
Photograph via snooOG

A place for practitioners to discuss issues related to practice, and a place for beginning mediators to receive support.

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527 Subscribers


Looking for great enlighten master to follow

I have been meditating for many months every day- started with vipassana, done 10 day course, then ekhart tolle for theory, some zazen , then now mostly do mindfulness and loving kindness. I am saying all this to give you context. I am looking for REAL MASTER who is close to or have overcome the EGO and truly as close as we can get to living BUDDHAHOOD. Finding a real good teacher or master is really hard but it could be one of the most important step in our path. My personality prefers more non-ritualistic approach like Ajahn Chan or insight meditation. Any recommendation or sources where to look? I am prefer to try and fail before I find the right master.

16:28 UTC


Eastern Time Zone (US) morning group sit on Zoom?

Can anyone recommend an EST (US) daily morning meditation group that's on zoom or something similar? I know there are millions of apps and prerecorded sits on YouTube, but I want to be live with my Sangha. I have an abundance of prerecorded resources, so I'm good with that.

I'm actually on the West Coast and practice every day with PIMC in Portland, but because of my new job I won't be able to join them live anymore. I'll still sit with them online live on Sundays, but I'm looking for something live I can participate in everyday.

Thank you! šŸ™

1 Comment
20:25 UTC


Insight timer meditation app suggestions?

I need a guided meditation to help me realize what I want out of and how best to deal with my day to day relationships. However, I mostly need something to help me deal with the aftermath of my thoughts and emotions after fights with my boyfriend. Confrontation makes everything cloudy for me, I become anxious and coming to clear decisions becomes impossible. Iā€™m hoping someone here can offer me something to help find some clarity in the storm.

1 Comment
07:23 UTC

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