
Photograph via snooOG

Welcome to r/growmybusiness. This is the place to find and share creative advice to optimize your business growth.

Welcome to r/growmybusiness. This is the place to find and share creative strategies for optimized business growth.


Posting Guidelines:

  1. Ask a question about growing your business (include a question mark '?' in your title).

  2. Ask for feedback on your product (include the word 'feedback' in your title).

  3. To share advice, use the monthly thread.

Posting Tips:

  1. Try to be specific when asking questions.

  2. Keep discourse civil; be respectful and add value to dialogue

  3. No selling or up selling of products or services allowed.

  4. No external surveys/feedback requests. Too often this is upselling / collecting contact info and results in spammy posts.


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09:16 UTC


feedback on sdr role

looking for feedback on the way to build out a Commision only sales development team. preferred commission only type roles. feedback and input appreciated

1 Comment
23:50 UTC


Self published a colouring book about Burgundy wine. Need help how to drive sales?

Hi guys. I've self published a colouring book on Amazon. Any suggestions how to increase sales are highly appreciated. You can check my landing page here

What I tried already :

- Amazon ads, it generated some sales but not enough to pay for ads

What I am still planning to do:

- Building audience on social media. My plan is to publish daily "fun fact" about wine. Considering Instagram/Threads/Twitter

- Content marketing, building blog about wine though I am less inclined to do it.

12:33 UTC


Potential feedback on my web app

Hi, I've recently made a web app that allows medical students to verse each other and compete to see who can get the most questions right.

I've never really done anything like this before so I'm a bit lost on the business side of it and was hoping someone who knows a bit more than me would be able to provide me with some feedback.

Here's the link

I've managed to get some users from various subreddits but they don't seem to come back, I'd really appreciate any criticism/feedback, thank you.

1 Comment
22:00 UTC


Do you know of any coffee suppliers like dripshipper?

Does anyone have a good recommendation for sourcing coffee that will be sent to customers with my logo like Dripshipper? I was looking at dripshippers prices:

$30 a month fee + $13-14 per bag for a 12 oz bag

If you sell at a $5 markup for profit, that doesn't seem worthy of buying a bag at all. $19 for 12 oz's is a hard sell. Not to mention you would need to 6 bags a month just to break even and that is not even counting shopify fees. This has brought me back to the drawing board to get my coffee business off the ground.

02:48 UTC


Wana know my openion about your store? 10+ years experience in SEO PPC

I am free on this weekend so thought of sharing my insights, ask me anything will share my openions.

13:24 UTC


how do you scale from $500/month to 5K/month?

What is your approach on marketing and bringing more traffic to your product?
I'm a solopreneur running a video creation tool called cliptalk.pro that uses AI to turn ideas into short videos like those videos you see on tiktok and youtube shorts, Since last month I got it up to $500/month by publishing it's own generated videos on youtube where most of my customers are coming from, but I'm not sure what is the best way to bring more traffic and customers in other than relying videos shorts?

Anyone here have tried something similar? I'd love to hear.

11:15 UTC


Help! How Do I Grow My Digital Marketing Agency Without Crashing?

hey everyone, i’m diving into starting a digital marketing agency focused on health insurance. i’ve worked with many startups and seen some wild stuff—like one founder who blew all their budget on flashy ads with zero strategy and crashed and burned in months. i'm seriously paranoid about ending up the same way.

so far, i’m leveraging all the free resources i can find, like Y Combinator's Startup School and Reddit communities. got my website, content, and social media up and running. what’s next? any tips on scaling, getting clients, or avoiding common pitfalls? would love to hear your thoughts. thanks!

1 Comment
09:59 UTC


Thoughts about this idea?

Hi everyone!

I have builded many sites and tried to learn everything I can about SEO. Here in the Europe it's much easier to rank and build organic traffic to sites as foreign languages are far more easier than english. So publishing this idea will be much easier, when I consider myself good in SEO.

I read Twitter daily and see all the time people coming up with startup ideas they don't have time to pursue. Most of the times they are good ideas which will never be tested. They give them away, so someone could maybe get idea from them and build something related.

In the other hand, I see people struggling with business ideas and validating the ideas they have.

I was thinking about creating little side project website, where people could post their startup ideas and people can give their thoughts and vote the ideas. Leaderboards about accounts with most upvotes, with most ideas etc..

It would bring together the people with ideas which will never see the light of the day and people how in the other hand struggle with ideas.

So the site would solely be focused on startup company ideas, validating them, changing thoughts with one and another etc..

Thoughts about this?

1 Comment
13:01 UTC


[FEEDBACK] Help us not screw up: Share your car repair wisdom!

Hi r/growmybusiness,

My name is Matt, the founder of Tinkeru, a platform aimed at supporting DIY car repairs. We’re sharing a survey to gather insights from car enthusiasts like you.

