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HubSpot vs GoHighLevl

I use GHL, but I’ve heard HS is ten times better. Problem is, I can’t find any info on why. Can anyone make that argument or show stark contrasts?

04:43 UTC


Service hub: how to connect support@company.com (alias email) instead of our personal email

Service hub: how to connect support@company.com (alias google group email) instead of our personal email

Hi, I'm struggling to setup my company hubspot service hub for customer service. We currently have multiple country support@company.uk , support@company.de, etc since we work internationally with different market and representative.

When I click on "connect new channel" I can only pick my personal Gmail account. I know that we can set alias email and hubspot can read it. But that's not what we want since we don't want each of our personal email inbox to be shown in the collaborative inbox


  1. In our current support@company.com, A lot of operational email (like booking order notification) are getting mixed with support email like questions from customer.
  2. We don't have real Gmail account solely for customer service. It's just an alias grouping email set from Google admin user groups
  3. If we connect our personal Gmail account, the CRM inbox will be filled with bunch of unrelated CS stuff

Wish: Hubspot collaborative inbox be able to capture the inbox that comes to support@company. NOT our personal company email. Is that possible?

Any suggestions?

Is having extra google workspace account just for customer service is better so that we only have 1 real Gmail account connected (instead of using multiple user group email)

17:18 UTC


Connect an email from inbox to an existing deal

Hello, there is probably something about Hubspot inbox that I can't wrap my brain around. I really like the inbox. I would like to link a conversation in the inbox to a deal so that I can track it. For example, there is a person who I may email about something I'm working on who will then give me info. This person is not related to the deal, but this particular email is about the deal. I don't want all of her emails to be assigned to the one deal.

If I am using the Hubspot web interface to view the inbox, how do I link the email to an existing deal? In the sidebar I only see an option to create a new deal. I can link the email to a ticket, either existing or not, and I can of course link the ticket to a deal. Do I have to create a ticket to link an email to a deal?

15:32 UTC


Make phone number field unique, to avoid duplicate contacts, when uploading new excel

When uploading a new list of contacts, for my business purpose, I'd prefer for when I'm uploading the new excel to hubspot, if hubspot skips (and doesn't add to hubspot) any excel row where the phone number matches an existing contact in hubspot. Is there a way to do this?

1 Comment
06:46 UTC


From Salesforce to Hubspot

I’m currently in the Salesforce ecosystem and still newly minted. A contract that I was on ended some months ago. It’s been difficult finding something and wondering what it’s like in the hubspot world. Any insight is appreciated.

20:26 UTC


Is there a way to log Instagram interactions the way there is built in "log Linkedin message"?

I interact with prospects heavily via Instagram commenting on posts & DMs and I need to track when they respond. I can just use the LinkedIn field as a workaround if need be, but I'd love to keep my data as accurate as possible.

17:42 UTC


Multiple Root Domains on Single HubSpot Instance

Hi Everyone,

I have a situation where I’m managing 10 different root domains and would like to know the best way to handle them within a single HubSpot instance without creating a mess, particularly for email marketing and different workflows.

What are the best practices for managing multiple domains, lists, and workflows efficiently to ensure that everything runs smoothly? Any tips or experiences would be really helpful!


15:13 UTC


HubSpot form that can create a note on submission

I have created a form for my sales team which has all the details about client , their sector, their billing details and everything.
When this form is submitted a deal is created in our pipeline and few relevant fields are mapped so that they are filled automatically based on those submission.

I problem is that not all fields are related to our HubSpot portal and some are related to our quoting platform we use and i want answers of those questions to added as a note in the same deal which is created on form submission.

Can someone please help?

I got to know that in workflows there was an action for "Create a note" which is now deleted but other than that i have found no other way to achieve this.

13:30 UTC


Help me test my new HubSpot AI Agent for admins!

