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    Free story app for kids - looking for feedback to further improve

    Hey there! We have been developing an interactive story app for kids. The app recently launched and is still undergoing plenty of improvements.

    The goal for us is to inspire a lifelong love for reading. We hope to do this by personalizing stories for kids, so they become the hero in each adventure. I've attached a video where you can see how it works.

    Whether your child is into dragons, robots or pirates (or princesses, the ocean... you name it), we've got a story for them, because.. you can generate your own! Or choose one of the pre-written templates šŸ˜„

    I really don't mean for this to be a sales-y post --we're not making any money from this, but just looking for some genuine, constructive feedback on how we can make the app even better for your kid(s).

    I'm happy to chat in the comments or via DM šŸ˜Š


    15:55 UTC


    Mia Academy and Mia Prep time logging issues

    Is anyone else having trouble with the software logging your student's time correctly? My kids are on the site and doing several hours worth of work, but the system is not reflecting that.

    1 Comment
    15:48 UTC



    MY DAD HAS GIVEN ME THE OPTION OF GETTING HOMESCHOOLED. I've been bullied severely the past four years in school (I'm year 10) and it traumatised me greatly. It impacts me even outside of school. I'm insecure, I got social anxiety (slowly getting over the insecure part.) Homeschooling would be a million times better; my own timetable, don't have to be stuck in smelly rooms with a bunch of idiots, so much more. And I'll be freed from the trauma from school.

    HOWEVER, there is two things preventing me to doing it. FOMO and also my best friend has been BEGGING me not to go home schooling. But I just can't stand normal school anymore. But it's hard; because what if whilst I'm at home my friends just find better friends and they replace me? I don't know. I'm sure it's just my anxiety but some advice would be great. I only have like 5 friends so I don't care too much about the "being alone" part, I just don't want to be replaced and still want to hang out with them regularly after school. You get what I mean?

    15:22 UTC


    Homeschool program for Kindergarten

    Hi everyone! My son and I are heading back to the US in a month or so but since school already started in the US I want to enroll him in an official homeschool program so he can be accepted in public school once we're back in the states. He's 5, turning 6 in February. He's already done half of kindergarten overseas but I fear they will hold him back, we've been doing worksheets daily and he's doing great with writing and math.

    Any recommendations on homeschool programs? Thank you!

    14:07 UTC



    Hi guys, this is my first year doing online or homeschooling, i am going through American School of Correspondence, which apparently uses Edmentum for their courses, I am on my second english 9 lesson and failed the mastery test 3 times, i read online that you can ask for more retakes from the teacher, but when i emailed my teacher she only replied with ā€œunfortunately you are out of attemptsā€ so what now? did i spent do i need to spend another $150 on the class since i flunked this one?

    1 Comment
    14:00 UTC


    finding an appropriate tutor -- questions

    My homeschooled 10 yr old niece is a very talented artist. This isn't just my bias; I'm a self-taught artist and more than once, it's been the case that she intuitively knows something that I had to read three books and practice for forty hours to understand. She's won some blue ribbons at the fair in the general category (i.e. the competition was not other children).

    All of the art classes for homeschooled kids her age in the area where my sister and her family live are glorified crafting sessions. I want to find her a serious art tutor. My only idea is to contact the art professors at their local university and ask for referrals to serious undergraduates who might want part-time work. I can afford to do this, and I would think it would be a resume enhancer for the college student, to get some teaching experience, so hopefully a win-win for everyone if we find the right student.


    1. Is there a better way to find a good art tutor?
    2. How much should I expect to pay for this? I am fortunate to be able to afford it, but would like a ballpark for planning purposes.
    3. Is there anything I should know or pass along to my sister with regard to vetting possible tutors?

    Many thanks!!

    13:43 UTC


    Supplemental Math

    Hi. I need a supplemental math book for my grade 6 child. Preferably one for Pre Algebra and one for regular US curriculum. Any recommendations?

    13:29 UTC


    How important is keeping a set schedule? What do you all do?

    My son and I love our homeschooling freedom but Iā€™m starting to wonder when/if I should be pushing a set schedule on him to prepare him for the ā€œreal worldā€. Heā€™s 8 now and weā€™ve never had a schedule. Some days we do tons some days we do less, some days we stay home, some we go and do things, depending on weather if itā€™s a nice day we skip math and go to the park and do math after dinner, that type of thing.

    We donā€™t have a set time for gettin dressed, eating breakfast, brushing teeth, etc. We totally just ā€œgo with the flowā€ and for now it works fine. He gets his work done without much complaint because he truly likes learning.

    So what does everyone else do? What does everyone else think about schedules?

