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What is IFTTT? IFTTT empowers you with creative control over the products and apps you love.

What are Applets? Applets are simple connections between products and apps. There are two types of Applets: Do Applets and IF Applets.

Do Applets run with just a tap and enable you to create your own personalized Button, Camera, and Notepad. The Do apps are available for iOS and Android.

IF Applets run automatically in the background. Create powerful connections with one simple statement — if this then that.

Services are the basic building blocks of Applets. Each Service has its own Triggers and Actions.

Actions are the then part of an Applet. Some example Actions are “send an email” or “create a status message on Facebook.”

Triggers are the if part of an IF Applet. Some example Triggers are “You’re tagged in a photo on Facebook” or “You check in on Foursquare.”

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Wordpress disconnected and simply won't reconnect? Support is...invisible

I used to have a simple automation that saved links to my new Wordpress posts in a sheet with a time stamp, and another one that just saved the text as a Google doc. It ran whenever new posts went live.

A few months (!) ago, the Wordpress connection broke, as it had many times before, but for some reason, this time, I can't reconnect. No matter how many times I try, and with the correct details, etc.

I've reached out to support like 3 times, but nothing. No response.

Do you guys have any ideas, maybe? Would appreciate any help. I looked at Make and Zapier etc. and they all require a Wordpress plugin, which I already have too many of, so I was hoping for a simpler solution...

12:19 UTC


Telegram -> Github = "Action failure message: There was a problem running the action."

The applet if for: If New post in Telegram Channel, then create a comment for one repo Activity. The tg part worked well but the Github issue comment part failed.

url: https://ifttt.com/activity/applet/Ed3eDvEU


21:16 UTC


Using Mastodon as my main platform and automating posts to other networks - My Mastodon RSS hack + IFTTT

07:54 UTC


Help: Suddenly OneDrive is not connecting. Please help

I have had a few applets pulling posts from Reddit to make backgrounds for years. Suddenly my OneDrive has stooped connecting. I tried reconnecting and that did not work. So I removed OneDrive and tried to connect again still no luck. Any help?

16:54 UTC


Conditional behaviour based on whether trigger data has a value

I'm stuck with something that needs some conditional behaviour - or maybe just data manipulation - if anyone can help please. My javascript knowledge is very limited. I can do some basic variable manipulation but the outputs of filter code don't seem to be made available to the subsequent actions like Zapier or Make.com can do, and I'm not capable enough to reproduce what the next actions are in code. IFTTT doesn't seem to have any other conditional logic features beyond filter code?

FWIW the trigger is a raindrop.io bookmark favouriting, the action is a webhook call which calls the Readwise Reader API. My aim is to pass any tags in the favourited raindrop bookmark to Reader, plus a 'raindrop' tag in all cases.

raindrop.io provides any tags in the favourited bookmark in the {{Tags}} ingredient (or Raindrop.raindropsImportant.Tags in filter code) but booksmarks won't always be tagged so this field can be empty.

the Reader API errors if you try to pass an empty value in its Tags field, or there's an extra comma separator (i.e. if I try to send in the webhook {{Tags}},"raindrop" that is sent as ",raindrop" to Reader if there's no other tags.

I can't work out a way to make this work, i.e. the webhook sends:

  1. "raindrop" if the bookmark tags are empty

  2. "tag A, tag B, raindrop" if the bookmark tags are "tag A, tag B"

Thanks in advance

10:01 UTC


Problem with Daikin IFTTT automation


Have been looking for answers everywhere without success. I used to have a few applets on ifttt to run commands for my Daikin aircon. These don't work any more and I can't find Daikin applets in ifttt. Has Daikin support been discontinued? Daikin updated their sw from Daikin controller to Onecta. But I can't find anything for Onecta either.

Appreciate any feedback, pointers to potential work-arounds.