Hey, I have recently created a free HubSpot agent that can help us Admins during our day-to-day with HubSpot without always looking into documentation/videos - It also works as a study buddy if if you are preparing a certification - I used it and it helped me. Just ask a HubSpot related question and let me know if you like it! https://www.spheroflow.com/

1 Comment
06:34 UTC


E-learning platform with Hubspot?

Hello, I am strongly considering moving my website into Hubspot. I would lose the ability to sell courses unless I can find another tool that would integrate well with Hubspot.

I would like people who have a subscription to get automated access to some content. Likewise, I would like to have a custom property on contacts that the team can update to give access to a course. So this would imply that I can automatically create a user in the learning website for the contact and give them free access to courses through Hubspot.

Right now, the e-learning tool I use is pretty basic. I'd like to have a really great e-learning experience, prioritizing that over tight integration.

Thanks for suggestions.

02:28 UTC


Email list growth with large social media presence

I've recently been struggling to build my email list with a presence of 400,000 followers on Facebook and 9,000 followers on Instagram. What are some common methods people have used to skyrocket their growth? Thank you.

Edit: Didn't mention this before, but I have a freebie that is part of my lead magnet. I promote it on social media in every post, which could be the problem (over-promotion?)

22:25 UTC


Email list growth with a large social media presence?

I'm curious to know how I can boost the growth of my email list with a following of 400,000 people on Facebook and 9000 on Instagram. I'm in the health niche, and have been having problems with luring many people in subscribing to my newsletter. Could it possibly be so due to my promotion of it on every video? Should I tone back on the promotion? If you have any advice for me, please drop it below, thank you.

1 Comment
22:22 UTC


Should we have a separate renewal pipeline?

I'm improving the current (auto) renewal process in our CRM via workflows. I'm wondering if I should have a separate renewal pipeline for renewal deals. Right now I added 3 stages to the regular pipeline: pending renewal, won/lost renewal.

I'm asking because eventually I want to be able to calculate things like retention/churn/renewal rates. I'm wondering if this would be easier with a unique renewal pipeline or if I can easily do so from a singular pipeline. For reference, we currently have multiple sales pipelines for our numerous orgs/products. A few of them are subscription based so if I did create a renewal pipeline, I'd have to have one for each of these orgs.

Also, if anyone has any tips/advice for how I can set us up well to eventually track churn/retention/renewal rates that would be super helpful! Happy to provide additional details.

19:31 UTC


Hubspot Leads vs Contacts

Hi, Everyone!

I'm working with a team that uses Hubspot (I'm most familiar with SF.com, Dynamics, Zoho, etc). I see there is a new lead entity, but am under the impression that when you convert a lead, it doesn't automatically create/merge companies or contact information. Is this correct?

We basically want a process of inputting leads, working them through the lead funnel, and then converting them to a deal/opportunity when the timing is right, but we'd like all of the pertinent info from the lead to move over to the deal, contact, and company - it seems like they are disconnected and we'd have to re-add that information (which will likely not happen because it's extra steps).

What is best practice for handling this? Just use contacts instead and set up the record to track information needed for attribution, etc, or to use the newish lead feature first?

Am I missing something? Thank you in advance!

19:12 UTC


Healthcare using protected data fields

Does anyone have experience using the protected data fields in the healthcare industry right now? Curious on your findings, troubles, etc

19:06 UTC


Best practice for offline event attribution

I have been wrestling with this for years. We do lots of third-party events, webinars etc. After I import the spreadsheets containing the contacts and tag them using a custom field (Lead Source) that denotes that it was a Trade Show or Webinar lead. However when I try to pull attribution reporting, those leads all are stuck in "offline sources" and I cannot choose any other field. It appears the only workaround is to run these leads through Hubspot - i.e. if the Webinar is run through Zoom, the Zoom plugin will correctly manage it. Or if I use custom Marketing Events to capture registrations. Neither of these is realistic as the 3rd parties control all this.

17:08 UTC


How to track leads that sign up after a TV ad?