    Save it for when heā€™s a little older? Orā€¦.?

    12:12 UTC


    for ethnic minority parents, id like your thoughts on this idea

    im sudanese but grew up in the UK, and my parents tried to teach us arabic with arabic school etc but we never learnt it properly. in fact i find very few ethnic people who grew up in the UK who are fluent in their countries language.

    it seemed its not that parents dont want to teach their kids, its just that it is very difficult. so i needed a way to make it effortless for parents to teach their kids a language.

    so you know those parental control apps that limit how long a child can use their device? i was thinking rather than just limiting the time, it would be good if it instead required the child to do 15 minutes on duolingo or so before they can unlock their other apps. the idea is that this way God willing, they would become conversational within a year or two with 0 input from the parents.

    what do you think? is it something you think would work? would you use it?

    10:18 UTC


    Simple Spelling app for kids aged 5 to 10

    Meet Spelly!

    This is something I built for my daughter last year. The concept is simple: the app reads out a word, and she types in the spelling. If the spelling is correct it gives her a thumbs up and moves on to the next word. I built it to encourage her interest in spelling in a fun way.

    I think it will mainly appeal to kids aged 5 - 10 and works best on a mobile browser. If you have kids in this age range or just want to give it a try, I'd really appreciate your thoughts on it. Please let me know if your kids liked it and/or how I can make it more engaging.. My daughter lost interest after a few weeks :) ..

    here is the link to the app: https://get-spelly.web.app/

    [This is NOT a paid app]

    05:30 UTC


    Pearson Academy


    As I was looking for online international schools, Iā€™ve came across many, (I am still taking recommendations!), one of schools got my attention with their Homeland Security career prep, as itā€™s something Iā€™m heavily interested in.

    However, they are more expensive than others Iā€™ve seen. I have quite some time before I make a decision which way to go, so Iā€™m interested in hearing if you have used the services of Pearson your experience, what should one expect, etc.


    1 Comment
    03:04 UTC


    Is modern high school is a waste of time?

    Lately, I've been feeling like high school aged kids have more than enough mental capacity to learn independently and participate in internships, jobs, or other activities closer to "real world" work, where they might figure out what they want to be doing as adults and getting experience early. High school classes seem to just teach them things they will forget in a few years because they won't use the information regularly. If they ever need to know that the mitocondria is the power house of the cell or how to figure out the angles of a triangle, will they really remember this from grade 10, or will they just Google it, like all humans do? Then when they graduate, they don't have a well-informed decision about what career to pursue or even what careers exist.

    I guess I can see that high school is good at preparing students for college, but even college is not as good as internships or real-world work experience at preparing students for life. And the job market in the last 5-10 years seems to be getting as accessible for non-college grads that just have experience, as least in the tech sector where I work. Of course in healthcare, law, or other heavily regulated industries it's different, but again, if they identify that is their goal in high school through internships or other real-world experiences, they will be miles ahead.

    I'm awfully close making the decision to put a higher priority on real-world exposure to actual jobs than on prioritizing classes when my kids get into high school. What am I missing?

    02:14 UTC


    Are any of your kids ā€œbehindā€ state standards? Can they be caught up?

    Iā€™m curious if anyone has kids who are behind state standards a couple years and how you intend to catch up. My kids (8 and 10) are behind due to me unsuccessfully homeschooling them the past 2.5 years because my health declined. They just started public school and are very behind their peers. If I go back to homeschooling, doing it ā€œrightā€ this time, do I have any hope of catching them up or are we just in a complete mess at this point? Can anyone relate to this? I feel so alone and hopeless about it all.

    00:31 UTC


    What online high school should I use?

    I want a school with honors and AP options that will prepare me for college (and convince my mom to let me) and isn't part of a cult or something.

    I also want the school/curriculum to be accredited

    00:29 UTC


    How can I convince my parents to let me do online school????

    Iā€™m a high schooler and i really really dislike high school so far. not the level of education, just the teachers and people. iā€™m tired of getting up so early everyday and walking around my campus going to class to class because itā€™s genuinely draining. iā€™ve tried to ask my parents to let me do homeschool but they wonā€™t listen to me. someone help plz??

    22:36 UTC


    Homeschool curriculum suggestions?

    Hi there. My husband and i have decided to homeschool our eldest daughter for grade 12 but we aren't quite sure about which curriculum to use. We are looking for an American curriculum that is accredited and offers a HS diploma (bc our daughter intends on going to college), AP classes, no limits on the number of classes you can take per month (like on study.com) , something thats not incredibly rigorous and has to be mainly online (we dont mind using different curriculums for different subjects but prefer not to unless there aren't any other good options out there). Any suggestions?