Survey link: https://forms.gle/7oDA74CWcpiA2McQ8

Your feedback is essential in shaping Tinkeru!


12:46 UTC


How can I improve?

Hey guys!

I have been into digital marketing for the past 2 months and it’s going good till now but haven’t closed a sale yet

But tbh atm im not focusing on closing sales and small creator Becuase I have to make sure that I have a good name and trust in the market

Now the thing comes here is that…how can I improve my content and strategy?

Since you guys have been into business and know much better then me…is it possible for you guys to help me out with this?

I’m planning to make it a long term business where in future I can resell other peoples products, create my own product and sell it + also collaborate with other creators in the niche

This is my account at the moment


How can I improve it?

21:29 UTC


I have found stoic philosophy the best practise for keeping me sane with business as a whole. What are the best philosophy accounts you know on X (Twitter)?

that aren't just inspirational one liners

15:51 UTC


Thoughts on Sustainable Workout Clothing Options?

Hi everyone,

I've been thinking a lot about sustainability in fitness lately, particularly when it comes to workout clothing. With the rise of eco-friendly products, I wonder if a workout clothing rental service might be a good idea to help reduce waste and costs for fitness enthusiasts.

I'm curious about your thoughts and experiences:

  1. Have any of you tried eco-friendly or sustainable workout clothing? How was your experience?

  2. Would you be open to renting high-quality workout gear instead of buying it? What would make you more likely to use such a service?

  3. What concerns or potential issues do you think could arise with renting workout clothes?

I'm really interested in hearing about your experiences and opinions on this topic. Thanks in advance for sharing your insights!

11:44 UTC


Seeking Feedback: Adding Bubble Tea to Boost Daytime Revenue?

Hi everyone,

I run a dessert shop in North London that has been open for almost two years now. While our business is growing well overall, our daytime sales are quite poor. Currently, over 70% of our sales occur after 6 pm.

Our shop is located on a very busy High Street with a lot of foot traffic during the day. I'm considering introducing a special daytime-only menu featuring Bubble Tea and Coffee (we already serve Coffee, but Bubble Tea would be a new addition).

I would love to hear your thoughts on whether adding Bubble Tea is the right move. Additionally, I welcome any other ideas on how we can increase our daytime revenue.

Thank you!

08:30 UTC


Where to find ICA's for Entrepreneurs in the Direct to Consumer Space?

I'm currently conducting in-depth market research and seeking insights from entrepreneurs who understand the challenges of product development firsthand but have been struggling to find some and thought this would be a great place to go. I am looking for entrepreneurs who are navigating the startup grind and have experiences to share about overcoming hurdles, handling stress, and pushing boundaries in product development. Their insights will directly influence the business solution I'm developing for this industry.

Can this community please help offer advice as to what the best next steps would be to find these ICAs?

00:01 UTC


Why We Need More Quiet Salespeople?

Most of us grow up thinking of salespeople as loud and fast talkers who say anything to make the sale. Introverts on the other hand are typically described as inward focused, quiet, and reserved.

19:29 UTC


What do you think about FAQ sections?

I've been on a mission to crack the code on customer engagement, and I think I've found the secret sauce.

You know those FAQ pages that no one reads? Well, I decided to flip the script.

I really love FAQs, because they can deliver a lot of information in a short period of time. No marketing bs, just pure answers.

Here is some advice on how to make a banger FAQ:

  1. Focus on addressing the core concerns and hesitations that may prevent people from converting.
  2. Anticipate the most common objections potential customers may have.
  3. Keep the questions and answers concise, using simple language that's easy to understand.
  4. Preemptively overcome objections and fears, especially around sensitive topics like pricing or returns.
  5. Organize the FAQs logically, leading with the most important and persuasive points Instead of hiding FAQs.

I made a small widget that will present these key questions proactively. Maybe it will help you as well: https://www.faqpopup.comVisitors can quickly find the info they need, and even ask questions directly.

I'd love to hear your thoughts & experience with FAQs.

06:56 UTC


Need help applying case study: AI Phone Agent saved $20,000 in 30 days for a business?

I've been intrigued by AI and its ability to help businesses streamline time-consuming tasks. Recently, I discovered a case study where an AI voice agent was able to earn a business $20,000 in booked calls in a month. It got me thinking: what industry would a similar voice agent be applicable to?

Below, I've shared the case study and a demo number for a voice agent I developed. This technology is advancing rapidly, and I want to explore its potential further.

Case Study

A family-owned HVAC company struggled with managing a high volume of customer calls, including after-hours and weekend inquiries, resulting in missed opportunities and unmanaged leads. Hiring a dedicated call support team was not cost-effective.


