Ladies of the past cavorting themselves in a most dubious manner
Be on thy guard of any unusual private communiques enclosing a desire to share "private" photos with you from unknown or new suitors. It could be a virus or the syphilis!
For courting, strumpetry, cavorting, Greco-Roman wrestling bouts, and sexual brannigans please go to Oxfordshire Park.
0) Report any comments or threads you find unsavory. Constables will check the reported queue as often as humanly possible. Should you come across voyeurs being mean spirited (routinely), comments, or people shouting thy personal info at the public square (names, address of post, etc.) report it immediately and do your God-given duty!
1) Be respectful. Don't insult the ones brave enough to proffer lithographs / videograms. If you don't want to see the male tallywhacker then don't open the ones with the [gentleman] tag... it'll likely be tallywhackers.
2) Don't make blatantly 'creepy' or 'Jack the Ripper' comments. Don't be a common harlot / strumpet. No one likes it and it's just not as enjoyable as being part of the GW box social.
3) The man who delivers these engravings by horseback sometimes mistakenly nabs perfectly genuine non-counterfeit works. If you think a submission of yours or someone else has been "banished" then please contact the Lord of your township.
4) Please add a [gentleman] or [lady] tag in the title of your submission(s). Feel free to be creative and play with this tag. An empty titular diagram or simply a mark of question are also admissible, with the understanding that if someone inquires within they don't mind a surprising outcome!
5) GW constables don't moderate conversations. Sorry, can't help with inaudible questions. Feel free to contact us about anything else.
She’s rather…French! She has this wonderful new concept, letting the wine breath. To bring the enjoyment to its highest level, she it insists it must be done au naturale! The experience has been quite liberating.