    22:31 UTC


    The Brilliant Homeschool - worth the $150?

    I'm dying to purchase The Brilliant Homeschool second grade, but the price is pretty steep at $150 for a lot of worksheets!

    I have purchased so much curricula that I ended up not liking and for some reason this one REALLY pulls me in.

    Their samples aren't very clear, so I'd like to know the pros and cons. Is it comprehensive?

    1 Comment
    21:48 UTC


    I want to transfer from public school to online school, but my mom says it is looked down upon by college

    First of all, is this true? Will I have a hard time getting into a good school? I would be taking honors and AP. Are there good online schools with difficult work that would help my case? I go to a "nice" high school that prepares us for college well or whatever so I need it to be a good online school. How do I convince her?

    21:38 UTC


    Iā€™m homeschooled and incredibly lonely.

    Iā€™m 16, Im a girl. I become homeschooled in year 9 due to mental health and the fact I was being bullied amd couldnā€™t handle another day there.

    Iā€™ll leave ā€˜schoolā€™ in 2025. I am not prepared. Iā€™m also incredibly lonely.

    The two friends I have from when I was at school are still good friends, but it since theyā€™re in school and dealing with exams and such, they have little time to talk to me or are exhausted from school and canā€™t hang out. Over the 6 weeks they made no effort to hang out with me, and when they did one of them ditched me in the middle of town. It made me realise I need friends. Iā€™m missing out on being social and having connections I so clearly need.

    My mother is no help. Sheā€™s only showing interest in ā€˜what I want to do after schoolā€™ because sheā€™s slowly realising Iā€™m getting so like antisocial and awkward that Iā€™m gonna be terrified to get a job or something. Sheā€™s always brushed off my worries or issues or laughed at me.

    I want to get out there and make friends or just be around real people. Not a toxic household or friends that donā€™t have time. Iā€™ve tried going to like social clubs and stuff but theyā€™re useless. And my town is so small so thereā€™s not many people my age. And the ones that are my age, are from my old school.

    Maybe Iā€™m just stuck in my head, and worrying too much. But itā€™s so much pressure. I keep telling myself I should just wait until I can go to courses or get a job, maybe then I wonā€™t feel like this cause Iā€™ll have the opportunity to meet people.

    I just feel so lonely and quite scared. I didnā€™t know where else to express this lol, thank you for reading, if anything doesnā€™t make sense please ask.

    for those who suggest clubs and such, I live in a small place, not much goes on, and I also have no way of transport and canā€™t get much money :) so itā€™s a little harder for me to just go and do these things. Iā€™m also from the uk, south wales.

    { Edit - thank you sm. The replies brought me back to reality lol. Iā€™m gonna start looking into dual classes and courses I can take. Focus on things I enjoy, and try use this time to find out what šˆ am intrested in and me as a person in general! Thank you :)ā¤ļø}

    21:23 UTC


    Mr.d american english grammar

    Has anyone used this course and could give a review I can't seem to find any.

    21:13 UTC



    Hello! I am going to have to homeschool math for my youngest. Heā€™s in 5th. Heā€™s very ā€œmath-yā€ so I donā€™t believe it will be difficult to keep him at grade level or even get him ahead. We are pretty on the go, so I think something that he can do on his iPad would be the easiest route. Although it might be nice to also order paper?ā€¦ Iā€™m not sure. Please give me your thoughts on the following:

    -Beast Academy



    -Beast Academy as the main curriculum, but in combination with prodigy for extra practice

    -Beast Academy in combination with IXL

    -Beast academy while also asking the school to send home extra math worksheets

    -Beast academy and Singapore extra practice math sheets

    Do you have any other suggestions? I think Iā€™m leaning towards beast academy for him, but Iā€™ve read thereā€™s not enough practice work. Even though Iā€™m leaning towards this, Iā€™m open to suggestions. I was looking at Singapore math, but it seems to be paper curriculum, and like I said due to how busy we are I think digital will be the easiest route for us. (Edited for formatting)

    18:42 UTC


    Beautiful feet

    Hopefully someone uses this curriculum and can help me. I'm interested in the teachers guide only, am I overlooking a way to purchase ONLY this on their site? What would one use as search term to find it on ebay etc (if not available on the site)? I keep just finding the set and REALLY don't want any of the books ONLY the teachers guide. Thank you

    18:25 UTC


    Secular/Nature/Christian based curriculum?? Looking to start with my 2.5 year old.

    I am leaning toward Blossom & Root but I was seeing if there was one similar with religious views added. Not super religious just a bit of it. I like the nature side of blossom & root though.

    18:12 UTC


    Which app is best to teach reading?