The company implemented an AI system to handle calls autonomously, gather customer information, and notify service technicians via SMS, with options for live call transfers.


The AI integration featured custom capabilities such as Service Titan integration, live call transfers, SMS/email alerts, calendar and CRM integration, and Zapier automation.


In the first week, the company experienced a 20% increase in bookings and conversions. The system efficiently captured leads and managed tasks, enabling staff to handle more inquiries and outsource overflow.

Within 30 days, the company saved $20,000 in lost revenue due to the elimination of calls that went to voicemail, or lost leads. The voice agent's ability to answer calls 24/7 led to significant revenue growth, time savings, and reduced churn.

Here's the demo number for the voice agent I created: +1 (651) 372 2045

I believe this tech has strong use cases in a variety of industries, from home service, to dental clinics, to wedding photographers. This article studied the effect of missed calls in different businesses, if you're interested in learning more.

I want to get everyone's thoughts at r/growmybusiness and ask what industry you think this would be the most applicable for. Thank you!

23:45 UTC


How to best use social media to for my business?


I'm looking for tips on how to use social media to reach more customers and grow my business. I know having a strong online presence is key, but I'm not sure where to start. Any advice on creating engaging content, running ads, or building a brand community on social media would be awesome. I'm open to all suggestions!

My colleague suggested a lead generator called WarpLeads since they use it in their office. Has anyone tried it? She says it’s perfect for me since I don’t have to spend much and I can get unlimited export leads. If you can suggest any tool for me, that would be great!

Thanks a bunch for your help. Excited to hear your thoughts and learn from your experiences.

14:55 UTC


Rapid API feedback

We are evaluating Rapid API platform for one of the tech research projects.

Can anyone here help? Anyone who has

  1. Published or monetized API through Rapid API
  2. Integrated API from the Rapid API into your app or system.

Request you all to kindly help. You can text me here or on whatsapp/call +91-7890417050.

09:52 UTC


Small business owner looking for feedback on future expansion.

Small business owner looking for advice on future expansion.


My husband is an arborist and has owned a very small scale sole proprietorship tree service since 2018. He brings in a decent amount of revenue annually and has a decent amount of regular customers he does work for. At the beginning of this year he started climbing for another tree local service while he was waiting for his business to pick back up after “off season”. This local company is also pretty small scale itself but its two owners are much higher scale themselves, owning multiple companies that bring in a large amount of annual revenue, therefore the company has bigger and better equipment and A LOT more capital. The owners recently have asked my husband to become a partner and buy into the company.(They’re both getting older and are wanting to begin pulling back some to essentially retire.) They have offered to continue paying him his regular wages and gift my husband 10% of the company off the bat and discuss further buy in options on top of that. My husband is supposed to meet with them to discuss all the details and we want to be prepared prior to that meeting. (My husband is not much of a “business man” to be honest) What are some good questions he should ask at the future meeting? Any and all advice / suggestions is appreciated!!

16:50 UTC


What is the best way to recruit testers for Hygeia (https://www.tryhygeia.com/)?


Allergy management for chronic patients.

The ask

Provide feedback and help us build a service that makes living with chronic allergies easier.

How Hygeia works

  • Talk to an Allergist in less than 5 minfor advice
  • Get assigned to a Doctor that will follow you all along your journey
  • Your prescriptions refilled automatically

Is this valuable to you, and if so, how could it be better?

13:48 UTC


I can't retain users because, for some reason, my UX is challenging for people to navigate. I published a usability test, but people even struggle with that UX. please could you help?

For context,

My product is a user research platform (specifically for product managers to do regular product discovery).

I've run multiple user research studies in the past, and improved the product greatly, but yet there are still problems.

The problem is that new sign-ups (product managers) drop off at a particular point in the flow, never to return.

I'm trying to improve the experience, but I struggle to get those new signups on calls.

So, I set up a usability test survey with my platform to test a particular part of my platform.

But people seem to be unable to complete it.

I'm confused why.

The survey has 2 questions (1 website testing and 1 multiple choice question).

My user research platform doesn't have it's panel of participants for me to ask.

Plus, I'm now struggling to get my target users on calls to participate in user research.

So, Reddit is my last resort.

For further context, the usability test is https://www.prepsus.io/research/7905633486331311/link

please could you help by trying the test and giving me some feedback?

20:04 UTC


Feedback: I'll find your brand 10 social media influencers for free (Instagram & TikTok)

Hi guys! I'm David, the founder of Spark Climb. I've been in the influencer marketing space for 7 years, building influencer tech through a data-driven approach. I've worked with hundreds of brands and just started my own agency.

I'd love to help you find 10 prospective social media influencers that can help promote your products!

