A place to share something interesting.
Please read the following rules before posting
1.Posts Must be Interesting:
This subreddit is dedicated to sharing interesting content only. Posts that do not contain interesting content will be removed.
Examples of things that are NOT interesting:
Old photos/videos of non-significant events, places or people
Tik-tok/Instagram style posts and memes.
Insignificant images of places/nature.
Misshapen items or manufacturing errors.
Things that are common knowledge/sense
Conspiracy theories
We do not allow text only posts.
2. Use Correct Flair
Please select the most appropriate flair for your content. If you believe that your post falls outside the remit of one of the more specific flairs, then use the “misc.” flair.
This helps users to more easily sort content that they are more interested in.
3. Use Descriptive Titles
Make sure post titles are clear and descriptive so that users are able to deduce what your post is about just from the title.
Posts with vague/clickbait will be removed.
4. No Misleading Content or Misinformation
Please fact check before posting and provide sources where possible. Posts that make claims that are not cited may be removed at moderator discretion.
Posts that contain misleading content or misinformation will be removed. Depending on the content of the post, this may result in a ban.
5. No Reposts
Content recently posted to r/interesting or content where there is a reasonable expectation that a majority of users have already seen it (such as reposts of our top posts of all time) will be removed.
6. Act Civil
Interesting topics content can often be thought-provoking, but we're all here to learn or discover new things together.
Debate of controversial topics is generally allowed, but debate that devolves past the point of good-faith discussion is subject to removal.
Please treat each other with respect and be kind even if you disagree with each other.
Hate speech, rudeness, trolling, harassment and comments that encourage violence/aggression will result in an immediate ban.
7. Mark NSFW Content
Please make sure to tag any content that may be received as such, with the NSFW tag. Posts that are deemed to be NSFW that are not tagged will be removed.
We do not allow extreme NSFW/NSFL content. Posting such content will result in a ban.
8. No Spam / Self-Promotion
This is not the place to promote your website or social media accounts.
If we find that a majority of your submissions are referencing your personal websites/social media, such material will be removed and the user will be subject to being banned.
9. No Agenda Pushing
This is not the place for political debate. Please do not fervently attempt to push agendas or opinions onto others.
Near Roosevelt Mall and Cottoman