I am trying to figure out the best way to track leads going through lifecycle stages after a TV ad goes live.

An example would be Jim sees the ad on TV, he goes to our website, and then signs up for the service. What is the best way to view/track something like this? I am looking for timestamps specifically, UTM is not what I'm looking for.

EDIT: I appreciate everyone's responses dearly. I will report back what I end up doing for future reference, thanks so much!

15:05 UTC


HubSpot Keyboard Shortcuts - Chrome Extension

I've created a Chrome extension that allows you to use keyboard shortcuts, eg

  • D - Navigate to Deals page
  • L - Navigate to Leads
  • N - "Create new" button

It's still under development, in early stages, but you can download it here

If there are shortcuts you want to add, let me know


17:46 UTC


Copilot best practices or tips?

On Hubspot Copilot

Would any you have any best practices, tips on prompts, or examples of prompts to share?

We are putting some materials and enablement together for our reps (for a session next week), but are struggling a little with getting properly beyond the templates. Sometimes things work, sometimes they don't.

Our own prompts don't always work as intended (prompts that work fine in Chatgpt for example).

14:41 UTC


Managing lifecycle stages for dropped sales

Hi everyone,

I work for a B2B SaaS organization, and I have a question about managing lifecycle stages in HubSpot. Specifically, I’m wondering how others handle situations where a prospect goes through the sales process, reaches stages like Sales Qualified Lead (SQL) or Opportunity, but eventually drops off and doesn’t convert.

In the past, we’ve used a "Lost Sales" lifecycle stage to capture these contacts. However, when they re-enter the sales process, we have to manually move them back to SQL or Opportunity. From what I understand, HubSpot doesn't intend for contacts to move backward in the lifecycle stage, which makes this process feel a bit off.

So, in short: What do you do with the lifecycle stage of a contact in the sales process that drops off?

thx :)

09:19 UTC


Enriching HubSpot with email integration for non-HubSpot colleagues

If you care about things that could shorten your sales cycles through transparency and trust, I want to take you through my journey...

My clients have been blindsided late in the sales cycle which either has resulted in lost opportunities or delays in contract signatures; all because the customer communicated with a colleague in another department and the sales team never knew about a negative experience they had which put their deals into jeopardy. Had they known earlier, they could've mitigated/intervened to save the deals from falling off a cliff.

I've spent the last few months researching a way to capture more Customer Communications within HubSpot to address this specific problem. There are many benefits to capturing 100% of customer communication within HubSpot.

Sure, the sales team's emails are captured properly, but I had a really hard time getting my non-HubSpot colleagues' emails captured into HubSpot when they speak with my customers. The HubSpot connected email feature is awesome and works like a charm; but only if you're a licensed HubSpot user and/or use HubSpot regularly; what I call "the happy path"

My colleagues in Professional Services, Customer Success, Marketing, and Operations often speak with my customers, but their communication isn't captured in HubSpot. As such, I find myself chasing them down to get a debrief before every email I send to my customer.

This leaves blind spots in customer emails between my customer and a colleague who:

  • doesn't use HubSpot as normal part of their day job
  • doesn't have the browser plug-in and/or the outlook plug-in for HubSpot installed
  • still sends/receives emails to/from customers

As a result, I have no idea what communication they've had with my customers.

Given this, we've developed a solution and are looking for some "friendly customers" who might want an enriched 360° Customer View that includes customer communication from everyone.

Our solution finds email communication with customers using the email server as the primary source and ensures only relevant emails are inserted into HubSpot and associated with the proper company and contact.

We've integrated with Google Workspace and Microsoft Office 365.

We'd love to work with you!

04:51 UTC


Question About Displaying Ticket Information in a Website Page

Hi everyone,

I’m looking for some insights on how to display ticket information on our landing page or website page using HubSpot. (this page is designed for our paying customers, they have seperate page or dashboard that only them can access - a member portal page) FYI, All our pages are hosted by HubSpot. Now we want our contacts (members) to be able to view all tickets related to their associated companies, including both open and closed tickets on the landing page.

