next month? Next 20yrs?
  • What is your risk tolerance? (Do you mind risking it at blackjack or do you need to know its 100% safe?)
  • What are you current holdings? (Do you already have exposure to specific funds and sectors? Any other assets?)
  • Any big debts (include interest rate) or expenses?
  • And any other relevant financial information will be useful to give you a proper answer.

Please consider consulting our FAQ first - https://www.reddit.com/r/investing/wiki/faq And our side bar also has useful resources.

If you are new to investing - please refer to Wiki - Getting Started

The reading list in the wiki has a list of books ranging from light reading to advanced topics depending on your knowledge level. Link here - Reading List

Check the resources in the sidebar.

Be aware that these answers are just opinions of Redditors and should be used as a starting point for your research. You should strongly consider seeing a registered investment adviser if you need professional support before making any financial decisions!

09:01 UTC


Owning property with friends

To anyone that has done this:

  • What legal structure did you use?
  • How did you bake in exit provisions? Example: I want out, my partner does not, what happens?
  • Anything aside from t he obvious to do/not do?

Note I am only considering this with a friend I've known forever and with whom I have already done some high value projects with, so we know how we "work" together, and we have discussed our broader goals and incentives. I am not worried about this being a wedge between us down the line. The idea is simply that the two of us can scrape together enough cash to avoid taking out a loan which would be nice, then rent it out for a few years until one of us wants to sell/move in.

Worth mentioning here the goal: it's not to max out a ROI or something, it's more that it's in an area where I will likely live/want a house in the next few years, and this allows us to build equity/guarantee a place while wait. He's in it for asset appreciation. So "chuck the cash into the S&P and forget it" doesn't really apply here. I'm just interesting in hearing from folks who've done this the best ways to go about it.

07:59 UTC


Platform to invest with outside the US

I'm outside the United States and I want to start investing, but is there any reliable platform to do that ? What platform do you use to buy your stocks and do you recommend any specific stocks that may bee more stable than others? Thank you in advance . .

06:32 UTC


What to do if you have some extra money

I have 20 share in each VOOG and VUG in an investment account+ few stocks like Microsoft , Apple, Google and NVDA.

I have some money. I am thinking of buying more VUG and VOOG but again thinking of doing some trading with the stocks.

What do you think?


My goal of this account is to grow money to have for retirement


04:23 UTC


Where should I go with this?

I have about 170k sitting in a HYSA via Fidelity but I still feel like I could be making more. My question is Capital One is offering a $1500 bonus pay out if I open a 360 savings making 4.35% on top of that. Is it worth moving my money over there to get that bonus + interest over the next 90 days and then move back and go into VTI or VOO or should I just go straight into those or any other recommendations?

04:00 UTC


Roth IRA - Use Capital Gains, Dividends, Interests, etc. to buy other Mutual Funds/ETFs?

In a Roth IRA, do you face any penalties or fees (Or pay taxes) if you made a profit off from an investment?

For example, I have a Fidelity Roth IRA account, and have FSKAX and FTIHX. If FSKAX value grew or made a profit of $500, and I want to sell and profit that $500 and use towards QQQM for growth, is that possible? Are there any pros and cons to this move from a tax-advantage account or rules to Roth IRA?

I know I should consult a financial advisor on this (And I probably will), but based on what others have said in subreddits, seems like you can use capital gains, dividends, interests, etc. to do just that.

Please provide insight and advice on this. Thank you!

02:05 UTC


Advice for exercising private option

I currently own 17% of an llc that is doing 6.2-6.5mm / year with 600k EBITDA.
The company has no debt on the balance sheet. I collect a 100k salary.
I currently own 3343 shares and my partner owns 16424 shares. I will get a bonus 732 shares jan1 if I hit 500k EBITDA this year. I can purchase another 2700 shares, totaling $270,000 ( share price option strike at $100) by end of 2028 if I would like.
I want to expand, which will eat up any capital that could be used for a distribution.
Should I be pumping all of my distributions into buying shares before looking into expansion? Should I ask my partner for extension so I can still buy but be more aggressive with expansion?

02:05 UTC


Are accountants a owed to trade stocks on their own account?

I'm deciding on a career switch to finance and I’m stuck between business management/analyst financial advisor/analyst Accountant And I was just curious if someone wants to pursue a career in finance as a accountant or financial advisor, are they allowed to trade stocks/options on their own personal account?; without any policies preventing it

Edit: allowed to trade stocks (via title)

01:11 UTC


Dollar cost averaging a large sum

If you wanted to invest $5-10 million into a few index funds how long would you spread out the buying? For context, let’s say you plan to hold the shares for the long term and potentially pass them down to children. Should you buy into the funds over a period of 6 months, 1 year? What’s the best practice. My gut says 1 year but I’m wondering if it’s better to spread it across multiple years. I think it possibly depends on market conditions. Going with six months while the market is consistently hitting new highs is probably not the right plan.

