This subreddit is dedicated to those girls (and boys!) that are just begging for a good headpat.
Feel free to add any pictures/videos/etc. of anime characters in need of or receiving headpats!
This subreddit is dedicated to those anime girls (and boys!) that are just begging for a good headpat.
Feel free to add any pictures/videos/etc. of people receiving headpats!
Please list the series in the title in [brackets]. Characters not from an established franchise should be labelled as 'Original'.
Rehost your image! Most sites like pixiv and boorus don't allow hotlinking, so please rehost to redditbooru or imgur.
Post the source in the comments. If you're submitting an image, use SauceNAO or iqdb to find the source. For gifs and videos, simply say the series in the title (if you know which episode it came from specifically, feel free to say so in the comments).
No reposts within 2 months!
It's okay to show a little skin/ be a little risque, but please refrain from posting images that have nude characters, acts of sex, gore, or any other hardcore NSFW content.
No low-effort content - image compilations, reaction posts ("how I feel when"), memes, text-overlays, etc. You're free to use these images in your comments, but not as submissions.
Let's all be friends here. We're all here for the love of headpats, so let's appreciate each other and our good taste. If you are found to be harassing or insulting in any way, you will be banned. Period.
Need to praise someone's post or comments?
Check out our comment faces!
Hello, the International Anime Research Project team is calling on all Anime Fans (18 years of age or older) to participate in the 2024 anime survey. The survey is anonymous and should take less than 30 min to complete. Participants are eligible to win a $50 Amazon gift card (draw entries will be confidential and not associated with survey responses, up to 20 gift cards given).
In this year’s survey we will be collecting demographic information (e.g., age, gender) and opinions regarding engagement with the fandom, genre preferences, gaming, relationships, morals, emotions, and well-being.
You can contribute to the psychological and sociological understanding of the anime fandom by completing the anime survey online at:
If you know of any anime fans over the age of 18, please help us spread the word.
The survey will be open until October 20, 2024.
If you are interested in how we use this data, see our website at: https://sites.google.com/site/animeresearch/
Thank you!
Dr. Stephen Reysen, Texas A&M University-Commerce, stephen.reysen@tamuc.edu
Dr. Kathy Gerbasi, SUNY Niagara, kathleencgerbasiphd@gmail.com
Dr. Sharon Roberts, Renison University College, University of Waterloo, serobert@uwaterloo.ca
Dr. Courtney Plante, Bishop’s University, cplante@ubishops.ca