We believe that providing this information will enhance transparency and help our customers understand the support we provide. on the landing page, want our customers to see the following information:

  • Ticket Name
  • Ticket Status
  • Create Date
  • Close Date
  • Ticket Description (for any instructions we have emailed them)

I’d like to know:

  1. Is it possible to achieve this using HubSpot’s built-in features, or do we need to use the HubSpot API?
  2. If the API is necessary, what resources do you recommend for setting this up?
  3. Are there any limitations or considerations we should keep in mind when implementing this?

Thanks in advance for your help!

19:02 UTC


Cold email integrations...

Anyone here cold emailing?

I've looked at QuickMail, SmartReach, Woodpecker and Klenty because of their integrations with Hubspot. However, their 2-way sync's aren't exactly 2-way. They can pull contacts in but when you remove a contact from an active list in Hubspot, it does not remove the contact from any campaigns they're currently in.

Anyone here familiar with this issue and find any solutions?

17:32 UTC


Dashboard reaction time on inbox items

Any pointers on a good way to measure / dashboard the time between receiving inbound emails and chats? What property should I look at?

16:19 UTC


static list / old email addresses

Hi all,

I'm relatively new to hubspot and have a question. My manager uploaded a load of email addresses and added them to a static list back at the beginning of the year. Since then, some of the individuals on that static list have moved roles and we've updated their email addresses in the main CRM.

If I click into the static list or downloaded it, I see there updated email addresses, but when I send information to that static list, hubspot seems to be sending it to both the updated email address and the old email address.

Is there a way to solve this?

15:44 UTC


Recommendations for sending physical mail through HubSpot?

Anyone have a positive experience sending physical mail through HubSpot that they’d like to share? I’ve tested the Postalytics / DocuPost integrations but not loving either of them..

1 Comment
14:35 UTC


AI agent for your helpdesk - feedback welcome

I'm in the early stages of putting together a marketplace plugin for the helpdesk.

It should looks something like this when I'm done: https://chimein.daeda.tech/

Anyone with CRM experience have any feedback for me?

I imagine most helpdesk tickets are repeats of questions already answered many times, and really what you want is the common answer surfaced in the sidebar - ready to send at a button click. Am I right?

I also think it would be magical if there was no setup - just install and the AI could figure things out from the data already in your CRM.

If so, I think I can pull together some of the latest advancements in AI (not just chat) and UI extensions to provide a seamless experience.

How does that sound? Anyone already use something like this?

Thank you guys!

13:05 UTC


Weekly Jobs Thread

Welcome to r/hubspot's weekly jobs thread!

Whether you’re an employer looking to fill an open position or a job seeker searching for your next opportunity, this is the place to connect and share.

Here’s how you can participate:

📢 For Employers:

  • Start your comment with: HIRING
  • Post Your Job Openings: Share details about your open roles, including the job title, location (remote or on-site), salary range, a brief description, and a link to apply.
  • Company Overview: Feel free to include a short description of your company to attract the right candidates.

💼 For Job Seekers:

  • Start your comment with: SEEKING ROLE
  • Share What You’re Looking For: Let us know the type of roles you’re seeking, your experience, and any relevant skills. You can share a link to a resume or portfolio, but be cautious about sharing personal contact information on Reddit.
  • Connect with Employers: Message employers who post roles that match your qualifications and interests.


  • Keep it Professional: This thread is for job-related postings and discussions only. Please keep all conversations relevant and respectful.
  • No Spam: Only post legitimate job opportunities or search requests. Irrelevant links or promotional content will be removed.
  • Be Clear and Concise: When posting, include all necessary details to help others understand your needs or opportunities.

Let’s help each other find great opportunities in the HubSpot ecosystem! Good luck to everyone participating this week!

1 Comment
13:02 UTC

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