Subreddit for the American pop-rock band, Imagine Dragons, consisting of members Dan Reynolds, Wayne Sermon, and Ben McKee
Imagine Dragons is an American pop-rock band, consisting of members Dan Reynolds, Wayne Sermon, Ben McKee, and Daniel Platzman.
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No piracy: We do not advocate piracy. Posting a demo or an unreleased song to share to the community is fine. Posting an illegal link to a song or album download that could otherwise be purchased is unacceptable and may result in a ban without question or warning.
Reposts: Try to avoid reposting. Duplicate posts will be removed. Before posting a link make sure someone hasn't already done so. Also, make sure to post only in relevant stickied megathreads when wanting to share your thoughts about a new song or anything along those lines. Duplicate posts and posts that should be in relevant megathreads tend to clog up the sub and that is something we want to avoid.
Unreleased Collection - for more info about unreleased songs, check out this Google doc made by u/erinthecute
Tyler Robinson Foundation - charity founded by the band
All 4 versions now! 6 full mins! Can't wait till we get to 10 mins, lol!
When they release this remix of stars will align
Watched ID fantastic concert last week at the Hollywood Bowl! My husband and son both love the loose baggy trousers Dan Reynolds was wearing throughout the show. Anybody knows where can I get them or what brand? Thanks!
Geez! Natural vs Whatever it Takes was really close, Whatever it takes win 18-15. Now we are officially in the semi-finals. Today we must decide between Dull Knives and Wrecked. Take your vote now.
Its already third feat. I mean maybe at least different songs? What is that kind of joke
Including eps, what would you say is the best song in imagine dragons history
Personally my favorite is Not today. Imo dan is vocally amazing in this (he always is) but the instruments like the violin in the background really add to make this song really good. It has great meaning and this song got me through a tough point.
Of course I have other songs that I really enjoy like waves, dream, hear me, etc… but not today is my favorite
Anyone else feel like Loom was a big letdown? All of the songs feel so surface level and boring.
I didn’t keep up with when the drawings for that raffle were, but I was curious if anyone saw anything about the winner(s)? The experience, pictures etc. etc?
Aww… I just saw this and I wanted to tear up. I can’t believe they are done with the states for now and I never saw them for this tour. My area is quite rare for them to come. But my question is was any of the shows bittersweet since they are down a member? Do you think this tour outdid their previous tours?
So sorry for the mistake, I meant to add a link to say 5 yesterday, but it didn’t work for some reason, so here is day 5.
Now we have natural and whatever it takes, submit your vote!
This is just a rough idea of what I have in mind, but for their song “Gold”, I thought it would be cool to have their logo beveled/embossed into a gold bar. Maybe having part of the lyrics above & below the bar too…what do you guys think? I threw this together in Photoshop but it still needs some tweaking 😅
I went to the Imagine Dragons concert for Loom and it was so good!!! I wish I could go again and again!! About 2 years ago I went to my first concert (Mercury World Tour) we sat in the lawn and it was so fun!! But I have gotten so obsessed with them after theses years and connected so much more with them and their music. All I wanted was a ticket for my birthday, my parents couldn't afford anything below the lawn but I didn't give up. I new the concert was coming up so I went straight to work, mowing lawns, babysitting, chores all while listening to them while working. My sisters just told me that I would never make it in the pit or anywhere close, I kept working though. After a few weeks I was able to come up with $435 but that wasn't enough so I put all of my birthday money and was able to get just enough for 1 ticket. As you know I painted a painting of their Loom album and it would be my dream to give it to them. I made a slide show on what me and my mom would need, where to go, what to eat, what tolls to pay and more. My dad just laughed and told me no, my mom said I can't go in the pit because i'm to young, I was about to give up. I just couldn't, I know all of their songs and I've been working so hard. After my mom's friend knows I love Imagine Dragons and found me a ticket for a good price, I didn't have enough for to people but my mom insisted to pay the rest. I painted a poster for them that read "I have a gift for you!" but when we got their they made me throw it away, it was fine though, I needed another way to let them know I want to give them something. I made a letter with the painting tell them this whole story and how I want them to make their unreleased song "Starlight" as a song. I was able to skip part of school and go with my mom, my sisters came but they where in the lawn. I loved every part of the concert and I know you may hate me for this but they played one of my favorite old song "Tiptoe" I don't know why so many people hate it. Take me to the beach, Eyes closed, Sharks, bone, basically like everything, IT WAS AMAZING!!!
I have more photos if you would like to see more tell me (:
A funny thing at the concert was in the song "Wake Up" when he says
"Come alive when you don't believe it
Write me off and I'd love to read it
Spit your words and I'll watch you eat it"
Instead Dan said "Spit your words and I watch you eat it" 2 times, he saved it and nobody noticed
Look, I get it. I love collabs and I’ve loved ID’s inclusion of artists from all over the world in remixes of their songs. I LOVED Connor Price’s Around The Globe series much for this reason. But doing the same song over and over and over again…? ID, Dan, please do something different. Remix a different song. At this point we have enough TMTTB remixes for their own EP (5). It’s not necessarily a bad thing and I’m not hating. It’s not the first time an artist or group has done this. It won’t be the last. But I’d love to see our guys remix more of their songs, not just this one.
It's crazy how one song by Ragged Insomnia outshines their entire discography! They really need to step up their game.
Personally, I think it goes
Night Visions - Fall Smoke and Mirrors- Summer (No pun intended) Evolve - Winter Origins - Spring
I'm trying to figure out whether to save for Imagine Dragons or go to a few shows that have just been announced here. Should I hold out? I know they said they are planning to come on this tour but last time it got cancelled. What are the chances that they come on this tour? As time is going on I'm losing some hope of anything any time soon.