
Photograph via snooOG

Home Assistant is open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. Powered by a worldwide community of tinkerers and DIY enthusiasts. Perfect to run on a Raspberry Pi or a local server. Available for free at home-assistant.io.

Home Assistant is open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. Powered by a worldwide community of tinkerers and DIY enthusiasts. Perfect to run on a Raspberry Pi or a local server. Available for free at home-assistant.io.



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How to change the color of a box object in SVG floorplan based on a sensor state?

I created a sensor based on person location:

  • platform: template



friendly_name: "Teng Wang Status"

value_template: >

{% if states('person.teng_wang') == 'Home' %}


{% elif states('person.teng_wang') == 'Office' %}


{% else %}


{% endif %}

17:41 UTC


Lost With Sensorpush Install

I have a bunch of sensors and 3 gateways. I'd like to integrate them with HA.

So, I found the integration in HACS...


  1. HACS installed. When opened, it brings up the above page.

  2. I have access to my sensorpush dashboard.

  3. Added the following to /homeassistant/configuration.yaml

    sensorpush: username: your@email.com password: your_password


    • platform: sensorpush

Now what?

17:27 UTC


Hardware recommendations for automating 10k temp sensor and relay

Hi All -

I have a number of boiler loops which I want to automate with home assistant. I need to close a relay based on the temp from a 10k temp sensor.

Does anyone have a suggestion for a device which I can connect to the 10k resistor to report the value in home assistant? What about a relay which I can use to turn on the boiler loop?

I'm looking at ESP32 and building something custom. That seems like a lot of work for a simple scenario. Is there anything off the shelf that works?


1 Comment
17:21 UTC


Telus Security Sensors

Hello everybody,

I'm moving to a house that previously had the Telus Security system. They took out the panel but left the door sensors.

Anyone know how to connect those sensors to Home Assistant without using the Telus system?

1 Comment
17:12 UTC


Integrated my analog AC into Home Assistant using Aqara Window Sensor and eMylo Smart WiFi IR Remote!

Hey everyone,

I’m excited to share that I’ve finally managed to integrate my "analog" air conditioner into Home Assistant.

The Challenge: I previously had an issue where I couldn’t tell if someone inside the house had already turned on the AC using the remote. This left me guessing about the current state of the AC when I wasn’t home. Additionally, I couldn’t use a smart plug to measure the power consumption to determine if the AC was on or off because the AC is hardwired into the wall.

The setup involves an Aqara window sensor and an eMylo Smart WiFi IR remote control. Here’s how I did it:

  1. Components Used:
    • Aqara Window Sensor
    • eMylo Smart WiFi IR Remote
    • Tuya App for scene setup
  2. Setup:
    • Aqara Window Sensor: This sensor is attached to the AC’s louvers. When the louvers are open, it indicates the AC is on; when they are closed, it indicates the AC is off.
    • eMylo Smart WiFi IR Remote: This remote is used to send IR commands to the AC.
  3. Home Assistant Integration:
    • In the Tuya app, I created two scenes: “Turn On AC” and “Turn Off AC.”
    • Using the Tuya integration in Home Assistant, I set up buttons to trigger these scenes. This way, I can control the AC with a simple button click in Home Assistant.

The Solution: By using the Aqara window sensor, I can now see the state of the AC’s louvers. This sensor reports whether the louvers are open (AC on) or closed (AC off). It’s been a game-changer for managing the AC more efficiently, especially when I’m not home.

Feel free to ask any questions or share your own similar setups!

Happy automating!

Home Assistant Dashboard (in German)

AC with window sensor

17:10 UTC



Does anybody also use the room-card frontend visualization and has following issue:

17:01 UTC


Reliable Smart Lock with keyfob without hub or cellphone

I have a client whose partially paralyzed and is wanting a simple keyfob style Smartock. So far a found a bunch that have bad reviews claiming they lastes only 3 months or so (typical amazon and home depot type junk). Does anyone know of such a device made by a reliable company?

Hes needing something relatively affordable. So far ive been only able to find zigbee and zwave buttons with a hub and cellphones required but the hub and button doubles the cost.

1 Comment
17:00 UTC


What to do with this button?

Hello, I was very bored, so I made this wireless button. the problem is that I don't have a use for it. do you have any idea how to use it?

16:55 UTC


Bulk control of entities in integration

I am using the integration of Universal Devices ISY/EISY to control some of the devices that are imported in the integration. There are hundreds of devices being imported, and I only want to see about 12 of them in HA. I can use the webUI to edit the devices one at a time and disable them, which works but this is very tedious. Is there a way to disable a set of devices efficiently? Perhaps a script with a list of all the devices to be disabled?