  • Link your website / social feeds
  • Describe primary buyer demographic
  • Platforms you want to activate influencers on
  • PM me your email so I can send you lists

While we built our influencer tech, we realized a MASSIVE problem was influencers with fake followers, so I'm leveraging a bot detector to weed out any of those kinds of influencers.

Feel free to PM / post questions here as well!

17:48 UTC


Is it okay to use comparative advertising?

Hello business owners, I need some advice. Is it okay to use comparative advertising? For instance, can we compare tennis rackets we buy from another factory to high-end brands like Prince Phantom X40? Can we also mention our quality control and that they are made in the same factory? Is it allowed? Thank you.

16:49 UTC


What's your biggest challenge with supplier sourcing?

Hello business owners,

I’m curious to know: what’s the biggest challenge you face when sourcing suppliers for your business? Whether it’s finding the best prices, vetting suppliers, negotiation, or just managing the whole process, I’d love to hear your experiences.

23:22 UTC


Looking for feedback: Seaplify: Empowering Maritime Professionals with Digital Solutions

Seaplify is an innovative digital platform that modernizes the maritime industry’s recruitment process and enhances community engagement among maritime professionals. It serves as a comprehensive hub where seafarers can find job opportunities, access a digital library for ongoing learning, participate in quizzes for exam preparation, and connect with a global maritime community. Seaplify is ideal for maritime professionals at all stages of their careers, providing essential tools to enhance their employability and professional connections.

The Market:

The maritime industry plays a crucial role in the global economy, employing millions and showing significant growth potential. The market for digital solutions in maritime recruitment and community engagement is still emerging, with many opportunities for innovation. Seaplify distinguishes itself by offering a unified platform that addresses the industry’s challenges, such as outdated recruitment methods and the lack of a centralized professional community.

Product Analysis / Comparison Against Competition:

Seaplify sets itself apart from traditional maritime employment agencies and fragmented software solutions by integrating job listings, community engagement tools, and educational resources into a single platform. This integrated approach not only appeals to tech-savvy seafarers but also provides maritime companies with a more efficient and effective recruitment solution.

Stage and Funding:

Seaplify is currently in a growth phase with a solid user base and expanding partnerships with maritime companies. We are actively seeking strategic investments to scale our operations and enhance our platform’s features. Our aim is to broaden our reach within the maritime industry and establish Seaplify as the leading solution for maritime professionals worldwide.

Customer Conversion Strategy:

Seaplify reaches potential users through targeted online marketing campaigns on maritime-focused forums, social media platforms, and at industry conferences. We engage potential customers by showcasing the platform’s comprehensive features through webinars, free trials, and showcasing success stories from our users.

Why Us?

The Seaplify team is composed of individuals with extensive experience in the maritime sector and technology development. Our deep understanding of maritime professionals’ needs and challenges drives our commitment to providing a superior platform. With our innovative approach and dedicated team, Seaplify is uniquely positioned to transform how maritime professionals connect, learn, and advance their careers.

04:44 UTC


Seeking Feedback and Validation - News API Service

Hello everyone,

I hope you're all doing well!

I'm reaching out for some advice and feedback rather than promoting a product. I've had a tough time finding an affordable news API service, which led me to create one myself.

I want to ensure that what I've built is genuinely useful, so I would love to hear your thoughts. Your feedback would be incredibly valuable in helping me improve the service.

If this post doesn't align with community rules, please let me know.

If you're interested in taking a look and providing feedback, the service is feedrika.com. (Again, this isn't a sponsored post—just genuinely seeking advice!)

Thanks a ton in advance for any insights you can share!

09:37 UTC


How can I grow MyChatbots.AI?

Hey growth hackers! 👋

I've been working on an AI chatbot platform called MyChatbots.AI, and I'm looking for some advice on how to grow it effectively. 🚀

MyChatbots.AI allows users to create and train custom AI chatbots using their own data. It's designed to be user-friendly and can be incredibly helpful for streamlining workflows in marketing, development, SEO, and more.

I believe this tool has a lot of potential, but I'd love to get your input on some growth strategies. Here are a few questions I have:

  1. What channels or platforms would you recommend focusing on for user acquisition?
  2. Do you have any suggestions for creating content that showcases the benefits of MyChatbots.AI?
  3. How can I encourage user engagement and retention?
  4. Are there any specific growth hacks or tactics you've found effective for similar tools?

I'm open to any ideas, insights, or experiences you'd like to share.

Thanks in advance for your help. I'm excited to learn from this amazing community! 🙏

09:21 UTC


Need feedback for the Agotrax(mobile app)

This is the app https://www.agotrax.com/

The application teaches english using chatgpt models.

Im not sure to continue to develop the application.

It just MVP.

Prompts might be better.

Im not not sure is it worth to spent more time for this app.

17:10 UTC

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