Drunk women failing at life in funny ways 🥂💃
"Hold My Cosmo" (branded as HMC) features videos of women attempting and often failing at various stunts, physical activities, or ridiculous situations in a drunk win or fail.
Hey, bitch! Hold my cosmo!
1) Posts must feature a woman in a drunk win/fail situation - winning/failing in some manner while drinking - OR - doing something you'd probably do drunk (or why not both?)
2) No content with gore, near fatal, domestic disputes, or immoral posts.
3) Post titles must contain HMC or Hold My Cosmo otherwise AutoModerator will not allow the post. m4p/m4v/gifs are the preffered format. Sites like Gfycat and Imgur handle this for you. We reserve the right to take down shitty spam sites. Please stick to trusted hosting sites as much as possible or risk removal.
4) NSFW posts should be tagged NSFW
5) Please keep the Reddit spirit when posting.
6) No posts about politics.
7) No staged youtube/other prank videos
8) No girls under the age of 18
9) No viral videos which look to be produced for social media. If the subject is Internet Famous, that counts.
10) No harassment. Bad behavior will not be tolerated