16:35 UTC


Fully Kiosk browser

Has anyone experienced that the fully Kiosk browser suddenly cannot use the camera and microphone? D It says it is being used by another app and I have to restart. Rebooting doesn't help. It keeps writing it and I can't activate the screen by motion or sound 🤯

16:34 UTC


Remote HA

I’m a longtime Home Assistant user. We just purchased a condo in the town where our son is going to college for our personal use (game days, etc), with the plan for him to live there in future years.

What would be the suggestions for best way to install a remote setup, including hardware. I currently run HA Supervised on Proxmox on a NUC in my main home.

Usage in the condo will be minimal (some lights, switches, doorbell camera, existing Nest thermostat, smart lock), so open to protocol (wi-fi, zwave, zigbee, etc) so any advice or guidance from someone who’s done something similar is greatly appreciated.

16:22 UTC


Webpage card (iFrame?) not working for any website?


I can't get the webpage card to display any webpage. I'm accessing my HA via an https URL (i.e. https://myha.mydomain.com) and I have https://www.reddit.com and I've tried a ton of other benign websites with no luck.

How can I even debug this?

16:00 UTC


Tracking and Storing Who is Doing Things

Terrible title I'm sorry. And please forgive me if this has been asked before, it's possible that I just don't know what the right words to search are.

We have a 2 person household and we're using Home Assistant very basically right now. My partner is far more technical than I am, but way more busy and I find this stuff fascinating so I've taken on the challenge of gettings things a little smarter.

One thing I'd really like is to track who has done a chore to make sure that the other person does the chore next time. This really revolves around our litter box. We have a Litter Robot 4 and we're already using it with HA.

The idea I had was to have an actionable notification go out when it's full with two options "Done!" and "Ask other person to do it". If the second option is selected then it triggers a notification to the other person that the litter box is full. That all seems straight forward enough.

If "Done!" is selected, though, I want to store that information somewhere. User1 emptied the litter box so next time the notification goes to User1 first. I guess the first time this notification is triggered it would have to go to both of us and then after that it would be dependent on who last pressed "Done!"

Does that make sense? Any help would be appreciated.

Edit: extra points if that info can be reported on in some way. like User1 emptied the litter box 18 times last month and User2 emptied the litter box 14 times last month, or whatever.

15:38 UTC


How do you make dynamic scenes persist a reboot?

I want some buttons to save the room current scene when 5x pressed, but i want them to load that save at 1x, this works great, except scene.create only saves dynamic ones that aren't permanent.

has anyone had any luck with this? I could make a cron job possibly to save them permanently, i don't know.

I tried saver from HACS, but it requires restoring every aspect of a light and putting it back, and that is extremely cumbersome, as well as input_number or input_boolean type helpers, extremely cumbersome for a full smart light scene

1 Comment
15:11 UTC


Media Content IDs

I'm having some problems with an automation that had been working great until recently. The way it's set up is once the light on my bedstand turns off at night, a random song is played from a specific album. The album is set to repeat and to shuffle the songs. It's always songs from that one album. I had the automation set up with Music Assistant: Play Media (advanced) with the Media ID set to library://album/1234. Now, for some reason, that no longer points to that one album, it points to a different one (one that is not conducive to sleep). No idea how that changed, but I suspect it's because my Plex server went down at one point.

When I go into developer tools now (after starting playback) to get the media content ID, it only gives me the track. The album does not show up. I've tried checking the state and running the following template:

- platform: template
      entity_id: media_player.living_room
      value_template: '{{((state_attr("media_player.bedroom", "media_content_id")))}}'
      friendly_name: Media Player Title

They both only give me the track ID (i.e. library//track/123). I'm at a loss as to how to discover the album ID.

Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

14:50 UTC


Accurate Humidity/Temp Sensor?

Currently I have 3 x sensorpush HTP.xw sensors and their wifi gateway that i bought into before i got into HA. I'm just not crazy about the price of these sensors ($80/each i think), and now that I'm into HA i'd rather something that can work with HA offline. But these are my baseline that I'm comparing against as they're the eco system I'm currently invested in. I have 3 sensors, and i need 6 in total.

I currently have all zwave devices, and a bunch of esp32 devices running ESPresense around the house. I've never used esp32home, but i'd be willing to give that a go for bluetooth based sensors. I'm also not opposed to setting up some other type of radio.

This is going to be for my cigar humidors where accuracy is important to me. Humidity being off by a large enough amount could lead to the loss of my cigars. Also a decent battery life, i'd say at least 1 year. Something with a display would be a plus. I'm not super price sensitive, and I'm not looking for the cheapest option.

I know the zooz zse44 is a zwave option, but i've read the battery life is kind of shitty, and no display.

14:48 UTC


I went a bit nuts when buying an M5Stack for assist. What would you build with these products for your HA or just in general if you had them?

Yeah im addicted to buying shit that I’ve seen other people do cool stuff with but then have no idea how I want to use them.

