
Photograph via snooOG

The de facto hamster subreddit.

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There are no vets or anyone qualified to give advice here, please, see a vet for any medical problems. If you cannot see a vet, pretty much anywhere else on the internet is a better source. Posts seeking medical advice will be removed. This sub is for entertainment purposes only!

Please maintain civility in comments, offer constructive criticism instead of condemnation. If you cannot be nice your comment or post will be removed.

Post about your fuzzy buddy here! This sub is for the fun of it and not meant to provide any kind of veterinary or authoritative advice. Discussion on what's best for your hammy is encouraged.

Animal cruelty and trolls will not be tolerated. Please message the moderators if you see any animal abuse posts, trolling, or spam.


21,410 Subscribers


Hamster teeth

Are his teeth okay???? What should i doooo

13:04 UTC


I just wanted to share this because I've seen many people use softwood things

1 Comment
19:30 UTC


Anything I can add / change?

Added lots of stuff today and am very happy, but I’m really trying to upgrade as much as possible, any suggestions 🙏

13:13 UTC


Is popular shaving a good bedding for hamsters?

I’m planning to get a hamster and currently doing an extensive research!

1 Comment
11:26 UTC


He is so cute

10:35 UTC


Hamster not eating

I have my robo dwarf about 7 months. I generally clean her cage every two weeks or so.

This week i went to clean her Cage and i found that she has only eaten about half her food for the last two weeks. I found half of it inside one if her hides.

Up until a month ago she ate her food in her food bowl. But I've noticed she now takes her food. I assumed she was taking it and then eating it else where but it's like she's eating half as much as she has been since i got her.

I give her two pellets everyday for the past 7 months but i found 10 pellets when i cleaned her cage this time. So it of the 28 Pellets I've given her she's only ate 18 these past two weeks. but every other time she's finsiehd as far as i can tell everything.

Am i giving her too much food all of a sudden?

1 Comment
01:17 UTC


Stress behavior after being watched while on vacation?

My eternal hamster Mochi (2.5 years old) is perfectly happy and healthy hammy. She’s always been a little weirdo. Never chewed on toys. Never feared people or noises. (WHILE SUPERVISED) is great with my small dog. She barely even likes leaving her cage after many trials of building her mazes and enrichment in bath tubs and bathroom floors etc. She gets greedy when I clean her cage but she then gets excited for all the new treats which she gets many of because it’s the only thing she’ll chew. All this to say things that usually bug a hamster, doesn’t phase Mochi.

I was gone for two weeks and I had my friend watch Mochi. I moved Mochi’s enclosure to my friend’s house so she had all her things, her food, more or less her environment didn’t change. And my friend is a rabbit owner and trust worthy. She sent me lots of photos and videos showing a content Mochi. However one night when my friend was watching my hamster a family friend of theirs and their kids came over and I think the kids may have over-handled Mochi. My friend made sure to watch and monitor the kids and instructed them on what’s ok and what’s not. She didn’t bite because she never does but after the kids visit (which she hasn’t been exposed to before) she seemed to stick to her lair.

Cut to now I’ve noticed two odd behaviors: one is when she got home she picked up a food pellet (she gets seeds and greens don’t come for me it’s a mixed feed that I make) and instead of just taking it back to her house she was running laps with it in her mouth. I was like huh she’s never run in an anxious way maybe her vision is blocked because she’s a mini and sometimes when she carries big food she’s a little clumsy and can’t find her home. But today I saw a concerning behavior: she was chewing the glass sides and licking the sides of her sand bath. I’ve never seen that before. Again, this hamster for the love of god won’t chew ANY of the toys in her cage - but I keep them so she has an enriched area to run around and hide around.

I was going to clean her cage but I’m going to hold off and let her settle a bit undisturbed. Has anyone had a hamster come back a little funny and then settle back to normal? I’m going to throw in a peanut so she can chew something better than a glass Tupperware. I was watching her she didn’t like break her teeth or seem aggro about it but I’m just concerned because it’s so out of her character for her to chew anything let alone her sand bath.

Am I being a paranoid hamster weirdo? Should I leave it alone and monitor? Haven’t had an experience like this since I haven’t left her in someone’s care out of my home since I got her. We’ve moved places twice and even that didn’t bother her. So idk any advice is appreciated.

01:00 UTC


Why does my hamster not like me after having it for 7 months I get it out as often as I can but he still bites a lot

23:46 UTC


Name suggestion for my lil girl?

Got her home couple days ago from work (I work in a pet store and no I'm not using the cage in the pict, got her something better) couldn't decide a name for her and have just been calling her lil girl/girl. She's pretty chill and friendly. Loves her new big wheels and bathing sand area.

21:22 UTC


Silly Willy (Happy Hamster Day!)

19:38 UTC


hamster sushi🥢

10:11 UTC


My hammy :)

09:28 UTC


I did a no no…

So 2 1/2 years ago I was in a Petsmart getting cat food and as I always do I can’t help but stroll down the hammy aisle. Well, as you can see how could anyone resist this little guy. He came home with me. I miss my little man. His name was Rhino.

05:19 UTC


Female syrian keeps climbing on my hand then biting my finger/ help

22:08 UTC


Feeding Anxiety

Lately, Ive been moving on to scatter feeding my hamster (like im supposed to) and I’ve been very anxious about him running out of food. I scatter feed him every other day (so I don’t accidentally overfeed him) but I still feel like skipping one day or not filling his bowl up is animal cruelty. I also do keep a bowl in his cage with a teeny bit of food, but it still makes me nervous.

Is there anyway I can know for sure that he has enough to eat?

21:37 UTC


I really want one 🥺

19:08 UTC


Does anyone else like the smell of their hamster?

I haven't owned a hamster for a few years now, but I still remember the smell of my hamster's fur. It's such a nostalgic smell to me, and I can't help but love all the smells that come associated with hamsters, including their bedding and food. I miss my hamster and all his smells.

Does anyone else love all their hamster's smells? Or am I insane, haha?

14:48 UTC


Taking a nap inside this cup💤

1 Comment
13:19 UTC


Hammy being odd

Not sure how to fix this or if there is a way I can try cooerce my hammy to act different but recently he has started sleeping and eating in his sand bath. The real issue though is that he keeps peeing on his wheel and I for 1, don't know how to clean it properly as it is wooden, this was easier when he had a plastic one before I changed it. Once he had gotten the wooden wheel there was a time period where he stopped though once getting used to the wheel he started peeing on it again. Is this just him finding comfort in the wheel, is there any way to change this behaviour? Should I just get a new wheel or are there ways to clean these? Also, is my hamsters sudden comfort over his sandbath normal? He tends to bring his food there and even sleep there.

13:19 UTC


Tiny meal 🍔

11:49 UTC

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