16:26 UTC


[question] new to ifttt; bit confused with setting up offcloud.com rss

Here’s what I got an I’m not sure what to mention here for url since I get invalid url when setting up RSS and it says invalid RSS at ifttt at step 1 itself

How to automatically backup content from RSS with Offcloud & IFTTT? Sign in to IFTTT and create a new Applet. Add a trigger and select RSS feed item. Create an action and choose the service called Webhooks -> Make a web request. Specify the following parameters: URL: https://offcloud.com/api/cloud/download/?apikey=(removed)&url=(was already blank) After 'url=', set the right ingredient that defines the links you want to automatically process to Offcloud. Method: GET

Hoping someone can guide me

13:19 UTC


Android SMS - "New SMS received from phone number" doesn't accept text (Sender ID has no number)

I'm trying to forward the transaction notifications sent by my bank via sms to a spreadsheet.

To get the messages only from my bank I thought I'd use "... from phone number" but since those messages are from a Sender ID, when I type it into the "number" field, IFTTT refuses to accept it and says it only accepts numbers 0-9 for this trigger parameter.

Could you please update IFTTT to allow letters to be used as a phone number for this trigger? Or can we circumvent this rule and select this sender another way?

The "THEN THAT" part of the applet works fine because when I select "Any new SMS received" it works and the spreadsheet is updated.

I tried using the "matches search" trigger but that doesn't seem to work at all no matter what phrase I try...

16:08 UTC


Issue with iOS Photos

Hey everyone! I searched and scrolled through past posts concerning iOS photos and didn’t see any real answers to my problem.

I’m trying to do a simple “if I make a new like at tumblr then add photo to album” but it’s really really inconsistent. It works maybe twice so far out the 40 likes I’ve tested it with. Sometimes I just get a grey image that is blank, for a while I was getting File Not Found pictures.

I understand it might not work with animated or gif images (though if it can be saved in the app then I imagine it would work?) and primarily I’ve been liking static images that when I manually save are simple jpgs and the occasional png. Background app refresh is turned on with the IFTTT app and tumblr. I’m using a free account with ifttt. I didn’t have too many issues linking ifttt with tumblr though it took a few tries before it went through finally.

While we are talking about this I’m wondering if maybe my “then” action isn’t set right? In the configuration screen for it it says Photo URL and the text field needs something added to it. It’s not really apparent to me what any of the options do and I just put “url” there to get it to save. Anything different that needs to happen there? I didn’t see any documentation really explaining that part but I might have been looking at the wrong place.

Alright, thanks for reading through this big chunk of text. Any help would be appreciated!

15:18 UTC


WiFi ssid connection trigger doesn’t work

Basically I’m trying to activate a certain command when connecting to specific WiFi and can’t get it triggered. When I create the very same action but with any WiFi, it works though. What can be the issue setting it up with specific ssid? I can’t figure it out… Android device.

1 Comment
13:23 UTC


Instapaper to pdf to google drive

I was looking for a way to automatically convert articles in Instapaper to pdf and save to google drive.

Lo and behold, I found what looked like the perfect ifttt prebuilt recipe “If Instapaper “Liked”, save as pdf to google drive”.

I see the recipe trigger, but it fails in upload file from url step for google drive.

Any ideas?

17:00 UTC


Automate invoices from Apple calendar

Is it possible to automate an invoice every time an appointment ends on my calendar?

For example:

‘100 Tony’ is in my diary from 10-11am, at 11am (or even at the end of the week/month) can IFTTT ‘talk’ to an invoicing app such as Zoro or QuickBooks and automate a £100 invoice?

I tried, but I feel waaay out my depth!

Many thanks :)

07:53 UTC


Creating alerts from Outlook

Hey guys, Is is possible to create alerts on my Iphone where if an email comes in though my Outlook from a specific domain (example *@domain.com) that it will tell me an alert? I get way to many emails on my outlook and i'm trying to streamline so that i don't miss team member messages. thanks in advance!

20:13 UTC


Use "unlock the device" as a trigger

I want to do more flashcards and my idea is to open Anki automatically everytime I unlock the phone. Is this possible with IFTTT?