01:09 UTC


Target date funds 2045 do I stay in?

Hello All, 39 year old here and invested a portion of my 401k into Target date funds since 2012. That return has been 40%. Meanwhile the SP500 and my growth funds have returned well in excess of 150%.

Does it make sense to leave 15% of my portfolio still in this or switch it to SP500?

I’m wondering if timing is an issue here wait until market drops as these are more defensive or move 100% over?

The amount it’s lagged behind is bad given I have 20 years to go.


Edit —-it’s a 2055 blackrock life path fund and looks like it’s 40% since 2020 but it’s still trailing everything else since then which is up well over 100%

00:35 UTC


Rentberry Secures Investment from 369 Growth Partners to Fuel Expansion, Drive Innovation, and Strategically Acquire WeWork

00:16 UTC


Fundrise for small businesses

There is a huge opportunity right now to investment in pop & mum shops.

They are cash flow positive, stable & recession proof. I am talking of your local supermarket, your local deli, your local pharmacy, your local dry cleaners.

These businesses you can acquire them for 2/2.5x cash flow.

But who has the time, know-how or money to buy them?

Would you be interested in a crowdfunding platform where you allocate your funds to buy shares of these companies?

The idea is to benefit from this opportunity, bundle the mom & pop shops and sell them to private equity for a higher multiple. Looking for 20%IRR.

Would you invest? Why not?

Let me know as I am seriously considering building this platform.

00:07 UTC


Getting rid of RSU that has dropped below the value of taxes paid when vesting

Hey everyone, So I have this situation where a large amount of my vested RSU's have dropped below the value of what I paid in tax. Eg: On the day of vesting it was worth 3x, so company automatically sold 1x worth and credited 2x. Now the worth of the stock is less than x !

So I understand if I sell them now, it will be either short term or long term loss.

I have 2 questions

  1. Technical question: Is it accurate that I can carry over these losses into future years when filing taxes

  2. Emotional question: Is it time to stop hoping for the price to increase and just cut my losses by selling it and divesting in ETF's ?

If there is anything else reasonable to do, please let me know.

P.S: The value drop happened so fast in 2022, most of us were wondering what's going on, before it was too late.

22:40 UTC


Is buying a small cap fund even a consideration?

So, my wife and I both like to read about the economy and etc. and we both have the same question:

Due to the tax advantages of ROTH IRA, should small cap growth and mid cap growth fund be considered as a part of a portfolio of DINKs?

Why do I ask this? Well, MID and Small cap funds tend to be riskier. Therefore, returns could be better in certain seasons. But the downside could be bad too. But should it be considered for long time investment horizon?

Curious to hear different opinions about this.

21:53 UTC


Question on MS funds comparison chart


I am considering moving part of my portfolio from active funds to ETFs.

Before any decision, I am checking comparison charts on Morningstar, and it's not clear whether Active Funds charts already consider commissions cost on the displayed chart, or if that should be accounted for when using this tool.

Anyone has a feedback on this?


20:58 UTC


Recommendations for Roth IRA Allocation?

I currently have my Roth IRA 100% allocated to a target date fund, but it’s only returning ~15% on the 1YR with market averages currently around 23%. For context, I’m a 22M, so my target date is 2060… so it should be more aggressive than that. What should I look into switching over to for more of an aggressive allocation, to at-least get close to the market average return? For more context, my brokerage allocation is now around 80% in VTSAX and 20% in a tech ETF, and it returned 22.8% on 1YR. I could do the same in the Roth IRA, but I wanted to get others opinions. Thanks in advance!

19:46 UTC


Which Treasury Fund ETF duration will be best to own when the Fed starts cutting rates in late 2024/25.

I'm looking to move some of my assets from a short term duration treasury fund to a treasury fund with a longer duration to catch some upside when rates get cut and go down but I'm not sure which duration treasury I should use. I've been looking at funds like (IEI) iShares 3-7 Year Treasury Bond ETF. Will funds like the capture decent upside when yields start to drop or should I go longer like the 10, 20 or 25 year duration treasury etfs?

19:23 UTC


Want to Purchase Another Property but Need Opinions

Hello would like to know what some more experienced people would do in my shoes.

