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Sorry if this is a stupid question, I'm just really curious hah
He’s gonna fuck that head man
u/lamehornythrowaway (aka Momo) removed all the posts from their account a while ago, and said the profile was "under reconstruction" and that it'd be back up somewhere soon. Recently though they've deleted their account entirely and I've not seen anything about them since. I really loved their art and it's a shame to see it gone IMO, so if anyone has / knows of an archive of it, please share!
I hope Momo's okay and wish them well. It's not like anyone is owed an answer but their art deserves to be preserved.
Desmond Rockefeller: we had a special order today from Ceo [REDACTED] she whe picked sub1a. I was incharge of execution and cooking since Silvia ordered for brock to be processed. The experience was interesting....she wanted one last wish and it was to be used before she was killed. I explained to her i had a wife but the way she talked seemed desperate. So i had my way with her. I bounded her legs, and hands. Her pussy was tight and her reproductive tentacle coiling around my cock made it tighter. It was a experience that not even my wife couldn't provide. Once the deed was done she told me "see you tomorrow doc" i thought nothing of it then i decapitated her. Her head was stayed alive for a minute. So after a moment i began skull fucking her she used her tongue during her last moments of consciousness.she was a cute little whore. I came in her mouth shooting through her lips and on her face. After i marinated her i stuck her on one of our spit poles going through her ass, through her back and throat. After about 5 hours her skin began to glistened the smell was delight full and 4 gallons of troll milk collected and was used to glaze her meat. Personally i myself cooked her tentacle and her womb creating a sweet and tangy taste.