    I have twins 4 years old, that Iā€™m home schooling at this time. I also have a 12 month old and already struggling to follow a proper studying routine with the twins.

    I want to teach them reading. They know letters and sounds for most of the letters.

    Which app is best to teach them read. I came across ā€˜Hooked on Phoinicsā€™ and ā€˜Reading Eggsā€™ which app is better?

    I will obviously be reading them books and following with workbooks. Iā€™m unable to teach them reading by just following workbooks.

    16:19 UTC


    Finish work on time

    I'm homeschooling my grade 5 and grade 2 kids for the next couple of months while we are between houses and I'm really struggling with my older child.

    The biggest issue is that she is very slow to finish work. She loses focus easily and when she's left to finish something independently she crawls along and mostly sits daydreaming. So unless I teach every lesson one-on-one she will need to spend 8 hrs a day finishing her tasks.

    How can I help her overcome this?

    I'm thinking my options are:

    1. give her easier workload even if it means it's not at grade level
    2. give up on her independent working and go through lessons and worksheets one-on-one
    3. let her spend forever getting work done even though it means less fun and playtime

    She has a positive outlook and is a clever kid but I'm worried her stalling will cause her to fall behind as she is just not able to get the work done. She's able to do the grade level work but needs a lot of hand holding to keep at it which does not seem sustainable. Any advice and commiseration is appreciated

    15:29 UTC



    Hi everyone

    I dropped out of school in november of 23 but didnt properly start homeschooling until jan/early feb 24. I have all the revision books, gcse curriculum papers, adapt app with the yearly subscription, a subscription on save my exams. Youtube channels for revision etc.

    Both my parents work full time, iā€™m in year 11. Theyā€™re booking my gcses next month ready for the new year. Iā€™m taking, English Lang, Biology,Psychology,Maths,Geography.

    In college i will be studying law to help myself become a defence barrister.

    In school i was on grade 7s and 6s. Iā€™m not gonna lie i havenā€™t worked too hard at home but my most current mock on biology got a 7.

    Iā€™m finding it hard to get myself to do the work almost as if my brain is preventing me, when i do do the work, i struggle with my retrieval and recall. I donā€™t understand the english language curriculum or what storys iā€™m meant to be studying. Iā€™m extremely good at creative writing which i got an 8 in last year. But i know thatā€™s not what english language is entirely.

    Is there anyway i can gain more concentration and confidence in my knowledge and studies? Any specific revision techniques i should use? English language help?

    Thank you for reading this!

    10:21 UTC


    Help with flexible online schooling

    Let me start with saying I understand this is a homeschooling group and I'm asking about online schooling which can be seen as completely different. Regardless of that, please educate me if you've heard what is a decent online program that is flexible where you can log on when your schedule fits and hopefully only takes 2-3 hours a day.

    One of my children has struggled with being taught solely at home by me, public and private school so we would like to try online.

    K-12 won't work because it's set times to log in and stay on, he's autistic and can't handle long days. He would most likely be doing it in the late afternoon- evenings.


    07:32 UTC


    Best educational tv shpws and movies for plder kids(8+)

    Just looking for some good watch options to add onto or create lessons around. I want them to be educational based. Can be fiction or non-fiction.

    05:25 UTC


    Looking for advice

    Update: Just to clarify a few things, we never ever worry about our kids socially. His mom got to him today and then at practice when he was one of the only kids not being loud and yelling he got worried that maybe that was something he had to go to school to learn. Once we talked he realized that everyone is different and our kid may never be like that regardless of his environment. Which is 100% fine. Every person is different. We werenā€™t even going to tell him mom because we knew she would react badly, but my son FaceTimed her and she asked him how school was šŸ˜–. All in all I helped (with the help of others) my husband understand that going to school and growing confidence in a group setting isnā€™t as important as growing confidence within himself. I believe if my children understand their self and have self confidence they can do anything and take that with them everywhere in every setting. If anything we are even more confident in our choice to homeschool.

    My MIL got in my husbands head about our choice to homeschool our son. She said we should have given kindergarten at least a month before pulling him out. He had soccer practice tonight and where as heā€™s usually loud and outgoing he was quiet and focused during practice. Most of the other kids were loud and outgoing. My husbands scared thatā€™s a skill he can only learn in school. I think itā€™s just something everyone handles differently. Heā€™s like this with every new activity or place until heā€™s comfortable. One reason why I put him in soccer is for the coach and team and social aspect. Can anyone ease my mind and offer words of encouragement to my husband? Thank you!

    Also if he chooses to go back to public school, how do they know what grade he is? Is it just trust in us or will he need to test?

    05:06 UTC

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