We want to see your cockpits! This subreddit is for anyone interesting in building a home cockpit to enhance their sim-flying experience. It doesn't matter if you fly civil or heavies, helicopters or fighter jets, you are welcome here!
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Home simulation set with Honeycomb controls and RealSimGear radio, autopilot and avionics. Total price new for all the hardware ~2870€. Sold for 600€ + freight from Finland. I put all details with links to product specs in https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/forums/topic/320305-4-sale-home-sim-kit-w-honeycombs-and-realsimgears/
Why am I selling? This was the home set of my best friend who passed away. I inherited the hardware but as I am not flying civil simulations but rather spread my wings in the skies of War Thunder, this is not my set (it does not work with other than MS Flight Simulator 2020 and X-Plane).
Terms of sale: Will sell as a whole kit. Best if you pick it up and see yourself, I live in Espoo, Finland. But if you live abroad (as it is likely) I can take pre-pay on PayPal and freight it to you. Can check postal costs before we close the deal (you can also check the cost yourself through www.posti.fi). Obviously best for you if you are in EU, no hassle on taxes or customs etc in your end.
I have my dual monitor PC setup for flight sim. I use the second monitor for charts, navigraph, other stuff, etc. I’ll use my iPad for instruments. And now I have this MacBook Air I don’t use for anything. Any ideas on what I could do with it to supplement my setup?
I want to use multiple rotary encoders combined with buttons. The problem I am running into is that every tutorial on YouTube uses the ones without the board.
They state that connecting the ones with board is easy but I cannot get them to work. The problem that I am having is that both the encoder and the button require the ground pin to work (see picture, left is rotary connected, right one the button).
Am I doing something wrong? Using the + and sw pin does not work nor does sharing the ground pin. Or should I order the ones without the little board? I am using the grid way of connecting the buttons and the buttons of the rotary encoder need to be part of the grid else I do not have enough connections available on the pro micro
I have a Dof H3 setup with the Honeycomb Alpha and Bravo attachment. I know DOF has the hotas mount kit, but does anyone have input on a 3rd party or custom mount for joysticks that would attach to the setup? Thanks for the help in advance!
Hi all, I am currently trying to overhaul/upgrade the simulator in our clubhouse which has unfortunately been neglected in the past few years. The Simulator/Procedural Trainer housed in a decommissioned Discus cockpit, which is in Good condition with all flight controls still intact, usable and partially funtional. The Instrument panel is currently just decorated with a printed image of the relevant flight instruments.
Primarily we use Condor due to the better Gliding Physics and occasionally MSFS 2020 .
I would like to have the Instruments in the actual cockpit and not on the primary display which is mounted outside on the nose. I was thinking of using a small monitor mounted in the where the instrument panel was in the original aircraft, and export all instruments from the game to that second screen. I have seen that software like Air Manager and also Something like Simmeters exists, however I am having Trouble finding anything regarding compatibility with Condor or Alternatives to get something like this to work. Installing actual hardware gauges would of course be amazing, but I don‘t know if this would be far more expensive than a Software solution…
Has anybody got experience with Glider Simpit building and could tell me where I can find resources to get this project going? What software can be recommended here?
Does anyone know what the problem could be? Solders look okay, connections have been checked, settings are correct.
Im looking into making my first panel, but i ha e no experience soldering, or programing. Is there anything beginner friendly? Like plug wire to switch, plug switch to board, plug board to computer and go?
Hi, I was wondering how you guys made your indicator lights, like what board did you use to wire it to your computer so it can link up with the game. Thanks!
Just want to share my rig. My goal was to have a solution that can be easily removed from the desk. If you are interested in the specs, here they are:
I am using MSFS2020, PMDG 737-600, SPADneXt, spacedesk, FergoCDU etc.
The goal was to eliminate moving controllers to switch between airplane, heli, and car mode. Fortunately, there's a good extruded aluminum shop nearby. This is probably about iteration 6.
Someday that old CH fighterstick will be replaced with something exotic.
Edit: Here's how the collective/throttle assemblies work: https://youtu.be/NAVnSN6ydVs
Just learned how to 3d print to make my very own f18 sim! This is the start (left vertical panel) it’s missing one part but that will be ready in 12h.
So im building two simpits (racing and flight) and i already have my gaming set up. I measured my room length wise and i have 9.5 feet between where i have my pc and where i plan to put the both of them. Now this might be a dumb question but should i get a 10ft display cable or should i try to find a 15ft cable for extra slack if the 10ft doesn’t work
For reference im going to be playing at 3440x1440p 144hz
Again i know might be a dumb question but i just dont wanna buy more cables than i need just to test something and throw it away if its not gonna work for me