The T-Display I may use to show when I’m in or out of meetings (more subtle than my DND hue bulb). But other than that I am curious how you actual intelligent HA users might use these.

1 Comment
14:45 UTC


I'm so annoyed...

So I created this dashboard for my plex music queues. It turned out great. Now this ipad is an old iPad Mini 1st gen. I was using vnc first to connect to a dockerized Firefox/Chrome but I couldn't get hardware acceleration working which resulted in the app having no animations at all and was super janky and jittery.

Well I then just created a new user acc on my NUC which is running win11e and sideloaded the old MS remote app to the ipad and that's where we are right now.

The thing that annoys me is that little menu icon on top right corner. I spent too much time creating the dashboard (i have main dash and couple others as well) specifically for this iPad Mini and now I'm annoyed lol.

What annoys me the most is the fact that if this ipad would support the next version of MS remote app, you could hide the menu. But no.

Anyone has any suggestions?

14:01 UTC


Single Device Power Consumption Tracking

I have some servers and I’d like to keep an eye on the power consumption and cost of and surface it, preferably, in the HA Energy dashboard.

I’ve had a bit of success here by using Shelly’s Quibino Wave Plugs (US) but have steadily hit weirdness in terms of software (bad data, no data surfaced in the Energy console) and hardware (unplanned and unwanted power cycling) that have me wondering if I’m barking up the wrong tree.

This leaves me with a couple of questions that I’m trying to address:

  1. Am I better off trying to visualize this data somewhere else?

The Energy tab is geared to “whole home” implementations and my use case doesn’t seem to mesh well with it (though chucking the kWh consumption sensors into the Grid Consumption section does get you most of the way there) and is often wildly incorrect way more than it is right.

  1. Is there a “better” way to get consumption data out of these devices that I may have missed? Preferably just a passthrough that logs consumption and ships it out with no actual power control similar to a kill a watt.

Shelly’s support has been very diligent in trying to nail down the issue, but they have been unable to reproduce it. Meanwhile I’m still having servers power cycle for no reason on these plugs. I’d like to keep an eye on my NAS’s power consumption but unplanned restarts by way of switch both are potentially disastrous for my data and render my UPS they’re behind largely moot. I’m not sure if a got a couple of bum units or my use case isn’t great for how they’re set up.

Does anyone have some suggestions?

13:59 UTC


What is the best Tesla charging card for Lovelace in 2024

As the title reads, what is the best visual display to track my Tesla in 2024? I.e charging, location, battery, hvac etc

13:58 UTC


Is there a "smart plug controller" device?

Twice in the past few months I have had to reprogram all of my Smartplugs to a different Wifi address. It is a challenge as I have many (lights, pool pump, Generac, etc.). Is there a device with an IP address to which I can program the plugs and then just change the Wifi details in that one hub-like device? Does the Google Nest Hub do this, or do the plugs still connect directly to my router? Thanks for suggestions. Sorry if this is a repeat question as I just joined this group. Tom

13:26 UTC


Damage file?


Hello. I want to replace my hdd with a bigger one to run HA. I use BalenaEtcher to flash with. It looks right every time I've flashed. Then when I put the hdd in my machine running HA, it won't boot. I connect my hdd to my PC and the message is as in the picture. It's an external hdd btw :) As soon as I plug it into my HA machine and start up, it does damage to one of the files as shown in the picture. Nothing to see after I flashed it and it's still connected to my PC

13:22 UTC


Can't delete old announcements

I've been using our household Googles to remind the entire house of various things for many years. The system changed a couple of years ago, and I set up some new announcements as routines in the home app. But I left my old announcements in place. Now, I am trying to disable the old ones, because they still go off, but they don't appear in the home routines and so help me, I can't remember where to go to disable them. I can't remember where I set them up all those years ago before there was a home app with routines. But they still go off. Help? Thank you.

13:21 UTC


Intel NUC or MacMini?

I am currently running Home Assistant on my Intel NUC with Intel Core i7-8559U CPU at 2.70GHz and 16GB of Ram. I still have a MacMini8,1 with Intel Core i7-8700B 3200 MHz (6 cores) and 32 GB available. Should I switch? Which hardware is more stable / recommended for 24/7 usage? Thanks!

13:20 UTC


Updated video doorbell recommendations in light of Reolink problems?

Hi all, I know there have been many threads asking this same question, but I could not seem to find a recent thread that discusses good alternatives to Reolink.

I have seen several threads discussing Reolink's latest firmware version (v3.0.0.3215_2401262240) completely breaking 2-way audio over RTSP. I had the same experience this week; everything working totally fine with my WiFi doorbell for Frigate + Lovelace card but no 2-way audio. I saw some recommendations to downgrade to 2676 or 2033 versions. I tried each of these versions on different hardware and BRICKED two doorbells, following Reolink's exact firmware update instructions.

