Illinois: The Land of Lincoln
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That's sarcasm, btw. (Also, not sure about the flair, but only one I felt fit.)
My entire town lost power about a half an hour ago. Plus some outlaying areas, according to the outage map. Some 1,600 people. And Ameren doesn't even know why.
This isn't even the first time. It's been a chronic issue since I moved to this state. We got massive nor'easter blizzards in PA and didn't lose power this often.
Illinois needs to fix its infrastructure.
Edit: Just checked the outage info again. Reason given is "maintenance worker safety" and they won't have it fixed until 5 am.
Moving to IL, I want to be close to my mom in MO but not TOO close haha, and I like you guys' side of the river better. Looking at smallish cities or large towns. Spent the last few years in San Antonio, TX against my will. It's huge and I hate it. Right now I'm eyeballing either Peoria or Springfield, both are 2-3 hours travel time to mom's town which is nice.
Pros and cons of each? I like a quiet neighborhood, having rock concert tours within reach, and having fun stuff available to do. I'm going to be buying a house on my own, and want good availability for fun/social things to do so I can make some new friends. Tabletop games, arcades, bars with pool tables, haha. Also open to other suggestions around the general area! Looking for a population of anywhere between 50-100k, give or take. So NOT Chicago, haha. Thanks future neighbors!
Edit: My mom lives around Hannibal, MO and needing to drive through St Louis for every visit might suck. I'm wary of trying to get through larger cities!
I love Raja’s sense of humor. And his politics!
Considering a trailer like this to haul ATVs I'm planning to purchase: https://www.harborfreight.com/automotive/trailers-towing/trailers/1195-lb-capacity-48-58-in-x-96-14-in-heavy-duty-folding-trailer-62666.html
This is a tilt trailer that comes in a box and needs to be assembled. For the purposes of getting it registered, I'm wondering if this would be considered a "homemade trailer"... apparently this creates some extra legwork like having to have it inspected by law enforcement, etc.
Anyone dealt with something similar? And/or have opinions on this particular type of product vs. finding a trailer on FB marketplace?
I have a NOAA Weather Radio and I'm wondering what stayion(s) i should have it tuned to for severe Weather, tornados, etc.?
Any particular ones?
Anyone know who I can call to help me with a fox that has mange? Spotted him in the neighborhood a couple days ago and I can’t find anyone who will help me with the little guy.
Don't let anyone tell you differently!!
Hi all,
I have a rather specific set of questions related to license plates and ID for Illinois.
I am a student attending grad school here in Illinois. I am interested in moving my residency from my last state to this state. I am looking at graduating sooner than later and perhaps extending my time in school a little longer for law school (looking at you, Northwestern, UChicago)... so I thought it would be wiser to be classified as a resident, officially, since I will be living here for a while. I had some questions, though, as I don't know how to proceed.
My dilemma of how to proceed lies here: I have a vehicle with Missouri plates. My current ID and residency are also established in Missouri. My father and I are both on the Missouri title (he co-signed). So, if I apply for my driver's license and officially change my residency to Illinois, do I still change my plates, given my father is a Missouri resident? (Basically, the title would have to change?) Or would I keep the plates in Missouri since that is where my dad is, and he is also on the title? I did see information about moving titles, but nothing about the circumstance of the vehicle; only a "how to" change the title over. So, here I am seeking some wisdom before approaching the DMV with my questions.
I hope this makes sense. I am confused and have skirted the requirement of residency based on the fact that I am a student, which I could also continue doing, but wanted to see the possibility here. Thanks for any help here.
I'm in will county. I plan on voting against every Republican ticket. Should I leave Republican unchecked in order to under vote?
From Axios
"Should all medically appropriate assisted reproductive treatments, including, but not limited to, in vitro fertilization, be covered by any health insurance plan in Illinois that provides coverage for pregnancy benefits, without limitation on the number of treatments?"
This referendum is non-binding and is essentially a poll that will be used to inform lawmakers about public opinion.
According to reproductivefacts.org, Illinois law already requires group insurers and HMOs to cover fertility treatments, including IVF and up to 4 egg retrievals, though employers with less than 25 employees, religious employers, and self-insured employers are exempt. My understanding is a Yes would support removing those exemptions and requiring coverage of an unlimited number of treatments.
I am torn, as I think it's reasonable to require coverage for fertility treatments, including IVF, to support families trying to have children. And I think it would be good to extend the current existing mandate for coverage to people who work at small businesses etc. However, mandating coverage for an unlimited number of treatments seems potentially excessive, given the cost and success rate of IVF and the possibility of increased premiums being passed on to small businesses. What are your thoughts?
Edit: Thanks to all who have commented. Lots of good points being made and I appreciate you all sharing your opinions here. This is exactly what I was hoping for when I made this post.