At 23 I bought a duplex, it was during Covid so I got a great rate of 2.8%. My mortgage is $800/mnth Currently have 55k in equity

Side A rents for $900/mnth Side B rents for $600/mnth (brother lives there at a discounted rate)

Shortly before my 25th birthday I bought a single family home for my family to live in (my wife/son/myself) with an interest rate of 6.8%. My mortgage is $1,800/mnth Currently have 30k in equity

Since purchasing the single family home I decided to enjoy myself a little after saving so heavily for my whole adult life, I welcomed another baby boy into the world. Now fast forward to today I am 27 and ready to start planning my next move.

I make 60k a year plus the income I get from the duplex. I also have a side hustle that brings in 5-6k a year. I’m expecting a promotion within the next year that will bump me up 20k a year. My wife works as a bartender and plans on investing with me on this next endeavor.

Ideally I would like to get another multi family property, the bigger the better. I know it would not be ideal to mess with that 2.8% interest rate but I don’t know how I would come up with a down payment for another property otherwise.

What are some options I should consider here? I live in N Florida, in my area you can get a decent duplex for $200-300k and a triplex/quadplex for 350-600k.

17:08 UTC


Which companies do you follow most, linked to innovative ideas that seek to mitigate GHG emissions?

Hi everyone? How is everyone doing? I hope all is well with all of you.

So , I want to invest 50% of my portfolio in more companies that seeks to reduce emissions. I think that the world need to be pushed on the direction of more clever ideas to mitigate climate change. That’s why I’m willing to take a risk on several companies with all my richness amount of $1.000 . /s

Anyway, which companies do you follow most, linked to innovative ideas that seek to mitigate GHG emissions?

16:50 UTC


Rollover to Roth or roll over to another 401k?

Does it matter?

So quitting going to a new job. I called Fidelity and said to just rollover to a “rollover IRA@ and then roll that over to the other 401k.

My question is why not just rollover the first 401k to my Roth and have the new 401k on its own? Does it matter? Are there fees? Benefits to doing one over the other? Fidelity rep was being vague and lazy

15:20 UTC


Changing my Index fund Portfolio

I started investing in index funds about six months ago. Until now I only invested in a MSCI World fund, but recently I've been doing more research and now I want to diversify my investments. I'm thinking about investing a little less in the U.S (Around 60% of the total) and divide the rest between Japan (15%), Europe (15%) and Emerging Markets (10%).

What do you think? Is this a good move?

14:02 UTC


Buffett’s stock investing advice

Often when Buffett is asked at the Berkshire annual meetings how he would invest if he didn’t have a lot of money, he says he would start by screening thousands of stocks (similar to how he started out).

Just wondering how one would go about this in practical terms? Any suggestions? Would you go one by one through every company’s reports? Where would you start?

EDIT: Thanks for the (serious) suggestions. And yes I already index. I just want to try some stock picking as well.

13:02 UTC


Do you know the Triodosbank Depository Receipst (DR)? I was thinking to invest in It, what do you think?

I am new here and I just want to know what do you think about investing in the TriodosBank Depository Receipst (DR) (kind of stocks with a limited voting decision in the bank) that are not in the regular stock market, but in a paralel trade platform (MTF).
In the bad side:
The liquidity of this DR is not good, due to the fact to be trade in a MTF.
The trading is done once a week.
Triodos aparently broke the rules of the agreement with the original investors of the DR.
Maybe they are a ethic bank, but I feel the banks only can be trusted when their winnings align with mine (personal stuff).
In the good side:
The health of the bank is acceptable, with no warnings of the dutch regulators and a calification for a long term debt of BBB as per Fitch rating.
They pay dividends per DR, and here comes why I am thinking about it, in the past years this dividend was about 3 or 4 euros per share and this year, apparently they will pass the 4 euros, what is about a 14%-15% of pay back per DR. The actual price of the DR is 27 euros for each.
Share what you think if you don't mind and thank you for your time.

11:06 UTC


Need some all around guidance on this very unique situation

I'm going straight to the point. This is a two faceted situation. Myself and my dad are US citizens and not homeowners.

Currently 31 yrs old. Just moved to SoCal from the midwest. I have no more debt besides minor/normal credit card usage. I have no savings besides your normal emergency fund. Currently renting. I am planning to start saving more aggressively to be able to buy property in the next 5 years. How big? Well, depends on how much I can achieve in increase in salary in that timeframe. My salary is around 90k and have a pretty good credit of 780.

My dad is 60 years old. He lives outside of the country. He has been paying taxes in the US for about 3 years, since he has been getting paid some portion of his income in USD in the U.S. His income the last year was around 40k and this year's is around 44k. Through his hard work he has been able to accumulate between 350k-400k in his US bank account but is doing nothing with it. He wants to put that to work and is inclined to invest it as soon as possible. He has mentioned buying property and/or investing in low risk assets. Him and my mom have an out-of-the-country home that by the time they sell, will be worth close to 1m. He is probably 4-6 years away from retiring. At that time he will be moving to the same city as I am in SoCal. His plan would be to use those funds to purchase their desired last home in sunny SoCal. At that time he will no longer have that 44k income but will be receiving a monthly pension from his job of around 4k monthly. Plus some 80k-100k annually from profit sharing, if their company continues to perform well.

