Truly outstanding hip-hop fully embodies the profound emotional perceptions that inspired it, and effectively transmits these potent emotions to the listener to be fully comprehended and felt. - Jake Bourey
Truly outstanding hip-hop fully embodies the profound emotional perceptions that inspired it, and effectively transmits these potent emotions to the listener to be fully comprehended and felt. - Jake Bourey
r/hiphopfightsback is a community of fans of the Hip-Hop Fights Back blog.
We are committed to insightful discussions related to underground hip-hop and are avid fans of Jake Bourey, creator of the HHFB blog.
Keep it underground, where hip-hop is meant to be.
Don't disrespect your fellow hip-hop soldiers. Hip-hop is not about that negativity and that disrespect.
Anyone knows if Jake is still active. For a few years, I've been digging his remixes on hip hop. I would like to know where I can follow his latest work.