
Photograph via snooOG

Discussions about navigating internships and co-ops. Everything about the process and experience from application to full time offer.

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Intern Internship

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If you are posting an unpaid internship in the U.S., please make sure you are following the guidelines set forth by the U.S. Department of Labor which state the following rules:

  1. The internship, even though it includes actual operation of the facilities of the employer, is similar to training which would be given in an educational environment;

  2. The internship experience is for the benefit of the intern;

  3. The intern does not displace regular employees, but works under close supervision of existing staff;

  4. The employer that provides the training derives no immediate advantage from the activities of the intern; and on occasion its operations may actually be impeded;

  5. The intern is not necessarily entitled to a job at the conclusion of the internship and

  6. The employer and the intern understand that the intern is not entitled to wages for the time spent in the internship.


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How to handle Summer 2025 Internship interviewing/offer timelines varying

I'm starting to interview for Summer 2025 internships now but there are also some internships that would be ideal that don't officially post roles and interview until Nov/Dec. How do I handle it if one of the early interviewing opportunities makes me an offer but I'm kinda still interested in exploring opportunities that are more aligned with my career goals?

18:19 UTC


posting that i finished an internship in a small company on linkedin with some photos of what i have done, is it a good idea ?

do you think that this is useful or just a cringe thing to do ?

13:28 UTC


Follow up email

Hey guys! I’m the writer of the post here. Per recommendation I sent my interviewer an email around 2PM today and right now where I live it’s Friday 10PM and I still haven’t got an answer. Should I be concerned? Is it ok to wait till next week? Around what time frame should I be concerned?

Thanks in advance

Link to previous post: https://www.reddit.com/r/internships/s/G1yrCO0UrW

12:23 UTC


Do employer give ratings after internship completion?

If I get an internship from sites like linkdin and internshala and if I didn't did the work on time and not effectively and employer decides to remove me in the middle of the internship before the specified time of completion of internship then will he get a change to give ratings or feedback on sites like internshala and linkdin on my profile?

11:45 UTC


Acrylic nails for intern interview

Hi all,

I have 2 upcoming interviews for internship positions at Moss Adams and PwC. I recently got acrylics (not super long, silver chrome nails). They’re both zoom interviews but I’m wondering if they’d be deemed unprofessional or distracting to the interviewer enough to not consider me for the job. I just got these nails like 2 days ago and my interviews are in 7 and 8 days. I also usually talk with my hands a lot so the chances of them noticing are pretty high. I would love to not have to take them off since I just got them done, but if they’d hurt my chances I’d rather not risk it.

Pls tell me your thoughts/advice! Thanks

03:40 UTC


Graduate International student looking for internships. Is it too late?

I graduated during the pandemic, being an international in the US during the pandemic limited the availability of internships greatly. Now I have barely any internships on my belt, and lack experience on the fields I am interested in. Is there any point in applying after graduation? Should I try to go for a masters instead and apply then?

02:12 UTC


Am I just lucky to get this internship right away?

I transferred from a community college to a university a couple of months ago as a junior. I attended a career fair 2 days ago and literally introduced myself to every single company and organization there. I dressed up very nicely, greeted them with a smile, then told them what I was up to and how I can help.

The next day, I received a call and a bunch of emails from some of the organizations I had conversations with, offering me an internship in their team and of course I accepted the one I liked. I’m now starting two weeks from now and this would be my very first internship.

It’s amazing how simply talking with strangers can get you places, and I was just in a room full of strangers who happened to be coordinators and managers from different organizations and companies.

I have friends who have been struggling to find internships and I’ve been reading a lot of posts online about how much of a struggle it is to even land an interview. Did I just get lucky with this one? Will I have trouble finding other internships in the future?

TLDR; It took me less than three days to get an internship by attending a fair and just talking with people. How lucky am I to get this?

01:18 UTC


Fired from Internship and lied about?

Today my spouse was fired from a clinical internship. The reason wasn’t clearly stated to her and she was only told the following.

(Mind you she is distraught and extremely confused as to what just occurred today)

She was told: “She was calling clients lazy” “others complained about her” (no other information was provided to her)

She has only had this internship for 4 days (a total of 8 hours) 4.5 of those hours were computer based training that she also had to complete at home. She hasn’t had the opportunity to even speak with a client at this point of her internship. Her entire time at this point has been spent learning the system used and learning the different clinical practices available at this location.

They would not even allow her to defend herself or her character from the accusations being made of her. When she attempted to explain she had no clue what they were talking about and that she hadn’t spoken to any clients to even know if they were “lazy”. They would cut her off and tell her we can’t tell you details. The HR representative also would cut her off and tell her they can’t give her any details of what or who the person was to make these accusations and only repeated the above.

Knowing my wife. This isn’t her and this seems to be a story that is being made up of her character. Or she is simply being mistaken as someone else. I don’t know. Just seems very odd to me of them to do that.

My question to you all is, what are her options? (Legal and with school)

Does she have any legal rights or options here?

Did the HR representative overstep and not solve this at the lowest level possible? (How can we find HR directives for different non-profits?)