16:38 UTC


IFTTT SmartThings Int. And Washer


Hello fokes, I am Krushnali. I am an IFTTT user. Few days ago i create a simple button click applet to start my washing machine program (Switch on action, i consider starts the device operation). Washing machine is Samsung’s “8.0 kg Ecobubble™ Front Load Washing Machine with AI Control, Hygiene Steam & SmartThings Connectivity, WW80T504DAB”

Trigger : Button widget Int. Button Press
Action : SmartThings Int. Switch on

The applet failed on Action. I am not clear why the action failed.

08:29 UTC


YouTube live

I am subscribed to a channel and want to create an automation that sends an small as soon as a channel I am subscribed to on YouTube starts live streaming . I saw automations for when a video is published but none for above. Any advice ? Thanks

18:12 UTC


Creating multiple versions of an applet?

I have a small question, I am using on of the applets for my X account which automatically retweets the text of new tweets from a specific X account. It says that you can make multiple versions to retweet multiple accounts. But how do I make multiple versions? I'm new to IFTTT so I don't know how that works. The one that I have now does the job perfectly but I would like to have at least one more, can someone maybe help me with this on how to do it?

1 Comment
10:48 UTC


Spotify integration issue: "You must have an active device. None was found".

Hi, so I created an applet to run every morning at a fixed time to play Spotify songs, but every time I get the same error message: "You must have an active device. None was found", this is really frustrating because it has never worked? Any solutions for this and if not, is there any alternative to IFTTT that works? I'm using iOS.

Thank you in advance.

17:19 UTC


Is it possible to batch items and send one request with IFTTT?

Hello all.

I created an applet between Todoist and Monzo to move money into my ISA whenever I complete a task. I figured I would reward my productivity with a nice treat at the end of the year.

However, I'm completing many tasks a day, which means my Monzo account is flooded with these transactions.

Is it possible to batch these and just send one instruction with the total amount? For example, if I want to move £1 for every task and complete eight tasks, can I batch all these until the end of the day and then move £8 for me at the end?


16:01 UTC


Any way to react to certain kind of responses in a reddit group chat?


For example I want to be notified whenever someone writes a keyword in another app, like trello or something else.

I.e. someone writes "I Agree" and i get notified/get an action on another app through integrations

22:00 UTC


All of my Airthings IFTTT triggers stopped working yesterday

11:43 UTC


Filter code

I’m not good at coding let alone writing filter code is there anything that can help me write my filter code? I basically want to add code that doesn’t allow a calendar event added if there’s already one on that day with that name from my iOS calendar to my Google calendar.

17:06 UTC


Simple question. How many applets can i own or create per month for a pro sub ?

1 Comment
22:18 UTC


Can I use general/timebuzzer api as trigger?

Hey guys, I use timebuzzer and there is me ifttt integration. Can I still use timebuzzer via its api? Is there a guide for general API integration?

1 Comment
06:02 UTC


Auto Retweet

I pay full price and I can't get the Auto Retweet The Text Of New Tweets to work. IFTT customer support isn't very good at all. Can someone advise please? Thanks

15:35 UTC


Eufy, Timeframe, and Rachio Possible?

Deer come to the garden when I'm asleep and nibble on everything. What I'm trying to do:

<If android notices a eufy security notification from a specific camera...

And it is between 00:00 and 05:00...

Then start rachio zone "X">

Eufy isn't supported by IFTTT so that's why I'd have to go with Android notification from Eufy, right? I see no option for an "and" for a specific timeframe.

1 Comment
14:47 UTC


Sending my phone notifications when light comes on via Google home

Hey apologies if this is a well trod ground but I’m new here.

I want to get a notification on my phone (Apple iOS) when a light goes on in my house. The light is connected to Google Home and triggered by a sensor (Ikea). I can set it up to Google Assistant a prompt when the light comes on but from there I’m stuck

I don’t care if this is a notification through any random app, a text or an e-mail or whatever. I am traveling and it is for security purposes. The home setup is in Ireland.

This seems like it should be an easy thing to set up but I have had no luck at all - I can’t figure out how to set up an IFTT applet to do this in some way though I know it must be possible.

Can anyone help? Searching on Google has provided no answers for me at all as of yet.

16:52 UTC

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