Ok, now that all the variables are known. I shall present the place we are at. Regarding property, since he is a US citizen he doesn't apply for those expensive foreign national loans. So his only avenue is to purchase using an owner occupy loan or a rental property loan. Since his salary is pretty low, although he is willing/down to put down 350k-400k down for a property, he would not qualify for a loan for a semi-nice single family home. A single family home is preferred because theoretically those will increase in value more than a condo or an apartment. He could apply for a loan and get enough of a loan to purchase a condo, apartment or townhome and use it as a rental. If this is the route, then in 4-6 years when he moves here, he can sell it and use that money(along with what he is bringing in from out of the country) to purchase their ideal single family one story home. He presented a different route/option recently, where we could join our incomes and apply for a loan together. The process could be me as the primary and he as the secondary and apply as if he was going to be living with me(which he technically will since he comes fairly often here for some meetings). This will increase the amount we can get lent and purchase a nicer place. I would end up moving to that place and instead of throwing money away in rent, I help with that mortgage for his maybe final house(if the one we would purchase would be the ideal one for them for when they move here) or just equity in general for when we sell it and he buys the ideal one for them to live in when they move here.

The reason why I am considering this is because of various reasons. The most obvious is to get my dad to immediately put his money into real estate. Why throw this capital of between 350k-400k into treasury bonds or other safe investments to give him 5% a year on his hard earn money over the years instead of real estate? I bet in SoCal the property value will obvious continue to grow. So the sooner the better right? The other reason is that it is also in my best interest that he makes the right decision now because some of his assets will come to me in the future(the other half to my sister).

He and I have a very close relationship so there is no concern for risk of being taken advantage of whatsoever.

I'd like to know what the negative and positive implications are for me. Tax wise and being "tied down" to a mortgage. I can forsee a handful but I am not as experienced with taxes, home ownership and lending. Which is why I am here to ask people that have more knowledge that can give me their opinions and pointers on what things to think of and/or research.
Thanks so much in advance fellow hoomans that finished reading this TedxTalk!

09:01 UTC


Daily General Discussion and Advice Thread - May 11, 2024

Have a general question? Want to offer some commentary on markets? Maybe you would just like to throw out a neat fact that doesn't warrant a self post? Feel free to post here!

If your question is "I have $10,000, what do I do?" or other "advice for my personal situation" questions, you should include relevant information, such as the following:

  • How old are you? What country do you live in?
  • Are you employed/making income? How much?
  • What are your objectives with this money? (Buy a house? Retirement savings?)
  • What is your time horizon? Do you need this money next month? Next 20yrs?
  • What is your risk tolerance? (Do you mind risking it at blackjack or do you need to know its 100% safe?)
  • What are you current holdings? (Do you already have exposure to specific funds and sectors? Any other assets?)
  • Any big debts (include interest rate) or expenses?
  • And any other relevant financial information will be useful to give you a proper answer.

Please consider consulting our FAQ first - https://www.reddit.com/r/investing/wiki/faq And our side bar also has useful resources.

If you are new to investing - please refer to Wiki - Getting Started

The reading list in the wiki has a list of books ranging from light reading to advanced topics depending on your knowledge level. Link here - Reading List

Check the resources in the sidebar.

Be aware that these answers are just opinions of Redditors and should be used as a starting point for your research. You should strongly consider seeing a registered investment adviser if you need professional support before making any financial decisions!

09:01 UTC


Tqqq during bear markets?

Would it be a bad idea to invest in a leveraged ETF during a bear market? For example let's say the market is down between 30-50% when you decide to invest in something like tqqq assuming there's a high chance in the following 3-5 years the market will recover and grow?

07:17 UTC


Anecdotal vs Official Data

Official figures seem to imply a strong US economy, but I keep seeing people commenting that they are suffering from the higher rates etc.

I’m neither a US citizen nor an experienced investor so please explain this phenomenon to me, and the best approach to follow forward?

07:12 UTC


what’s your largest holding

I wanted to ask what is currently the largest holding in your portfolio, and could you share the reason behind it?

For me, it's Apple. It kind of happened accidentally as my other stocks experienced significant gains, and I decided to trim them, part of rebalance effort. I believe Apple has great potential in AI development, and I expected it to continue to rise.

I'm curious to know what you all have in your portfolios and the reasoning behind your largest holding.

05:50 UTC

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