Is the school able to provide another internship at another location?

00:58 UTC


Is my demand reasonable

I recently got an internship and I thought it would teach me alot more but it isn't doing too much for my career.

Its unpaid and I work 15 hours a week. In my contract thing it says the internship doesn't need to pay me and that I am liable for my own transportation

I've been working around 2 weeks now and I wanted to ask for reimbursement for my travel expenses

I go to work 5 days a week and it costs alot of gas money. They aren't liable for it but I wanted to ask if I got could a 100 month or 25 dollar a week reimbursement for my gas. Is this even legal, reasonable, or ever been done, thanks any thoughts would be greatly appreciated

22:17 UTC


Studying Abroad But Need An Internship, What To Do?

I am in my first year at community college. This upcoming summer I am studying abroad in Japan for just over a month.

I feel like I need some kind of research internship to strengthen my application when I am applying to 4 years. (Next summer any internship will be pointless because I will have already applied)

What should I do?

21:35 UTC


Lunch break?

I recently started an unpaid internship at a high-end apparel company. It’s not in my contract technically, but I am allowed to take an hour long lunch break daily. Today, I was told to take my lunch break and given a credit card to grab lunch for a higher up. I assumed this meant I was to take my usual hour long (I usually don’t even take the full hour so I can get work done). I took around 30 mins and brought my higher ups food with me going back into the office. As I’m in the elevator, I get a message from one of my (higher ups but not higher than the person I was getting the food for, if that makes sense) asking where I was because so and so wanted their food. Is it okay for them to expect me to cut my lunch break short like that? Maybe I’m overthinking because I just started and want to make a good impression, however, I feel like this isn’t quite fair.

1 Comment
21:29 UTC


Post grad remote internships / fellowships

Due to circumstances (remote area, no transportation), I am finding myself having to look excusively for remote opportunites. While there are great websites (linked below) to find specific internships & fellowships, most of which you can filter by remote work, none are offered in my field (Environmental science) and thus I don't meet the requirements. Does anyone have anymore job boards I could look at besides the ones currently listed? Entry-level / environmental science work for recent graduates is really my main focus. Good luck on your job hunt everybody <3. (btw: most of the job boards offer roles for those of you who were smart enough to get a degree in (or are currently studying) marketing or tech, with some exclusions).


20:19 UTC


Internship dilemma

I’m a junior, who’s just starting his internship for psychology. I had my advisor help me land one at my school, which turned out to be a low income/homeless shelter. Not the most idealistic scenario considering I’d like to do something like adult therapy. The staff and everyone is friendly, I don’t mind working with other people of different backgrounds. I have duties of like cleaning out the hotel rooms/ houses, and they told me I’d possibly be exposed to narcotics which threw me off edge because I don’t like them at all and paranoia about fentanyl. And also the idea of needles laying around, I was told they’d possibly be under beds- I make the beds. That absolutely worried be because of the peoples blood and shit like that. I don’t know what to do, my advisor basically told me that’s social work and deal with it, but I don’t enjoy this. Any recommendations?

20:08 UTC


Sending follow up email

Hi guys!

Last week I sent a cold email to a director of a company asking if I could have an opportunity to interview for an internship. I just finished my interview yesterday. Regardless of the results should I sent an email to the director thanking her for giving me this opportunity? Or should I wait for the results?

Additionally, the internship is likely to start next January if I’m not getting my results back when should I send a follow up email?


16:07 UTC


Externship National Geographic & Nature Conservancy

Has anyone else applied to the Externship offered by National Geographic and the Nature Conservancy? I recently sent my application but even though the program is set to start on Monday, I have not heard back from them, which seems especially weird, since the deadline to apply was only 10 days before the start.

Anyone know anything?

11:43 UTC


How to figure out if an internship is paid or unpaid?

Hi all. I am going to be graduating in December, and as such, I've begun my job hunting journey. I am open to taking internships, as it is very common in my field to get a job as an intern fresh out of school and eventually (hopefully) get hired as a full-time employee. Anyways, a huge issue I've ran into while searching is that a LOT of internship postings do not specify whether or not they're paid. This is very frustrating, as I definitely need something paid and don't want to waste my time on applying for these just to find out they're unpaid. Most of them are very difficult to find any information online about whether they pay or not. My question is, is there any way to find this information out? If asking the employer directly is the only option, what's a good way to go about asking without coming off as "in it for the money"? Obviously I sort of am in it for the money, as that is the point of a job, but I know that's not a good look, especially as a newbie. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

1 Comment
04:38 UTC


Starting a business on OPT

I want to prepare to be able to start a business on OPT. Is that possible? I’m doing MS Marketing Intelligence. What kind of business should I do? And, what are the requirements? What are the funding sources? I want ideas and suggestions.

05:07 UTC


Am I too late to apply for fall 2024 internships?

And if so when do spring internships usually open up?

22:00 UTC


Morgan Stanley tech internal audit summer analyst ? Post Superday response ?

Did anyone get a response?