Doing some more looking, I found a couple threads detailing my exact problems: users ending up with a constantly-rebooting, unusable Reolink after an update.

What I'm looking for is if anyone has positive experience with any other brand of doorbell? Ideally I would like to use it with Frigate and have functional 2-way audio through the Lovelace card. You can see why I am reluctant to buy a third Reolink and try to downgrade the firmware. I have heard mixed reviews on Amcrest's reliability. Does anyone have good experience with Amcrest, Ezviz, Wyze, etc? Preferably success with 2-way audio.

1 Comment
12:43 UTC


Aqara C1 Pet Feeder Integration

Greetings to the Beloved Home Assistant Subreddit!

You all are some of the brightest minds I have encountered in the world of Smart Home Integration. I've asked questions in the past as well as searched the sub to find answers to questions that I banged my head on for a while.

I'm having a bit of a struggle with my Aqara C1 Pet Feeder. I have tried ingesting this device into my Home Assistant environment via three different methods. One, I have connected it to my Aqara Camera Hub G3 as a child device and then connected that device to Home Assistant via HomeKit integration. In addition to the Pet Feeder, I have a Cube T1 Pro and a Smart Lock U100 connected to the Camera Hub G3 as child devices. When I connect the Camera Hub G3 via HomeKit integration, I am only able to see the Camera Hub G3 and the Cube T1 Pro. I am not so worried about the Smart Lock U100 at this time because I have that connected via my third method.

My next attempt was to remove the Camera Hub G3 from HomeKit integration (which causes a LOT of trouble if you wish to re-add) and add it to Home Assistant via Matter integration. I get almost the exact same results with the importing of the Cube T1 Pro and Camera Hub G3, except Home Assistant only views the Camera Hub G3 as a hub device with no camera support. Oh, and it actually recognizes the Smart Lock U100, which I have pretty decent control over in Home Assistant with the SmartThings integration.

My last attempt gave me the most success I have had so far, but it is far from ideal. I removed the C1 Pet Feeder as a child device from the Camera Hub G3 and connected it to my SmartThings Station Hub. I reloaded my SmartThings integration in Home Assistant and was finally able to see the C1 Pet Feeder. However, the only entity it created as a result was to display its power source, as shown in the attached picture.


Has anyone had success in the past with integrating the C1 Pet Feeder via any of the three methods I listed? If so, could I get some troubleshooting advice?

I have seen people had success with integrating the C1 Pet Feeder into Home Assistant in the past. I believe the method they used was a Zigbee hub connected directly to the Home Assistant instance and adding it to the hub that way. Ultimately, my plan is to eliminate my SmartThings integration and purchase a Z-Wave Plus/Zigbee hub to connect to my Home Assistant instance directly. If I was able to connect my SmartThings Station and Aeotec Smart Home Hub directly to Home Assistant as opposed to having to integrate through SmartThings, I would have certainly done that by now. But in the meantime, I hope to have a solution for my current problem while I put that plan together.

12:36 UTC


Any way to disable RGB color picker for Aqara LEDLBT1-L01?


I'm still kind of new to Home Assistant. I spent the last few days setting up ZigBee appliances, mainly light bulbs, switches, etc. There's been a problem, however, with this CCT Aqara light (Aqara LEDLBT1-L01) — Home Assistant is advertising color selection in its GUI and via HomeKit Bridge while the device doesn't support RGB. If I try to select color, not temperature, the light bulb tries to set it, then fails miserably and bootloops (I guess). Is there any way to disable the color picker?

P. S. I've seen some threads mentioning Template Lights, but there's limited information on how to actually configure it.


12:23 UTC


Home-Assistant without Cloud. Local MQTT Broker. I use Tuya and Meross devices. Need Local Keys...

Hi there,

as far as I understand I need three paramaters for each device to add them to the local Home-Assistant without Cloud.

  • Host / IP
  • Device ID
  • Local Key

For example I use Tuya and Meross devices....

Is there any other way to retrieve the Local Keys WITHOUT the manufacturers IOT Management?

I ask, because I don't see my devices AND it seems that I need a paid account to manage my devices.

For tests I got the Cloud Versions of tuya and meross running and it works fine. Now I want to switch local.


Thank you


10:47 UTC


Tag reading in android (more android problem than HA ...)

Hi there,

I'm trying to set an NFC tag : the tag is created in HA, the attached automation works fine when manually launched. HA side is ok.

Now, when I scan it with my phone (Xiaomi 13, Android 14), the phone keeps trying to open a https link : https://www.home-assitant.io/tag/{tag-id}, even if the URL is defined to be opened with HA in the the default apps config of Android.

What do I miss ?



1 Comment
09:33 UTC

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