All things Hauntological - Theory and Media. From and about any time period.
All things Hauntological
Club Saudade: a glimpse into the imagined decadence of these four legends meeting in 30 seconds. My digital ideas take time and begin life with a layered collage of the 4 of the most inspirational people for me right now, preparing for more AI animations #lumaaidreammachine "remembering, waiting, hoping, amid the ruins of all the rest; and bear unflinchingly, in the tiny and almost impalpable drop of their essence, the vast structure of recollection.” #Proust #Huysmans #Moreau #Montesquiou #hauntology #Time #Nostalgia
Here's a new piece. Thank you for listening. FRP
Made exclusively in Koala and once again inspired by this sub.
Hey everyone, newbie here! I'm a writer with a burgeoning interest in hauntology. I discovered Mark Fisher whilst researching for my PhD - Sense of Place and Alienation within Short Fiction - having been recommended the books Capitalist Realism and Ghosts of my Life. I've always had a fascination with the past and how music and nostalgia for place are interconnected. Anyway, I've written a couple of articles that touch the surface on 80s pop (more in relation to the mainstream stuff at the moment, the songs that everyone knows from family parties or the radio at work) and the influence it still has on contemporary culture. This is very much an early stage project and I'm keen to delve more into the hauntology around that era. If anyone has any insights or suggestions I'd love to hear them!
Here's an album I made a while ago, inspired by folk-horror, public information films, the radiophonic workshop, and downtempo beats. Enjoy!
Spotify link here: https://open.spotify.com/album/4oUsZAnUFEYeK6HVfQ4oJh?si=cGo_sx7LT4Sa-RoeJdLzwg
Inner Topology is a journey into modular soundscapes and exploration. Each track is a patch that was recorded live, in one freeform take.
The album goes through a lot of (sometimes conflicting) emotions —dissonance and harmony, tension and release, chaos and calmness— hopefully creating a sense of storytelling and exploration along the way.
As for the hardware, I used almost exclusively modular synthesizers, analog textures, and randomness. The music embraces imperfection, the beauty in dissonance and harmony.
For those who appreciate experimental sound and the storytelling potential of music, this album will hopefully hit the spot.
im doing an art project based around hauntology - i would love to know anyone here’s favourite art pieces or visual media that i could use as inspiration! so far ive got a lot of music (although will still happily take recommendations), im thinking horror films, sculptures, installations, art pieces, particular buildings etc. think skinamarink, donnie darko, creepy photography - thanks!
Hey yall, I'm in an experimental groove/jazz trio that makes dark, industrial, moody soundscapes through improv. we often sample Mark Fisher in our improv. Check it out below.
The term would be mechenistic yearning, Comparing the mechenisms of agency to the decay of machines and putting emotions on objects. Mecehnistic is not commonly used as a philosophical term
This is the video whare the scene was from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfOjYRV7X80
I have been trying to find what video was shown at the end of Sunshine Recorder by Mackem Wizza. Is probobly lost media or just very experimental and obscure. I will go into the details of the scene. Specificly at 4:36 seccond in
Most films like this are overlooked. The form of anthropomorphism is done more deeper, In the sense of how the camera zooms in on the wheel moving,
Before the Cog unscrews its self and descends from the wheel. Then the wheel collapses onto a screw. The cog then moves to try and help the blue screw, But acts as if aware of it's limiatations, So the red cog attemps to hide under the table before being stepped on. Another thing to realize is that thare the only scene with a person,
Until someone steps on the gear, Before placing the screw into the drawer.
Then the video ends with the blue screw bonding with a diffirant tool as the drawer closes. Does anyone know what experimental video this is from.
Mechenistic as in life like but not in a whimsical way.
The bicycle was moving on it's own with no human, Almost as if the gears are repreasent something deeper or philosophical about nostalgia and growth.
I might post this on lost media. But i think this is a good place to discuss. Since this has many philosophical yearning not usually discussed.
Would the term object oriented ontology be a good description of this scene. Anyways i would love to know.
The video was most likely around augest 12 2011