20:42 UTC


Advice. Is Beyond Academy a scam?

I applied to Beyond Academy about about two weeks and was given a fee of $4965 as program fee. Is this a scam or legit?

19:49 UTC


Am I getting ghosted by an internship?

So I had an interview for a fall internship on Thursday last week. They were super impressed with me the entire interview and told me my resume and cover letter stood out among 15 others. The person who interviewed me told me HR would reach out to me sometime this week. The position starts on the 9th and I still haven’t received an email from them. I also sent a follow up email asking when I’ll be updated on Tuesday and no reply.

Am I just being impatient or are they ghosting me?

UPDATE: I got the internship! I was just being impatient lol. The person who interviewed me apologized and said how swamped they were after Labor Day. Thank you everyone!

15:01 UTC


Is it hard to find a Software Engineer US summer internship as non-US person?

I am a second-year student in Germany with two internships (one of them at JetBrains) and competitive programming experience.
I really want to get an internship in the US next summer, but almost everyone says it's impossible because no one provides visa sponsorship for internships nowadays.

I did my own research, and while some companies technically allow you to apply, they will automatically reject you afterward.

What do you guys think? Is this true, or are there still some companies that provide visa sponsorship?

11:07 UTC


laptop is broken in my remote internship period

Hello, i'm an intern and my laptop died recently, since the first time i had the laptop it seemed to be old and i ve encoutred some screen flickering with it and freezing, i went through officialized remote period ( 2 weeks) the laptop died in the second week, i m unable to connect to any internal servers or network of my work. I'm only available by phone which i cannot do big things there. I feel this is not my fault, but at the same time i feel guilty somehow, i've nothing to do to solve this problem till the end of the week because now i m far from the company location and i will be in office by the beginning next week.
what situation is this ???

09:54 UTC


Internship Advice

Hi! So I am in my second year of college studying Bachelor of Arts in Multimedia Arts (MMA) in a trimester school in the Philippines, is it possible for me to apply for an internship or do I have to wait for my school to announce when we are allowed to apply for an internship? I’m sorry, this will be my first time applying for an internship and I’m still confused about internship. Please give me some advice. I really appreciate any help you can provide.

1 Comment
08:32 UTC


Internship Advice Needed

Hey all,

I recently worked an internship in the summer as the IT intern at a small firm. I enjoyed it a lot, and they wanted to keep me on and offered me part time while I finish up school and then said I could fill the full time role next semester. Only thing is, no offer in writing. They’ve treated me very well and want me to stay. I am just wondering when I should start applying to new jobs if at all? I have one semester left after this one (my last year) and I know for a fact they have an open role for a software dev they were wanting me to take on. Any advice would be appreciated it. Thanks!

23:51 UTC


Sony Pictures Internship Fall 2024

Has anyone had an interview for the Sony internship program for Fall? If so, what type of questions did they ask?

21:46 UTC


Am I still eligible to apply for internships as a senior in uni?

I'm currently a senior at university, and unfortunately, I wasn't able to secure any internships during the summer. I've been doing volunteer work for nonprofits because it was my only option at the time. Now, I don't have any professional experience or internships under my belt, and I'm worried that I won't be able to find a full-time job after university. I've considered postponing my graduation to December 2025, but I'm not sure if that's reasonable since I don't want to stay in school for too long. I've also thought about applying to spring internships or ones that are available for recent grads, but I feel like I might be limiting my options that way. Also, most of the summer internships require candidates to be currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree. Does that imply that I'll have to return to school next fall, or I must be enrolled in university at the time of applying for internships? Am I still eligible to apply for these internships even though I'm already a senior?

I'm thinking of doing more volunteer work for nonprofits as a backup plan, but ideally, I would like to secure a paid internship that could potentially turn into a full-time position. Would greatly appreciate any advice that you may have!

19:54 UTC


research internship as a data analyst

hey there,

I worked at my school's data lab and in a bank as data analyst and I believe I add good things to my bag. this year is gonna be my last year at school which is study economics and statistics (econometrics).

i am planning to send mails to some professors from UK universities so i can gain research experiences too. I planned this as a one month thing at February.

do you think it make sense to making a research internship? does it worth it? any advice would be helpful.

1 Comment
18:58 UTC


Looking for companies that offer visa sponsorship for international interns

Hello guys So im a software engineering student who is currently looking for a graduation internship starting in February 2025 …the thing is apart from the rejection ..some companies end up saying they don’t offer visa sponsorship ..is there anyway i can get list of companies that can offer that in IT field (mostly Europe countries) Thanks in advance

17:54 UTC


TWAS fellowship for 3-12 months internship

I recently came across TWAS fellowships. This one particular opportunity I came across was to fund students from developing countries to undergo research (3-12 months) in another developing country.

Before I move ahead with the applications, I wanted to learn about personal experiences from the people who have already obtained this fellowship. I wanted to know how accurate it is (in other words, how legit it is) and it would really be a great help to know your experience!

If anyone has been awarded this fellowship or knows someone, please share your views. Thank you!

16:13 UTC

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